Kansas Open Records Act (KORA)

Douglas County, KS

Kansas Open Records Act (KORA)


The Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) allows you to inspect and obtain copies of public records created or maintained by public agencies in Kansas. KORA, K.S.A. 45-215, declares it is the public policy of Kansas that “public records shall be open for inspection by any person.” Public records are defined as “any recorded information, regardless of form or characteristics, which is made, maintained or kept by or is in the possession of any public agency.”

Your Rights

  • You may request assistance from the District Attorney’s Freedom of Information Officer during regular business hours.
  • To obtain a copy of the District Attorney’s policies and procedures for access to records.
  • To receive a response to your request within three business days of the date the request was received. The response may inform you it will take additional time to produce the records.
  • To inspect and obtain copies of public records which are not exempt from disclosure by a specific law.
  • To file a complaint with the Kansas Attorney General if you feel your request for public records was wrongfully denied.

Requesting a Record

Requests to the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office for access to or copies of public records under the Kansas Open Records Act must be made in accordance with the following guidelines:

Direct your record request(s) to: 

Freedom of Information Officer

Douglas County District Attorney’s Office

111 E. 11th Street, Unit 100

Lawrence, KS 66044-2912

Fax: (785) 832-8202

E-mail: damedia@dgcoks.gov (with the subject line: “Open Records Request”)

Additional Information

Requests for access to or copies of public records must:

  • Be in written form.
  • Include the name and address of person requesting the information.
  • A specific description of records being requested.
  • Request should be as specific as possible to expedite the process.

Regular office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Records may be inspected during those hours.

A list of names and addresses in public records may not be used to solicit the purchase of service or property.

The District Attorney’s Office will work in good faith to minimize cost for the requestor. No charge for staff or attorney time will be assessed for any request requiring one hour or less to complete. All other requests will be charged at the lowest possible fee not to exceed: i. Clerical time charged at $18 per hour; ii. General attorney time charged at $35 per hour; iii. Supervisory attorney time charged at $50 per hour. Fees shall be charged in advance for the provision of access to and the copying of public records and proof of identity may be requested. Fees for copies shall not exceed the actual cost of furnishing copies, including the cost of staff time required to make them or supervise the copying. Fees for providing access to computer records shall include the cost of computer services including staff time required.

All efforts will be made to process your request for public records as soon as it is received; however, some requests may be delayed or denied if:  more information is needed in order to retrieve the records; the requested records are archived or stored off site; or the volume of records requested is large and will take time to duplicate.  Requests may be denied in whole or in part if: The requested record does not exist; the requested record is exempt from disclosure by law; or the request is unclear and more information is needed.  If the request is delayed or denied, you will be sent a written explanation for the delay or denial within three days of the date your request was received. You may be requested to provide additional information if access to public records or the purpose for which the records are to be used is limited by state law.  Permission to inspect or copy public records may be denied if: The request “places an unreasonable burden in producing public records;” or the custodian of the records “has reason to believe repeated requests are intended to disrupt other essential functions of the public agency.” Denial of a person’s inspection or copying request must be explained in writing if the person requests such an explanation.

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