Meeting Information
Monday, March 21, 2022
6:30pm to 8:30pm
1006 New Hampshire St., Lawrence
and Zoom
- Administrative Items: 6:30-6:40pm
- Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
- Approval of February 21 meeting minutes
- Membership updates:
- Appointments: Margit Kaltenekker, K-State Extension Liaison
- Stepping down: Christina Ostemeyer
- Meeting format and location planning
- Shout outs
- Public Comment: 6:40-6:45pm
- Consider approving Letter of Support for County Vegetation Management Plan: 6:45-6:50pm
- National Science Foundation Food Policy Council Study: 6:50-7:05pm
- Researchers Dr. Saba Siddiki and PhD student, Graham Ambrose from Syracuse University will introduce the study and launch their engagement with the DCFPC.
- Continued Development of Food System Plan Impact Report & Dashboard: 7:05-7:50pm
- Project consultant, Eileen Horn, will deliver menu of indicators from national scan, next steps for working groups to identify community-relevant impacts.
- Capacity and Work Priority Survey Results: 7:50-8:20pm
- FPC Communications: 8:20-8:25pm
- Member Updates: 8:25-8:30pm
- Adjourn
Next Meeting: April 18, 2022, TBD and Zoom @ 6:30pm.
In attendance: Maggie Bornholdt, Sarah Chenoweth, Sheryl Cleavinger, Dietrich Earnhart, Cody Haynes, Ashley Hornberger, Tyler Lindquist, Emily Lysen, Laura McCulloch, Christina Ostmeyer
Absent: Tamara Cash, Margit Kaltenekker, Elizabeth Keever
Staff: Umut Bayramoglu, Kim Criner Ritchie, Jamie Hofling, Kathy Richardson
- Administrative Items: 6:30-6:40pm
- Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
- Motion to approve agenda by Ashley, second by Sarah
- Approval of February 21 meeting minutes
- Motion to approve minutes by Sarah, second by Ashley
- Membership updates:
- Appointments: Margit Kaltenekker, K-State Extension Liaison
- Stepping down: Christina Ostmeyer
- Meeting format and location planning
- Shout outs
- Emily, Elizabeth, Tyler traveled to the capitol to meet with state representatives to discuss state-wide food system priorities, including reducing state sales tax on food
- Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
- Public Comment: 6:40-6:45pm
- Consider approving Letter of Support for County Vegetation Management Plan: 6:45-6:50pm
- Motion to approve letter of support by Emily, second by Sarah
- National Science Foundation Food Policy Council Study: 6:50-7:05pm
- Researchers Dr. Saba Siddiki and PhD student, Graham Ambrose from Syracuse University will introduce the study and launch their engagement with the DCFPC.
- FPCs across the U.S. are becoming a driver of local food systems
- Their study seeks to understand how members come together to take action
- Important to give back to DCFPC by researching a question that will help us locally or internally
- Action: Working Groups discuss ideas in April meetings to consolidate for leadership to share with research team
- Researchers Dr. Saba Siddiki and PhD student, Graham Ambrose from Syracuse University will introduce the study and launch their engagement with the DCFPC.
- Continued Development of Food System Plan Impact Report & Dashboard: 7:05-7:50pm
- Project consultant, Eileen Horn, will deliver menu of indicators from national scan, next steps for working groups to identify community-relevant impacts.
- Action: working groups narrow down most important indicator sets for goal area. Populate storytelling opportunities in second spreadsheet. These are areas we know progress, connections, impacts have been made
- Make sure we highlight areas for improvement in the dashboard as well
- Motion by Cody to approve up to $1050 ($25 an hour for up to 6 hours) for consultation by 7 community coordinators on the food system dashboard indicators, second by Laura
- Project consultant, Eileen Horn, will deliver menu of indicators from national scan, next steps for working groups to identify community-relevant impacts.
- Capacity and Work Priority Survey Results: 7:50-8:20pm
- FPC Communications: 8:20-8:25pm
- Connie can serve as staff liaison to help with communications strategy. Cody, Emily, Christina willing to help Laura with this effort.
- Member Updates: 8:25-8:30pm
- Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn by Ashley, second by Christina
Next Meeting: April 18, 2022, TBD and Zoom @ 6:30pm.
Time and Date
1006 New Hampshire and Zoom
1006 New Hampshire St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA