Ways to Vote

Voting and Elections

2024 General Election Results (will be shown when they become available)

Contact Us

Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Ways to Vote

In-person Advance, by law, can begin up to twenty (20) days prior to each election. Show up at an In-person site and vote. Bring your ID.

2024 General Election Advance Voting Schedule


October 16 to October 25 - 8AM to 6PM

October 28 to November 1 - 8AM to 7PM


October 26 - 9AM to 3PM

November 2 - 9AM to 3PM

Last Day for Advanced Voting

Monday, November 4 (closes at noon by law) - 8AM to Noon



October 26 - 9AM to 3PM

November 2 - 9AM to 3PM


October 26 - 9AM to 3PM

November 2 - 9AM to 3PM


October 26 - 9AM to 3PM

November 2 - 9AM to 3PM


Douglas County Fairgrounds - Flory Meeting Hall (see map)


October 28 to November 1 - 10AM to 7PM

St Margaret's Episcopal Church (see map)


October 28 to November 1 - 10AM to 7PM

Lied Center Pavilion (see map)

Tuesday, October 29 - 10AM to 7PM

Wednesday October 30 - 10AM to 5PM

Thursday, October 31 - 10AM to 7PM

Friday, November 1 - 10AM to 7PM

Voting By Mail

To vote by mail you must complete an Application for Advance Ballot by Mail (PDF format) by printing it out or go to www.ksvotes.org to fill out a form online. KSVotes.org is smart phone compatible for your signature.

Important! Please Note: Digital typed signatures are not accepted. We verify your signature against your voter registration record. After you have completed the application, please return it to our office:

Return to use via mail:

Douglas County Clerk's Office

c/o Elections Office

711 W. 23rd Street Suite 1 Lawrence KS 66046

Via fax:


Via email:


Notes on mail-in ballots

  • A separate application must be submitted for each election, except in the case of permanent illness or disability (see below, Permanent Advanced Voting Status).
  • Your completed application must be received at the Election Office by the Tuesday prior to the election (K.S.A. 25-1122(f)). Submit your application early to avoid delays!
  • Ballots will be mailed beginning 20 days before the election.

2024 General Election

Ballot drop boxes are convenient secure boxes where you can drop your mail-in ballot beginning 20 days prior to an election. These boxes are checked daily by a non-partisan board of election officials. These boxes are secured and closed at 7PM on Election day.

  • Douglas County Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence (see map)
  • Douglas County Clerk and Elections Office, 711 W. 23rd St, Lawrence (see map)
  • Baldwin City Hall, 803 Eighth St, Baldwin City (see map)
  • Treasurer Satellite-South Lawrence Office, 2000 West 31st Street, Lawrence (see map)
  • Eudora City Hall, 4 E 7th St, Eudora (see map)
  • Lecompton City Hall, 327 Elmore St, Lecompton (see map)
  • Douglas County Fairgrounds - Flory Meeting Hall, 2120 Harper St, Lawrence (see map)
  • Golf Course Superintendents Building, 1421 Research Park Dr, Lawrence (see map

Election Day Voting

The polling place is the location where voters go to vote on Election Day. It is equipped with private voting booths, voting materials and voting assistance items. Polling locations are staffed with poll workers who can assist you with the voting process. The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day in multiple locations across Douglas County.

Find what's on your ballot here: Voter Registration Search

Find your polling place here: Polling Place Map

Information on Voter ID requirements for Kansas residents.

Military and Overseas Voting

UOCAVA is a Federal program that is designed to allow overseas voters and military personnel to actively participate in our democratic process. Here is a link you can access for more information about the program: UOCAVA Information's website

In order to become qualified as a UOCAVA voter it is necessary for the Federal Post Card Application-Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request (PDF format) to be completed and submitted to our office. 

After you have completed the aforementioned application please return it to our office via email: uocava@dgcoks.gov or via mail to: 

Douglas County Clerk's Office 

c/o Elections Office 

711 W. 23rd Street Suite 1 

Lawrence, KS 66046

Provisional Voting

How provisional ballots work, and the reasons you may be asked (or choose) to vote provisionally.

Reasons for Provisional Ballot

A provisional ballot is voted when there is a question regarding the validity of a voter's registration, or in the process of voting, they did not satisfy voting requirements. Reasons for provisional ballots include:

  • The voter has had a name change.
  • The voter showed up at their "new" polling location, but they never updated their voter registration information and they still appear at their former registered address.
  • The voter did not bring photographic identification to the polling location.
  • The voter did not know what location they were supposed to go, and showed up at any given location, and were not on the poll book.
  • The voter appears in the poll book as having voted in advance.
  • The voter was not in line at the close of voting at 7 pm, but insists on voting anyway.
  • The voter is not registered in Douglas County.

Instructions for Provisional Ballot

It is your responsibility when voting a Provisional Ballot to:

  1. Receive a provisional ballot envelope with a voter registration card attached.
  2. Check the envelope and verify that reason for the challenge has been marked.
  3. Complete the registration card, including former address or former name and leave it attached to the envelope.
  4. Sign the envelope. (Note: At the time of counting, your ballot will be separated from the signed envelope in order to guarantee the confidentiality of your vote.
  5. Receive the appropriate unmarked ballot from the Election Board.
  6. Take the envelope (with the voter registration attached) and the unmarked ballot into the voting booth and vote your ballot.
  7. Check over your ballot to make sure it is complete and correct.
  8. Place your voted ballot in the envelope and seal it to protect your privacy.
  9. Hand the envelope with your voted ballot sealed inside to the election board worker.

Your provisional ballot will be processed after election night to determine whether the Board of County Canvassers will accept or reject your ballot. You should be given a receipt containing an explanation of provisional voting and telephone numbers for finding out whether your ballot was accepted.

Kansas Voter's Rights and Responsibilities

As a Kansas Elector, you have the right to:

  • Ask questions
  • Request a ballot if you are a United States citizen, 18 years or older, a Kansas resident, and possibly registered to vote.
  • Vote a provisional ballot if your name is not on the voter registration list or if there is another question about your qualifications to vote.
  • Vote in an accessible voting place, and receive assistance if needed.
  • Review a sample ballot before voting.
  • Receive a ballot if you are in line at the time the polls close.
  • Obtain up to 2 replacement ballots if yours is mismarked or spoiled.
  • Occupy the voting booth up to 5 minutes if others are waiting.
  • Have your ballot count if it is cast legally and timely.

As a Kansas elector, you have the responsibility to:

  • Register to vote at least twenty-one days before the election
  • Respect the privacy and voting rights of others
  • Read and follow instructions
  • Follow all federal and state voting laws the county election officer and precinct elections board workers.
  • Report illegal activities such as electioneering or denial of voting rights to the precinct election board, the county election officer or the Secretary of State.
  • Review your ballot before casting it to ensure it is complete and correct.
  • Treat election workers and other voters with courtesy and respect.
  • Be informed about the candidates and issues on the ballot.
  • Keep your voter registration and address records current in the county election office.

Safeguarding Your Advanced Ballot

All voters who are voting by mail should follow these simple steps to protect the integrity of their ballot:

  • Vote the ballot yourself. Do not let another person tell you how you should vote.
  • If you are physically unable to vote the ballot, be certain that the person assisting you can be trusted and is NOT: with a political campaign; your employer; agent of employer; or officer or agent of a union to which you are a member. If you do require assistance, an "Affidavit of Assistance in the County of Douglas, State of Kansas " must be completed and you will find it printed on the back of the return envelope.

Permanent Advanced Voting

A person with a permanent illness or disability may apply at any time to the county election officer for permanent advance voting status using an Application for Permanent Advance Voting Status (PDF format). Once a voter obtains permanent status, the county election officer automatically sends the voter an advance ballot by mail for every election they are eligible to vote in. 

The voter must specify the nature of the permanent physical disability or illness that makes it difficult or impossible for the voter to go to the regular polling place to cast a ballot. A permanent advance voting applicant is not required to furnish a physician's records or signature, but the applicant should be specific as to the nature of the sickness or disability; using "age" or "failing health" is not adequate. 

After you have completed the application, please return it to our office via email to elections@dgcoks.gov or via mail:

Douglas County Clerk's Office 
c/o Elections Office 
711 W. 23rd Street Suite 1 
Lawrence, KS 66046