Updated Home Based Business Regulations

Updated Home Based Business Regulations

Leo Ruhnke | Administrative Specialist

March 13, 2025 3:19 pm

Douglas County Zoning and Codes is pleased to announce the consideration of a Text Amendment to our current Home-Based Business regulations. This amendment was considered by the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission on December 16, 2024, and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a unanimous recommendation for approval. The goal of this amendment is to update the Home-Based Business regulations to reflect changing technologies and streamline the registration process. Type 1 Home-Based Businesses with fewer impacts on neighbors would be permitted by right and would no longer require registration and payment of an annual fee, provided that certain standards are met. Type 2 Home-Based Businesses with greater impacts would continue to require registration and would be subject to additional standards, but would move from an annual renewal to a biennial renewal. As a Home-Based Business registrant in Douglas County, we invite you to review the materials, offer feedback, and attend the meeting. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Douglas County Zoning and Codes office at 785-331-1344 or at zoning@dgcoks.gov.


To view the agenda item report, please click the following link: Agenda Item Report 24-747

To view our existing Home-Based Business regulations, please click the following link: ch12 ZONING REGULATIONS 09.16.23.pdf