Public Works
Noxious Weed Control
The Kansas Noxious Weed Law (K.S.A. 2-1314 et seq) requires all persons who own or supervise land in Kansas to control and eradicate all weeds declared noxious by legislative action.
Certain weeds are declared noxious are identified by the State of Kansas.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Kansas Noxious Weed Law to every person who owns or supervises land in Douglas County that noxious weeds growing or found on such land shall be controlled and eradicated. Control is defined as preventing the production of viable seed and the vegetative spread of the plant.
The Kansas Noxious Weed Law
The Kansas Noxious Weed Law was first enacted in 1937. It requires the control, management and eradication of 14 plants designated as noxious weeds by the Kansas Legislature.
Vegetation Management Plan
This plan covers vegetation management operations completed by the Douglas County Public Works Department. These operations include roadside mowing, park maintenance, revegetation practices, herbicide use and noxious weed control. This plan is intended to direct daily operations, and to provide a format for ongoing public review and input.