Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, February 19, 2018 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

6:00pm pre-meeting discussion with host—learn about latest developments at The Merc Co+Op, including solar power instillation and implementation of a living wage for employees.


  1. Action Item: Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of January meeting minutes
    3. 2018 Membership changes – Open agricultural producer spot
    4. Budget overview ($6800)
  2. Discussion Item: Public Input
  3. Discussion Item: 2017 Annual Report + 2018 Member Orientation
  4. Discussion Item: 2018 Food System Plan, Full Council Policy Priorities
    1. Full Council 2018 Outlook – planning timeline

Goal 4, Objective 2 (Expand City- and County-led initiatives to make food more affordable)

4.2.1: Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries


Goal 1, Objective 3 (Increase local food purchasing)

1.3.1: Invest in signage, shared infrastructure, and coordinated marketing to support Douglas County farmers markets

Request to consider new full-council priority (from Aggies)

Host Local Food Economic Conference (May/June 2018) with USDA and American Farmland Trust

  • https://



  1. Action Item: Kansas Alliance for Wellness Food Council Grant
  2. Discussion Item: Subcommittees
  3. FPC Member Updates
  4. Adjourn


**Next Meeting: Monday, March 26 @ 6:30pm @ Wakarusa Brewery (710 Main St, Eudora, KS 66025)

In attendance: Brooke Miller, John Pendleton, Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Marlin Bates, Kim Criner, Inti Hurt, Connie Fitzpatrick, Tamara Cash, Jason Champagne, Ashley Jones-Wisner, Scotty Thellman, Michael Steinle, Michele Dillon, William Vesecky


Absent: Lee Broyles, Joshua Falleaf TK Peterson, Christine Ebert, Elizabeth Burger, Aundrea Shafer, Jennifer Kongs


Staff: Helen Schnoes, Jasmin Moore


Public: Camille Eichorn (Lawrence Community Shelter), Nathan Ellis, Diyaree Arif



  1. Action Item: Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval – Steinle, Taylor-Puckett—all approved
    2. Approval of January meeting minutes – Pendleton, Hirt—all approved
    3. 2018 Membership changes – Open agricultural producer spot
    4. Budget overview ($6770) 
  2. Discussion Item: Public Input
    1. KU Grad Students in attendance, qualitative methods course looking to draw from Food System Plan
  3. Discussion Item: 2017 Annual Report + 2018 Member Orientation (handouts)
    1. A shortened version of the 2017 Food Policy Council Annual Report was delivered by Helen. Helen, Kim, Marlin, and Jasmin delivered an orientation presentation about the Council to new and returning members.


  1. Discussion Item: 2018 Food System Plan, Full Council Policy Priorities
    1. Full Council 2018 Outlook – planning timeline (handout)
      1. Handout provided


Goal 4, Objective 2 (Expand City- and County-led initiatives to make food more affordable)

4.2.1: Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries

  • Ashley reported a positive hearing in the Kansas legislature on Feb 1 (including testimony by FPC member Scott Thellman) on a Constitutional Amendment to reduce the sales tax on food—if voted out of committee it’d go to a statewide vote election 2018. The committee chair preferred a full bill for greater flexibility—there will likely be another hearing. 
  • AP story run state-wide and KPR story

Goal 1, Objective 3 (Increase local food purchasing)

1.3.1: Invest in signage, shared infrastructure, and coordinated marketing to support Douglas County farmers markets

  • LFM Long-term Planning Committee continues to meet. They are working towards a way to collaborate with City on its long-range plan for Downtown. City Commission approved Request For Proposals for hiring a consultant to oversee the Downtown Master Plan in 2018.

Request to consider new full-council priority (from Aggies)

Host Local Food Economic Conference (May/June 2018) with USDA and American Farmland Trust

  • Marlin reported progress in early planning for end of May to bring national leaders in these publications (hyperlinks above) to support deepened discussion about economic development in regional food systems. The Council hopes to engage Chamber, farmers, legislators, FPC and other food systems stakeholders.
  • Motion to make full council priority—Brooke, Michael
    • Discussion: Tamara mentioned this will impact all five goals—opportunity for subcommittees to discuss
    • All approved


  1. Action Item: Kansas Alliance for Wellness Food Council Grant 
    1. Helen presented proposed budgets for two grants to support FPC work.
    2. John motioned to approve and direct staff to finalize and submit, Tamara seconded, with request final grant application is shared with the full council—all approved


  1. Discussion Item: Subcommittees 
    1. Kim reminded the group to review the written updates from subcommittees going forward.
    2. Council directed staff to still list full meeting as 6:30:-8:30pm, even if it may end early for additional subcommittee meeting time.


  1. FPC Member Updates
    1. Scotty has been traveling nationally representing Kansas agriculture. He was in DC for Kansas Ag and Rural Leadership program (one in every state); heading back to DC for Kansas Farm Bureau program. Met with various organizations and associations.
    2. Olivia presented in San Diego to National Farmers Union Women’s Conference about Food Safety Modernization Act
    3. Helen
      1. Natural / heritage forums happening in February and March
      2. The Commons will host film screenings about the food system at Liberty Hall on March 14


  1. Adjourn – William, John—all approved


The MERC Co+op Community Classroom
901 Iowa St. Lawrence, KS, 66044