Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, August 17, 2020 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, August 17, 2020

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

Or attend virtually:

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of July meeting minutes  
    • Budget overview:
      1. $4,324.25 remaining for 2020
    • Upcoming 2020 Conferences:
      1. Urban Food Systems Symposium: Wednesdays in October, $100/person
        1. Two of 5 allocated spots remaining.
      2. Food Recovery Forum: Tuesday, September 15, $75/person
  2. Public Comment
  3. Recap of “Shared Purpose” KLC Exercise
  4. Fall Food System Tour
    • Proposal from Planning Committee of purpose, format and timeline
    • Report out from each working group on tour content
    • Action: Consider approving tour budget proposal
  5. Report from National Food Policy Conference
  6. Update on Racial Equity Priority
  7. Forecast for Remaining 2020 Full Council Meetings
  8. Member Updates
  9. Adjourn

Next Meeting: September 21, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire

In attendance: Tamara Cash, Michele Dillon, Dietrich Earnhart, Elizabeth Keever, Tyler Lindquist, Jeffrey Maiden, Heather McPeek, Christina Ostmeyer, Rolf Petermann, Michael Steinle

Absent: Marlin Bates, Melissa Freiburger, Sarah Hartsig, Scott Thellman, Luke Ulrich

Guest: Emily Cox

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve by Liz, second by Tamara. Motion passes.
    • Approval of July meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Michael, second by Christina. Motion passes.
    • Budget overview:
      1. $4,324.25 remaining for 2020
    • Upcoming 2020 Conferences:
      1. Urban Food Systems Symposium: Wednesdays in October, $100/person
        1. Two of 5 allocated spots remaining.
      2. Food Recovery Forum: Tuesday, September 15, $75/person
        1. Liz presented idea to sponsor someone(s) from a community partner, perhaps Just Food staff, in addition to FPC members.
        2. Tamara motions to approve up to 4 spots, second by Liz. Motion passes.
      3. Added discussion of Virtual Food Leader Certification offered through ISU.
        1. Motion to approve up the $1500 for up to 4 spots for Council members by Michele, second. Motion passes.  
  2. Public Comment
  3. Recap of “Shared Purpose” KLC Exercise
    • The purpose was to regroup and explore some clarity of purpose. To step back from reacting to the events of the year and plan next steps.
    • Things we heard and could revisit: lack of clarity on when and how work gets done? Interest in acting experimentally.
    • Was it helpful or interesting?
      1. Could be something to tie into orientation for new members, maybe a full council retreat.
      2. Especially next year in the after the election. Opportunity to regroup about direction.
  4. Fall Food System Tour
    • Proposal from Planning Committee of purpose, format and timeline
      1. See attached.
    • Report out from each working group on tour content
    • Action: Consider approving tour budget proposal
      1. Up to $2000 for three 1-2 minute videos
        1. Motion to approve by Dietrich, second by Tamara. Motion passes.
      2. Up to $780 for gift cards for tour participants: Up to 4 per working group at $65 each
        1. Motion to approve by Tamara, second by Christina. Motion passes.
  5. Report from National Food Policy Conference
    • Conference was largely a state of the nation amid COVID, rather than local applications.
    • Meat processing was urgent topic; policy push for guidelines that would make it easier for small, local processing, not penalizing.
    • Is there in interest in potential FPC learning about or tracking national policies?
      1. Look to our State Reps for guidance or highlights. Interest in more regular update around upcoming session.
      2. Incorporate into retreat, bonus: it will be post-election.
  6. Update on Racial Equity Priority
    • Seeking FPC representative to the Racial Equity and Disparity working group of CJCC?
      1. Kim will work with Tamara until someone else can take on this commitment regularly.
    • Is FPC interested in engaging in equity reading and homework as a step toward learning process of commitment?
      1. Two options suggested to consider: An Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism Present in the U.S. Food System, Seventh Edition, and Measuring Racial Equity in the Food System: Established and Suggested Metrics.
      2. Working groups are encouraged to thumb through these and see if anything stands out, either read and report back to the full Council on, or as a metric to measure and apply in Douglas County.
  7. Forecast for Remaining 2020 Full Council Meetings
    • Sept: Tour. Equity homework further discussion.
    • Oct: Review of Food Policy Council surveys. Possible opportunity to return to “acting experimentally” KLC principle.
    • Nov: Equity homework. Possible opportunity to apply “acting experimentally.”
      1. We have been living an experiment with food and access. Use this reality to apply experimentation in food policy approach.
    • Dec: Social?
    • Save for retreat: More KLC / working with purpose or other.
  8. Member Updates
    • Food System SPARK funding consultations still available.
    • Just Food: renovation funding approved. Grown delivery service out of necessity, may continue as option and innovation in service. Aug 26 cruising cupboard starting again at library. Renovation will help with ADA access.
  9. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Liz, second by Michele.

Next Meeting: September 21, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire


1006 New Hampshire OR Zoom