Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, September 21, 2020 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

Or attend virtually:

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of August meeting minutes  
    • Budget overview:
      1. $544.24 remaining for 2020
      2. Urban Food Systems Symposium: Wednesdays in October, $100/person
      3.  Kaw Valley Farm Tour: October 3 & 4, $10/car
  2. Public Comment
  3. Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction grant award
    • Update from COG
  4. Discussion: Kwik Shop Development
  5. Fall Food System Tour
    • Finalize event structure and roles
    • For pre-distribution: FPC roster and bios / working group intros
    • Working group segments / video edits
  6. Member Updates
  7. Adjourn

Next Meeting: October 19, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire

In attendance: Marlin Bates, Tamara Cash, Dietrich Earnhart, Melissa Freiburger, Tyler Lindquist, Jeffrey Maiden, Christina Ostmeyer, Rolf Petermann, Michael Steinle, Scott Thellman

Absent: Michele Dillon, Sarah Hartsig, Elizabeth Keever, Heather McPeek

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve by Marlin, second by Michael. Motion passes.
    • Approval of August meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Dietrich, second by Jeffrey. Motion passes.
    • Budget overview:
      1. $544.24 remaining for 2020
      2. Urban Food Systems Symposium: Wednesdays in October, $100/person
        1. Two of 5 allocated spots remaining
      3.  Kaw Valley Farm Tour: October 3 & 4, $10/car
        1. Motion to approve allocation for 10 tickets for Council members or Officials and City/County staff attendees to the Food System Tour by Melissa, second by Christina. Marlin abstains. Motion passes.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction grant award
    • Douglas County was awarded $89,996 for food waste reduction, including a food waste compost pilot, gleaning support, and other strategies outlined in the Food System Plan as capacity allows.
    • Update from COG
      1. Reflecting on season: Continuity among leaders and network will be critical; farmhand turnover can impact these.
      2. Discussion: Questions from farmers about donation vs. claiming a loss. Insurance may necessitate crops be left untouched.
        1. Fact sheet on options for growers could be a useful tool for growing gleaning network.
  4. Discussion: Kwik Shop Development
  • The FPC Role? : What are they ready to do to help these businesses if and when this happens?
    • Help connect them to resources in the community. Advocate for their support.
  • Where are available retail spaces to help these businesses move if displaced?
    • Can talk to Chamber on this; is this already happening?
  • Could this have benefits if La Estrella can move to a more visible spot?
  • From an economic standpoint need to avoid picking winners and losers, not FPC’s role.
  1. Fall Food System Tour
    • Finalize event structure and roles
    • For pre-distribution: FPC roster and bios / working group intros
    • Working group segments / video edits
  2. Member Updates
  3. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Melissa, second by Tamara.

Next Meeting: October 19, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire


1006 New Hampshire OR Zoom