Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, April 18, 2022 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, April 18, 2022

6:30pm to 8:30pm

Dreher Building, 2110 Harper St., Lawrence

and Zoom

  1. Administrative Items: 6:30-6:40pm
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of March 21 meeting minutes  
    • Shout outs
  2. Public Comment: 6:40-6:45pm
  3. Equity Advisors Laura and Cody Lead Interactive Learning Session: 6:45-7:20pm
    • Introduction
    • Breakout discussions
    • Report out
  4. Presentation from Central Grazing Company: 7:20-7:55pm
    • Learn about their proposal to invest American Recovery Plan Act funds in the establishment of a Douglas County processing facility
    • Apply prior equity learning to consideration of their proposal
    • Consider submitting a letter of support from the FPC
  5. Impact Report Update: 7:55-8:05pm
  6. Reminder to submit optional internal questions for the Syracuse study: 8:05-8:15pm
  7. Consider approving a budget for business purpose refreshments throughout the year: 8:15-8:20pm
  8. Member Updates: 8:20-8:30pm
  9. Adjourn

Next Meeting: May 16, 2022, TBD and Zoom @ 6:30pm.

In attendance: Tamara Cash, Sherrie Cleavinger, Dietrich Earnhart, Cody Haynes, Ashley Hornberger, Margit Kaltenekker, Elizabeth Keever, Tyler Lindquist, Emily Lysen

Absent: Maggie Bornholdt, Sarah Chenoweth, Laura McCulloch

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie, Jamie Hofling

Guests: Jacqueline Smith, Central Grazing


  1. Administrative Items: 6:30-6:40pm
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve with correction of date from March 21 to April 18, second by Emily. Motion passes.
    • Approval of March 21 meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Dietrich, second by Ashley. Motion passes.
    • Shout outs
      1. Shout Out to Emily on a successful Lawrence Farmers’ Market launch on April 9 despite possibility of parade conflict.
  2. Public Comment: 6:40-6:45pm


  1. Equity Advisors Laura and Cody Lead Interactive Learning Session: 6:45-7:20pm
    • Introduction
    • Breakout discussions
    • Report out


  1. Presentation from Central Grazing Company: 7:20-7:55pm
    • Learn about their proposal to invest American Recovery Plan Act funds in the establishment of a Douglas County processing facility
      1. Proposed facility would:
        1. Prioritize Douglas County small to mid-size producers;
          1. CG projects capacity at 50% CG, 50% community: sheep, cattle, hogs
        2. Be USDA-certified;
        3. Employee 20-30 new employees, in addition to existing 12-13 at CG;
        4. Include a mobile cut-and-wrap facility
          1. CG in talks with Peaslee Tech about training program 
          2. Sherrie: Could be opportunity for pathway from Animal Science curriculum at US-497
    • Apply prior equity learning to consideration of their proposal
    • Consider submitting a letter of support from the FPC
      1. Motion to approve by Margit, second by Sherrie. Four members abstained. Motion passes.


  1. Impact Report Update: 7:55-8:05pm


  1. Reminder to submit optional internal questions for the Syracuse study: 8:05-8:15pm


  1. Consider approving a budget for business purpose refreshments throughout the year: 8:15-8:20pm
    • Tabled due to time.


  1. Member Updates: 8:20-8:30pm
  2. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Margit, second by Ashley. Motion passes.


Next Meeting: May 16, 2022, TBD and Zoom @ 6:30pm.`


Dreher Building, 2110 Harper St and Zoom
2110 Harper St, Lawrence, KS 66046, USA