County Clerk
County Clerk Jamie Shew

Current Term
2004 - Present
B.S. Political Science / M.P.A.
Past Experience
Jamie Shew was elected County Clerk/County Election Officer for Douglas County, Kansas, in 2004. He is currently in his fourth term of office. Prior to his election he worked in higher education administration and business management. He is active in Election Center, IaGo, GFOA, Kansas Association of Counties, and Kansas County Clerks & Elections Officials Association where he served as president in 2014-15. Jamie has achieved Master County Clerk status in Kansas and earned national Certified Election Registration Administrator (CERA) status in 2017.
Since taking office, he has led a redesign of the Douglas County Clerk’s Office, focusing on accessibility, organization effectiveness and efficiency. He has been recognized for his innovative initiatives to potential voting barriers, including creation of the Douglas County Voter I.D. and the birth certificate assistance programs. Jamie has focused on ways to use the Internet to improve outreach and cut costs, specifically use of social media. Jamie has provided leadership in implementing a new integrated financial system in Douglas County. His efforts were recognized by the Lawrence/Douglas County League of Women Voters Helen Fluker Award for Open and Transparent Government. Jamie has presented to local, state, and national audiences on a variety of election topics, sharing his passion for election administration.
Jamie grew up in a small town in Missouri, he has made his home in Lawrence, Kansas, where is active with Douglas County 4-H, Leadership Lawrence, Plymouth UCC Church and running kids around town. He is married to Dawn and they have three children, Jake, Annie, and David and a growing menagerie of pets.