Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, June 13, 2022 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, June 13, 2022

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire St., Lawrence

and Zoom

  1. Administrative Items: 6:30-6:50pm
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • No May minutes for approval
    • July meeting: mini-retreat 6pm-9pm at Baker Wetlands Discovery Center
      1. Consider approving a budget for business purpose refreshments and rentals
    • Shout outs
  2. Public Comment: Welcome to the monthly business meeting of the Food Policy Council. Please use the Public Comment period to share your food system interests, questions, and work with the Council. Due to limited meeting time, please refrain from interjecting comment or questions during the business portions of the meeting. However, Council leadership or members will be happy to continue discussion with you after the meeting:
  3. Impact Dashboard Update with guest Eileen Horn, Food System Consultant: 6:50-7:50pm
    • Preview of indicators for Goals 3 & 4
    • Review revised timeline and role for FPC
  4. Budget Requests: 7:50-8:15pm
    • Consider approving a budget for Council member attendance at the Urban Food Systems Symposium: September 26-28 in Kansas City
      1. Cost estimates: Registration = $375 (ends 6/15) and $425/person; Mileage ~ $100 for 2 days round trip/vehicle 
    • Consider approving a budget for photography to illustrate storytelling components of the dashboard
      1. Quote pending from Aundrea Walker
  5. Member Updates: 8:15-8:25pm
  6. Staff Report: 8:25-8:30pm
  7. Adjourn

Next Meeting: July 18, 2022, Baker Wetlands Discovery Center at 1365 N 1250 Rd., Lawrence

In attendance: Maggie Bornholdt, Tamara Cash, Sherrie Cleavinger, Cody Haynes, Ashley Hornberger, Margit Kaltenekker, Elizabeth Keever, Tyler Lindquist, Emily Lysen, Erin Melton

Absent: Dietrich Earnhart, Laura McCulloch

Staff: Umut Bayramoglu, Kim Criner Ritchie, Jamie Hofling

Guests: Eileen Horn, Food System Consultant


  1. Administrative Items: 6:30-6:50pm
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve agenda with correction of early bird cost in item IV to $375 by Elizabeth, second by Tamara. Nine votes in favor. Motion passes.
    • No May minutes for approval
    • July meeting: mini-retreat 6pm-9pm at Baker Wetlands Discovery Center
      1. Consider approving a budget for business purpose refreshments and rentals
        1. Motion to approve up to $500 for public meeting refreshments and rentals by Elizabeth, second by Margit. Nine votes in favor. Motion passes.
    • Shout outs
  2. Public Comment: Welcome to the monthly business meeting of the Food Policy Council. Please use the Public Comment period to share your food system interests, questions, and work with the Council. Due to limited meeting time, please refrain from interjecting comment or questions during the business portions of the meeting. However, Council leadership or members will be happy to continue discussion with you after the meeting:


  1. Impact Dashboard Update with guest Eileen Horn, Food System Consultant: 6:50-7:50pm
    • Preview of indicators for Goals 3 & 4
    • Review revised timeline and role for FPC


  1. Budget Requests: 7:50-8:15pm
    • Consider approving a budget for Council member attendance at the Urban Food Systems Symposium: September 26-28 in Kansas City
      1. Cost estimates: Registration = $375 (ends 6/15) and $425/person; Mileage ~ $100 for 2 days round trip/vehicle 
      2. Motion to approve up to $1475 for 3 registrations plus mileage by Cody, second by Ashley. Nine in favor. Motion passes.
    • Consider approving a budget for photography to illustrate storytelling components of the dashboard
      1. Quote pending from Aundrea Walker
        1. Quoted $1500 for 10 stories with possibility of more than one subject for select topics.
        2. Motion to approve up to $1500 for dashboard photography by Margit, second by Ashley. Eight in favor, 1 abstention. Motion passes.


  1. Member Updates: 8:15-8:25pm


  1. Staff Report: 8:25-8:30pm
  2. Adjourn
    • Meeting adjourned in absence of quorum.


Next Meeting: July 18, 2022, Baker Wetlands Discovery Center at 1365 N 1250 Rd., Lawrence


1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence or Zoom
1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS