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As of November 2nd, 2017, 71 Kansas Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) utilizing the statewide call handling system now have the ability to receive 911 text messages. Text-to-911 service will be available for those individuals who cannot safely make a voice call to 911 in an emergency. This will be a valuable service to the deaf and hard of hearing community.
Some situations when Text-to-911 is appropriate:
- Hearing-impaired or individuals with a speech disability
- A caller who is unable to speak due to a medical or other condition
- Emergency situations that would put the caller in danger if making a voice call
- Examples include abduction, domestic violence or active shooter situation
When texting to 911, follow these guidelines:
- Provide your exact address or location- Location accuracy is not as reliable through text messaging
- Explain the type of emergency or help that is being requested
- Be prepared to answer any questions that the 911 telecommunicator texts back
- Use plain language; do not use abbreviations, symbols, emoticons, or photos
- Messages should be brief and concise
Source: Kansas 911 Coordinating Council