Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, July 19, 2021 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, July 19, 2021

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

Or click to join via Zoom

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of June 21 meeting minutes  
    • Budget overview: $4,704.43 balance for 2021
      1. The Power of Food: Cultivating equitable policy through collective action, first national forum for food policy councils – September 20-22 in Kansas City.
        1. Two registration scholarships received from Kansas Alliance for Wellness.
          1. Consider approving up to $100 additional for mileage and lunches.
        2. Consider budget request for additional Council member registrations: $300 / person, plus mileage @ ~$60 / day for driver. Some lunches not included.
          1. Recommend up to $400 / person.
      2. Kansas Alliance for Wellness state-wide food policy council convening – September 22-23 in Kansas City.
        1. Consider budget request for potential Council member mileage @ ~$60 / day for driver.
        2. Recommend up to $150 / person.
    • No-cost registrations available for FPC members to attend Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Guest Presentation: Transit mapping with Jessica Mortinger from Lawrence – Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization
  4. Update from Internal Equity Advisory Group
  5. City Commission Candidate Forum Planning
  6. Member Updates
  7. Adjourn

Next Meeting: August 16, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and TBD

Present: Marlin Bates, Tamara Cash, Sarah Chenoweth, Dietrich Earnhart, Cody Haynes, Ashley Helms, Elizabeth Keever, Mary Kirkendoll, Tyler Lindquist, Laura McCulloch, Heather McPeek, Rolf Petermann, Scott Thellman

Absent: Melissa Freiburger, Christina Ostmeyer

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie, Jamie Hofling

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve by Elizabeth, second by Laura. Motion passes.
    • Approval of June 21 meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Elizabeth, second by Tamara. Motion passes.
    • Budget overview: $4,704.43 balance for 2021
      1. The Power of Food: Cultivating equitable policy through collective action, first national forum for food policy councils – September 20-22 in Kansas City.
        1. Two registration scholarships received from Kansas Alliance for Wellness.
          1. Consider approving up to $100 additional for mileage and lunches.
        2. Consider budget request for additional Council member registrations: $300 / person, plus mileage @ ~$60 / day for driver. Some lunches not included.
          1. Recommend up to $400 / person.
            1. Motion to approve up to $1500 for registration and travel for 4 members by Elizabeth, second by Scott. Motion passes.
      2. Kansas Alliance for Wellness state-wide food policy council convening – September 22-23 in Kansas City.
        1. Consider budget request for potential Council member mileage @ ~$60 / day for driver.
        2. Recommend up to $150 / person.
          1. Motion to approve up to $750 for travel expenses for up to 5 people by Elizabeth, second by Scott. Motion passes.
    • No-cost registrations available for FPC members to attend Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Guest Presentation: Transit mapping with Jessica Mortinger from Lawrence – Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization
    • Jessica provided an overview of a GIS mapping effort to overlay heat maps of Just Food client density with transit accessibility. These maps will be useful for a variety of planning efforts, including informing efforts around accessibility to grocers, food gardens, and other food access sites.   
  4. Update from Internal Equity Advisory Group
    • Representatives include: Rolf from Food and Farm, Laura from Health Equity, Cody from Forward.
    • Advisors have decided timeline for August non-business meeting is too rushed. Will look to the fall, possibly October, to intentionally plan for engaging the community.
    • Questions from the Advisors to consider:
      1. What do we want to offer the community?
        1. Perhaps have an activity for families?
      2. What do we want to get out of the meeting?
  1. City Commission Candidate Forum Planning
    • Arts Center is available for the afternoon of August 22.
  2. Member Updates
  3. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Elizabeth, second by Laura. Motion passes.

Next Meeting: August 16, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and TBD


1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence or Zoom
1006 New Hampshire