Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, May 18, 2020 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence, Kansas 66044

Or attend virtually via Zoom:


  1. Action Item: Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of February & March meeting minutes  
    • FPC Letter of Support for Just Food / Sunrise Project application to the USDA Community Food Project Competitive Grants Program
    • Vote on nominees for interim Vice Chair (~June-Sept)
      1. Michael has been nominated. Other nominees will be accepted.
    • Budget overview
      1. $4,400 remaining for 2020
  2. Public Comment
  3. Discussion Item
    • 2020 Farm Tour for elected officials / candidates for office
  4. COVID-19 Reflections (1-2 minutes each):
    • In what ways were your connections to/work with the food system impacted by the pandemic?
    • What is something that surprised or stood out to you in our community? Gaps? Wins?
  5. Working Groups
    •  Small Group Check in
      1. Revisit your 2020 initiatives / Food System Plan priorities; have they changed in light of the pandemic?
      2. Did the member reflections spark any connections or ideas with your group?
    • Report Out
  6. Full Group Discussion
    • Are there intersections or overlap between the groups’ priorities?
    • What other partners should be engaged in these ideas or efforts?
    • Where do you see opportunities for the FPC to engage in recovery / resilience planning?
  7. Wrap-up and Next Steps
  8. Adjourn

Next Meeting: June 15, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: TBD

In attendance: Marlin Bates, Michele Dillon, Melissa Freiburger, Sarah Hartsig, Tyler Lindquist, Christina Ostmeyer, Rolf Petermann, Michael Steinle, Scott Thellman

Absent: Tamara Cash, Elizabeth Keever, Jeffrey Maiden, Heather McPeek, Luke Ulrich

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie

  1. Action Item: Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve by Marlin, second by Scott. Motion passes with addition of member updates.
    • Approval of February & March meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Christina, second by Tyler. Motion passes.
    • FPC Letter of Support for Just Food / Sunrise Project application to the USDA Community Food Project Competitive Grants Program
      1. Sunrise Project lead applicant
        1. Underserved farmers and community members using greenhouse
        2. Youth food programs to grow food in community
      2. Money to Just Food to purchase produce from growers supported by greenhouse
        1. Also to supplement funding for equipment for expansion including processing, refrigeration, etc.
      3. Motion to approve by Michael, second by Michele. Motion passes with adjustments to add specifics from Food System Plan.
    • Vote on nominees for interim Vice Chair (~June-Sept)
      1. Michael has been nominated. Other nominees will be accepted.
        1. Motion to approve Michael’s nominations by Marlin, second by Tyler. Motion passes.
    • Budget overview
      1. $4,400 remaining for 2020
  2. Public Comment
  3. Discussion Item
    • 2020 Farm Tour for elected officials / candidates for office
      1. One person from each work group to form task force to put together scope of tour to cover all goal areas / working groups.
  4. COVID-19 Reflections (1-2 minutes each):
    • In what ways were your connections to/work with the food system impacted by the pandemic?
    • What is something that surprised or stood out to you in our community? Gaps? Wins?
      1. Scott – 3400 orders through Sunflower Provisions. Excited for more local products to offer, more to come. Hope for a “local grocery store”. Contract for farmers feeding families, in a week and a half, 30-34K lbs delivered to Just Food already! Hiring 8 new for that contract!
      2. Tyler – how fast our community mobilized. What we can learn from others in country / Kansas.
      3. Marlin – front of mind: how will Extension operate but also support our audience and community partners. Rewarding to innovate and adapt. Presented virtually about food systems plan work. Community funding support amazing – DCCF.
      4. Michele – Grants to expand Meals on Wheels, still challenging to see seniors not being able to get out.
      5. Michael – following up on emergency management work. Will TSA test pre-boarding?
      6. Melissa – gets donation for pantry, but it’s not just them, the neighbors stock too for their community. Had to process how to keep bringing people together. First take out community meal last Friday. Funders are being flexible with how money is spent. Able to use for a weekly community meal. Transportation is an amplified issue that Health Equity wants to tackle.
      7. Rolf - delivery is a big thing. Had moved away from plastics, now having to rethink, as a necessity. Raising chickens / victory garden themes emerging in his circles.
      8. Sarah – community health plan, lots of work to do to rebuild. Restaurants really stepped up to help and community has turned around to help them. Funding sources to recover. Opportunity to pivot build something better and different. Time for resilience in our community.
  5. Working Groups
    •  Small Group Check in
      1. Revisit your 2020 initiatives / Food System Plan priorities; have they changed in light of the pandemic?
      2. Did the member reflections spark any connections or ideas with your group?
    • Report Out
      1. Aggies – Focus on Goal 1: business development, small business supports, immigrants/ low income/POC, high quality food related sectors. 1.1.4, 1.1.6, 1.4.3, 1.3.4 – good time to reinvigorate buy local campaign, rallying community. Partners to talk about job market, entrepreneurship.
      2. Health Equity – Transportation access, especially now that people are staying home, vulnerable. Policy 3.2.1, 3.2.2 expanding food production on public land, fruit tree planting P&R or otherwise. Creating more resilient local food system through access and supply. Celebrating, but don’t lose sight of people who do not have needs met. How can we make sure those needs are not lost and how can we help close gaps. Stay curious about what we can solve. Tour: community orchard, common ground sites that provide free feeding, edible landscapes.
      3. Forward – 2.2.4 promote donations from gardens. Outreach to promote donations from business. On farm gleaning. Coordinating with after the harvest or duplicating here. Looking into USDA food waste reduction grant for opportunities. Biodegradable food packaging is of interest, cross-over with SAB.
  6. Full Group Discussion
    • Are there intersections or overlap between the groups’ priorities?
      1. Community wellness: job security and livelihood, food access and resident health, food diversion to meet needs and reduce waste – closed loop, collaboration, resilience.
    • What other partners should be engaged in these ideas or efforts?
      1. Full council or working group level? Take time to think about more as working groups.
    • Where do you see opportunities for the FPC to engage in recovery / resilience planning?
  7. Wrap-up and Next Steps
  8. Member Updates
  9. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Michael, seconded by Melissa. Motion passes.

Next Meeting: June 15, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: TBD


Douglas County New Hampshire Offices
1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS 66044 or Zoom: