Contact Us
Location: Judicial and Law Enforcement Building
Public Library Hours
Tuesdays: 8:30am-3:00pm
Wed. & Thurs: 8:30am-12:30pm
Manager's Hours
Monday: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed. & Thurs. 8:30am-12:30pm
Contact: Contact Law Library Manager
Phone: (785) 838-2477
Library Manager: Lindsey Pendry
Volunteer Opportunities
The Law Library is seeking volunteers for 1-2 hours/month. If interested, please click on the following link or call the Law Library Manager at the number above.
Copying & Printing
The Law Library has a combined photocopier/printer available for use by its patrons. The charge is 10¢ per page. Printing and scanning are only available from the Library’s patron workstations.
Michael J. Malone Douglas County Law Library

The mission of the Douglas County Law Library is to provide legal and law-related resources through a law library, focused on a Kansas practice, conveniently located in the Judicial Center for use by the bar, bench and public.
Visiting attorneys may access the Law Library resources, but are required to check in with District Court. Please contact an Administrative Assistant from Divisions 1-7 for more information.
Kansas Statutes and Case Law
The library contains most resources needed for researching the law of the United States, Kansas or other states. You can search for materials in our catalog or review its most recent acquisitions. The library collection is updated frequently.
- National Primary Plus & Kansas Practice Library through Lexis Advance® legal research
- Bradley Child Support Software
- Criminal Law resources
- Family Law resources
- Juvenile Law resources
- Probate Law resources
- Standard Traffic Ordinances
- KBA/Practice handbooks covering Kansas law in many areas
- Kansas Statutes/Kansas Reports
- Legal encyclopedias, treatises and other materials
- Recent legal periodicals
- Electronic filing
News and Announcements
March 2025 DCBA Announcements
March Social and Officer Elections
When: Thursday, March 6th
- Social at 5:00; Meeting at 6:00
Where: Culinaria
- 512 E 9th Street, Lawrence
Brown Bag CLE * Ethics
When: Thursday, March 20th; noon-1:00pm
What: Carry Emergency Confetti: Countering Despair with Gratitude, Celebration and Joy!
Who: Jennifer Roth, Deputy Appellate Defender
Where: Douglas County Old Courthouse, 2nd Floor
*1 hour CLE credit approved in Kansas
Join or Renew Registration
Please complete and submit the 2025 Registration Form and the $50 registration fee (check only made payable to “Michael J Malone Law Library”) by mail to:
Michael J Malone Douglas County Law Library
111 East 11th Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
OR in person one of three ways:
- Brought to the Law Library during Manager's hours: Mon. 1:00pm-5:00pm; Tues. 8:30am-4:30pm; Wed/Thurs 8:30am-12:30pm. OR,
- Placed in the drop box outside the West Entrance of Judicial and Law Enforcement Center in envelope clearly marked "Law Library". OR,
- Submitted to the Clerk's office to be placed in the Law Library Manager's mailbox.
**NOTE: checks only.
In order to meet the statutory obligation pursuant to K.S.A. 20-3126, the payment must be received by January 15, 2022. Attorneys whose registration is not paid by that date may not file pleadings or documents until paid.
Art Gallery
Current Exhibition
Our March/April art display is an exclusive exhibit by The Lawrence Photography Club. The very talented work of seven members of this club will be on display throughout the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center.
Storefront by Dave Horner

About the Library
The Douglas County Law Library was established under the auspices of the District Court of Douglas County, Kansas, pursuant to Kansas Statutes 20-3126 through 20-3132, and opened on May 1, 2003. On August 28, 2014, it was renamed the Michael J. Malone Douglas County Law Library for the Honorable Michael J. Malone, who was the driving force behind the establishment of the Law Library. The Law Library is open to the general public as noted on this website. Licensed attorneys in Douglas County who have paid their annual Law Library Registration Fee and been issued a key have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Attorneys should contact the Library about getting a key.
Attorneys who have not paid their Registration Fee are prohibited from filing any and all transactions with the Clerk of the District Court until the fee is paid. They also are ineligible to run for one of the five positions reserved for attorneys on the Michael J. Malone Douglas County Law Library Board of Trustees and to vote in elections for those positions.
Board of Trustees
Michael Jilka
Trustee, President of the Board - Term Expires 3.31.25
Erin Levy
Trustee, Secretary of the Board - Term expires 3.31.26
Robert Bruer
Trustee - Term expires 3.31.25
The Honorable James R. McCabria
Chief Judge, District Court Division IV
The Honorable Catherine Theisen
Judge, District Court Division III – Term Expires 3.31.25
About the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October on the third Tuesday of the month at 12:00 noon in the Law Library.
The Michael J. Malone Douglas County Law Library Board of Trustees was organized pursuant to Kansas Statute 20-3127(b) which reads: (b) (1) The board of trustees of any law library established or governed under this act in Johnson, Sedgwick and Douglas counties shall consist of the following five members:
(A) Two judges of the district court, appointed by a consensus of all judges of the district court in such county; and
(B) three members of such county's bar association, appointed by selection of the county bar association pursuant to the county bar association's bylaws for two-year terms.
(2) The board of trustees of the law library in all other counties shall consist of the district judge or judges of the district court presiding in such county and not less than two attorneys who shall be elected for two-year terms by most of the attorneys residing in the county.
Frequently Asked Questions
Judicial and Law Enforcement Building
111 E 11th St
Lawrence, KS 66044
United States
Hours: Tue, Wed & Thu 9am - Noon
Email: Email Us
Phone: (785) 838-2477