The County Clerk's Office is responsible for paying all of the County Claims and Payroll for County employees. We assist in filling out the Homestead Tax refund forms.
This Office is also responsible for all national, state and local elections conducted in Douglas County.
The Real Estate Division is responsible for certified ownership list for use by the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Office, also applying special assessments to parcels within a Benefit District.
Frequently Asked Questions

Jamie Shew
County Clerk
Jamie Shew was elected County Clerk/County Election Officer for Douglas County, Kansas, in 2004. He is currently in his fourth term of office. Prior to his election he worked in higher education administration and business management. He is active in Election Center, IaGo, GFOA, Kansas Association of Counties, and Kansas County Clerks & Elections Officials Association where he served as president in 2014-15. Jamie has achieved Master County Clerk status in Kansas and earned national Certified Election Registration Administrator (CERA) status in 2017.