District Court / Division One
Judge Amy Hanley
Felony matters
Accessing a Hearing via Youtube for Division 1
7th Judicial District Court - YouTube
Scheduling dockets are broadcast live on the District Court YouTube channel.
The hearings are viewable only while they are occurring live. Screenshots or recording not allowed.
Specific Docket Information
Division 1 Criminal Docket:
Wednesday at 9:00 AM
Defendants and attorneys may appear by Zoom or in-person. For Zoom connection information, contact the Division 1 administrative assistant.
Division Staff Contact Information
Kris Knowles
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (785) 832-5265
Donna Lytle
Court Reporter
Phone: (785) 832-5234
Judicial and Law Enforcement Center
111 E 11th St
Lawrence, KS 66044
United States