District Court / Division Five
Judge Mark A. Simpson
Chapter 60 Major Civil, Drug Treatment Court, Expungements, and Care and Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness
Division 5 handles civil actions pursuant to Chapter 60 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. This includes a wide range of cases including name changes, claims of negligence, breach of contract, malpractice, wrongful death, and more.
Additionally, Judge Simpson handles cases filed under the Care and Treatment Act for Mentally Ill Persons and oversees the county’s Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program (AOT). In the AOT program, the court collaborates with the Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center to engage participants who have severe mental illnesses in mental health treatment in the community after they are released from inpatient treatment.
Division 5 is also the home of the Douglas County Drug Treatment Court. The Drug Treatment Court’s goal is to reduce recidivism in people with felonies related to substance use disorders by offering treatment as an alternative to incarceration. To learn more about Douglas County’s Drug Treatment Court visit our website. (https://www.douglascountyks.org/drug-court)
- Instructions and forms for expungement of arrest record, conviction or diversion | Kansas Judicial Council
- Facts About Expungement in Kansas |Kansas Legal Services
- Relief from Drug Offender Registration
Name Change
- Instructions and forms for adult name change | Kansas Judicial Council
- Instructions and forms for the name change of a minor | Kansas Legal Services
Drug Treatment Court
- Douglas County Drug Court: https://www.dgcoks.gov/drug-court
- More information on treatment courts: https://allrise.org/about/treatment-courts/
- Articles about our local Drug Treatment Court graduates
- Hope: https://lawrencekstimes.com/2023/10/07/renewed-hope/
- Robert, Dustin, and Wendy: https://lawrencekstimes.com/2024/06/07/drug-court-grads-2024-06/
Specific Docket Information
Division 5 Drug Court:
Friday at 10:00 AM
Division 5 Name Change Docket:
First Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 PM
Division 5 Expungement Docket:
Third Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 PM
Self Help Office
Pro se (self-representing) parties may visit the Self Help Office for assistance in finding and filling out legal forms. Please note that the Self Help staff cannot provide legal advice.
Judicial and Law Enforcement Building
111 E 11th St
Lawrence, KS 66044
United States