Meeting Information
Monday, April 19, 2021
6:30pm to 8:30pm
1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence
Or click to join via Zoom
- Administrative Items
- Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
- Approval of March 15 meeting minutes
- Budget overview: $5,359.43 balance for 2021
- Consider funding member registration for the Kansas Rural Center Local Food Connections Virtual Conference. May 7th, 8:45am-2:30pm. Cost: $15/person.
- Public Comment
- Leadership Opportunities
- No-cost registrations available for Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program
- Opportunity to nominate a DCFPC member to a new advisory board for the statewide network of Kansas food and farm councils (Kansas Alliance for Wellness)
- Food System Update to County and City Commission
- Presentation to County Commission tentatively scheduled for June 23rd
- Working Groups: Provide highlights of accomplishments, partnerships, priorities, and/or work that needs support after your May meetings
- 2021 Meetings and Work Plan
- Resuming in person meetings
- Potential learning or engagement opportunities to incorporate, for example:
- Twenty minute presentation from a community partner at every other meeting.
- Have each working group present to the Council twice a year so everyone is up to date on the full scope of work.
- Hold a quarterly or bi-annual non-business meeting that is more comfortable and conducive to public engagement.
- Other ideas?
- Timeline exercise
- Full Council efforts
- Presentation to County Commission – June.
- Possible engagement around City Commission election.
- Possible statewide presentation by FPCs to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - late Jan or Feb.
- Map Working Group initiatives
- Review of meeting and initiative calendar
- Full Council efforts
- Member Updates
- Adjourn
Next Meeting: May 17, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire
Present: Tamara Cash, Dietrich Earnhart, Melissa Freiburger, Cody Haynes, Elizabeth Keever, Jamie Knabe, Tyler Lindquist, Laura McCulloch, Christina Ostmeyer, Scott Thellman
Absent: Marlin Bates, Sarah Chenoweth, Ashley Hornberger, Heather McPeek, Rolf Petermann
Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie
- Administrative Items
- Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
- Motion to approve by Elizabeth, second by Jamie. Motion passes.
- Approval of March 15 meeting minutes
- Motion to approve by Christina, second by Elizabeth. Motion passes.
- Budget overview: $5,359.43 balance for 2021
- Consider funding member registration for the Kansas Rural Center Local Food Connections Virtual Conference. May 7th, 8:45am-2:30pm. Cost: $15/person.
- Motion by Elizabeth to approve 4 registrations at $60, second by Cody. Motion passes.
- Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
- Public Comment
- Leadership Opportunities
- No-cost registrations available for Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program
- Five spots designated for the FPC. Council members contact Kim for the registration code if interested.
- Opportunity to nominate a DCFPC member to a new advisory board for the statewide network of Kansas food and farm councils (Kansas Alliance for Wellness)
- There are no nominees at this time.
- No-cost registrations available for Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program
- Food System Update to County and City Commission
- Presentation to County Commission tentatively scheduled for June 23rd
- Working Groups: Provide highlights of accomplishments, partnerships, priorities, and/or work that needs support after your May meetings
- 2021 Meetings and Work Plan
- Resuming in person meetings
- Maintain a Zoom option.
- Summer offers possibility of outdoor meetings while still offering a remote option.
- Scott, Jamie, Cody all offered to host outdoor meetings/tours.
- Sustainability will investigate investment in a hotspot.
- Revisit regular meeting location for longer term planning.
- Potential learning or engagement opportunities to incorporate, for example:
- Twenty minute presentation from a community partner at every other meeting.
- Have each working group present to the Council twice a year so everyone is up to date on the full scope of work.
- Hold a quarterly or bi-annual non-business meeting that is more comfortable and conducive to public engagement.
- Community garden as possible location.
- Other ideas?
- Return to equity training and keep front and center.
- Talk about discrimination, bias, and food system intersections. Tamara will share resources.
- Timeline exercise
- Full Council efforts
- Presentation to County Commission – June.
- Possible engagement around City Commission election.
- Elizabeth suggested organizing a candidate forum on food system opportunities and issues – possibly September.
- Engage other food system partners as well.
- Hold public, non-business meeting beforehand to gather community input and questions for the forum – possibly August.
- Elizabeth suggested organizing a candidate forum on food system opportunities and issues – possibly September.
- Possible statewide presentation by FPCs to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - late Jan or Feb.
- Map Working Group initiatives
- Review of meeting and initiative calendar
- Full Council efforts
- Resuming in person meetings
- Member Updates
- Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn by Elizabeth, second by Tamara. Motion passes.
Next Meeting: May 17, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire
Time and Date
1006 New Hampshire and Zoom