Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, September 18, 2017 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

6pm pre-meeting presentation: Learn more about the research occurring at the KU Biological Field Station and how it connects to our local food system.  


  1. Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of August meeting minutes
    3. 2018 Membership changes 
    4. Retreat discussion takeaways update
    5. Letter of support requests: LiveWell Lawrence Healthy Food For All 
    6. Budget overview


  1. Food Plan Communications
    1. Who should the Council engage going forward?
    2. How should we engage them?
    3. What support do members need to do this (materials, “trainings,” etc.)
  2. Food System Plan Policy Priority (4.2.1: Sales Tax on Food)
    1. Discuss strategy for Council next steps
      1. Guests:
        1. Craig Weinaug, Douglas County Administrator
        2. Nancy  Thellman, Douglas County Commissioner
        3. Diane Fishburn, Douglas County Farm Bureau (former FPC member)


  1. FPC Member Updates


  1. Public Input


  1. Adjourn

6pm pre-meeting presentation: Learn more about the research occurring at the KU Biological Field Station and how it connects to our local food system.  


In attendance: Elizabeth Burger, TK Peterson, Pattie Johnston, Christine Ebert, Marlin Bates, Michael Steinle, John Pendleton, Jennifer Kongs, Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Kim Criner, Ashley Jones-Wisner, Lee Broyles, Scott Thellman, William Vesecky


Absent: Michael Showalter, Aundrea Shafer, Inti Hirt, Jill Elmers, Brent Smith, Connie Fitzpatrick, Joshua Falleaf, Jan Hornberger 


Staff: Helen Schnoes, Eileen Horn


Public: Brooke Miller, Susan Harris, Charlie Bryan, Nancy Thellman, Craig Weinaug



  1. Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval (Burger, Ebert—All approved)
    2. Approval of August meeting minutes (Steinle, Peterson—All Approved)
    3. 2018 Membership changes (see below, ideas for recruitment, new appointees to recommend)
      1. Members encouraged to invite any possible interested persons to the October 16 meeting at Eudora High School Culinary Arts Program.
        1. Marlin reminded the group that people who are interested can still engage in FPC work even if not formal members. This will be an increasing focus as we implement the Food System Plan.
      2. New member ideas included:
        1. Ag Producer

Jane Wohletz—Wohletz Farm Fresh, produce, agritourism, etc.

          1. Jacqueline Smith (meat producer, entrepreneur; selling in 30 states through Natural Grocer)
        1. Retail
          1. Checkers (Jim Fisher, Jim Lewis)
          2. Price Chopper (get them bough in early—TK will dig )
          3. Free State Brewery managers are interested.
        2. Senior Foods
          1. Pattie invited Susan Harris, new Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging (Shawnee, Jefferson, Douglas – Oversee the CHAMPS senior meal program); based in Topeka, office in Lawrence with Independence Inc.
          2. Marvel Williamson, new director of Douglas County Senior Resource Center, also interested
        3. Elizabeth Burger shared about Jason Champagne –Native American, raised in Kansas, Cordon Bleu degree, worked as a chef, then got his MPH and worked with tribes. He spoke recently at the Kansas Tribes Health Summit. Very thoughtful. Opening catering/culinary education group effort in Baldwin City.
        4. Scotty Thellman suggested Michael Beard—Distributor locally. Previously served as Chef 715 restaurant.
    1. Retreat discussion takeaways update
      1. Some ideas for implementing in FPC meetings/structure include:
        1. More informal sharing, team building, at a social hour (quarterly?)
          1. TK offered to host at Merchants in December
          2. Elizabeth shared she likes the pre-meeting component to learn from the host.
      2. On-boarding / Orientation of new members – this will be a focus for the beginning of the year; Subcommittee Chairs may play a greater role in 2018 process. Having all three help present about the work of each subcommittee.
      3. Public Comment during FPC meetings
        1. Group discussed benefits/drawbacks of having public comment at the end of the meeting. Decided they could play it by ear with each meeting, by having guests introduce themselves and understand what has brought them to the meeting.
      4. Group decided that it is helpful to have printed versions of the final agenda packet, which could also be emailed 5pm on Meeting days
    2. Letter of support requests: LiveWell Lawrence Healthy Food For All (See below)
      1. Burger moved that the FPC direct Staff and Chair to write two letters of support contingent on the grant proposals being fully pursued (Burger, Steinle—all approved)
    3. Budget overview ($333 remaining for 2017)
      1. Jill Elmers request for $300 (see below)
      2. Connie Fitzpatrick for $150—Presentation at Sustainable Communities conference Oct 3-4 in Dubuque, IA, for presentation with Helen Schnoes on Food System Plan
      3. Jones-Wisner moves to approve both requests, contingent on County Administration approval (Jones-Wisner, Johnston—All approved)


  1. Food Plan Communications
    1. Each subcommittee reviewed a list of possible individuals/organizations to engage in going forward with the Food System Plan. They also brainstormed new folks to reach out to. The conversation about Food Plan Communications will continue with the next subcommittee meetings.
  2. Food System Plan Policy Priority (4.2.1: Sales Tax on Food)
    1. Discuss strategy for Council next steps
      1. Guests:
        1. Craig Weinaug, Douglas County Administrator
        2. Nancy  Thellman, Douglas County Commissioner
    2. The Council engaged in a discussion with County Administrator and County Commissioner concerning the county budget, and how it is impacted by sales tax at the state and local levels. The conversation included the different opportunities and impacts necessary to consider regarding state or local efforts to possibly reduce or eliminate the sales tax on groceries. There is concern about a potential hole in the local budgets impacted by removal of sales tax on food, although just looking at state sales tax removal may not be as significant a local concern. Members also reported on efforts at the state level that have grown over the past several years and prospects for 2018. No clear direction was reached for an appropriate next step for the Food Policy Council, so research will continue for October before determining a strategy for this priority policy area.
    3. Next Steps:
      1. Staff to continue research on estimating local sales tax revenues from groceries
      2. Elizabeth Burger and Ashley Jones-Wisner to provide statewide update in October  
      3. Helen to speak further with County Administration on allowed areas of action for County advisory boards   


  1. FPC Member Updates
  • Eileen Horn announced she was elected to finish John Wilson’s term representing the 10th District in the Kansas House. She will be resigning at the end of December. She’ll appreciate help circulating the job:  
  • Jennifer Kongs – Kansas Rural Center is forming a “farmer training” on considerations when contracting with Tyson (Jennifer will email the group)
    • County and City are figuring out if they can offer a temporary moratorium on concentrated animal production, if zoning codes should be updated to better address impacts.
    • Nancy encouraged the Council to remain open in how producers could be intrigued to learn more about poultry production. Grain prices are down. Could be a good deal to someone.
  • City of Lawrence Sales Tax on November Ballot & Advisory Board Policy
    • New Advisory Board Policy approved; no immediate impacts on FPC
    • Members can learn about the City sales tax proposal at  
  • Comprehensive Plan – Compile comments / discuss in October
    • New draft comp plan released. Review and determine in October if FPC is interested in submitting written comments (due October 23). Overall good changes and strong support for Food System Plan.


  1. Public Input


  1. Adjourn (Steinle, Vesecky—All approved)


KU Field Station: Armitage Center
350 Wild Horse Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA