Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, February 16, 2015 - 7:00 PM

Meeting Information

  1. Administrative items – 7:00 PM

    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval.

    2. Approval of January meeting minutes.

    3. Discussion of returning and new appointments:

      1. New members:  Crystal Hammerschmidt, filling in for Paula Murrish in “Institutional Food Purchaser” spot and Tyra Kalman Crouch, Wellness Manager at the Merc as a liaison for Rita in “Retail Food” spot.

      2. Replacements for:  Greg – producer (exp. 2016) is Pep Selvan (BlueJacket Winery), Rick – retail food (exp. 2015) is T.K. Peterson (Merchants), & Diane Fishburn (exp 2016) is Saundra Lawson (DC Farm Bureau).

    4. Consideration of inviting City Commission candidates to March FPC meeting.


  2. Lawrence Chefs and Farmers Alliance directory update – 7:20PM (Rick Martin)


  3. Northeast Kansas Food Hub Feasibility Study next steps – 7:30 PM(Marlin Bates)

    1. Updates & next steps in feasibility study process.


  4. Day of Discussion: Access to Healthy Foods in Rural Kansas (hosted by Sunflower Foundation) – 7:40 PM (Elizabeth Stewart)


  5. Discussion of “dissolving” State/Fed subcommittee – 7:50 PM (Jill Elmers)


  6. Roundtable of updates on various FPC-related initiatives – 8:00 PM

    1. Downtown grocery update (Jen Humphrey).

    2. Planning for long-term farmers market locations & LFM Board research project update (Jen Humphrey).

    3. Buy Local Campaign update (Kim Criner).

    4. Legislative updates (Ashley Jones-Wisner).


  7. Subcommittee progress reports – 8:20 PM


    • City

    • County

    • Community

    • State/Fed


  8. Public comments – 8:40 PM

  9. FPC member updates – 8:50 PM

Adjourn full council meeting – 9:00 PM

FPC Attendees: Jill Elmers, Tyra Kalmna-Crouch, Marlin Bates, Brenna Wulfkuhle, Teresa Flory, Crystal Hammerschmidt, Sandra Lawson, Chris Tilden, Jen Humphrey, Carol Gilmore, Boog Highberger, Jason Hering, Daniel Poull, Pattie Johnston, Ashely Jones-Wisener, Kim Criner, Elizabeth Stewart

Absent: Emily Hampton, Brady Pollington, Robert Lominska who else?

Staff members: Tresa Carter

Guests: Rick Martin, Amanda Cook, Pep Selvan


  1. Administrative items – 7:00 PM

    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval. With 17 members in participation, a quorumwas reached.

    2. Approval of January meeting minutes. Motion and second to approve. Motion approved unanimously.

    3. Discussion of returning and new appointments:

      1. New members:  Crystal Hammerschmidt, filling in for Paula Murrish in “Institutional Food Purchaser” spot and Tyra Kalman Crouch, Wellness Manager at the Merc as a liaison for Rita in “Retail Food” spot.

      2. Replacements for:  Greg – producer (exp. 2016) is Pep Selvan (BlueJacket Winery), Rick – retail food (exp. 2015) is T.K. Peterson (Merchants), & Diane Fishburn (exp 2016) is Sandra Lawson (DC Farm Bureau).

    4. Consideration of inviting City Commission candidates to March FPC meeting.

      The invitation will be moved to inviting elected officials to the April meeting.


  2. Lawrence Chefs and Farmers Alliance directory update – 7:20PM (Rick Martin)

    Best practices were discussed, including targeted barriers when it comes to buying local food (communication, financial, logistics, product), as well as the ideal outcomes for the chef and farmer. There was a variety of people in the audience, including producers, chefs, foodservice managers, restaurant owners, and public health officials. It was realized that a Chef and Farmer directory is necessary. Rick asked if there were interested FPC members who wanted to take this on as a topic in a subcommittee so that it can get more attention and focus. Aundrea Shafer has offered to lead this mission.


  3. Northeast Kansas Food Hub Feasibility Study next steps – 7:30 PM (Marlin Bates)

    Last month, there was a struggle with how to keep interested parties interested in the Food Hub. In a recent meeting with some key producers and the Core Food Hub team members to focus on what the next steps should be. A new direction was taken of identifying people who are willing to take time to answer critical questions to further the project. Eight people (one livestock producers, seven fruit/vegetable) have stepped up and will meet this week in Kansas City to discuss how to actually make this work.


  4. Day of Discussion: Access to Healthy Foods in Rural Kansas (hosted by Sunflower Foundation) – 7:40 PM (Elizabeth Stewart)

    The Sunflower Foundation hasn’t funded a food related project in the recent past, but in the past year Elizabeth has been doing landscape research on rural grocery stores. Things to consider for keeping these stores alive: operating costs, distribution and delivery, meeting minimum purchasing requirements, lack of labor to run the store, management, competition, lack of local buying and support. There will be more events like these over the next coming months. One of the participants was from KU and will look into how the business and law schools could get involved and provide support. The group shared opportunities for change, like: technical training for energy auditors, customer service and business skills, finding ways to partner with local growers, working more collaboratively instead of autonomously, capitalizing on the millennial desire to shop local. Elizabeth asked how the Food Policy Council could engage with this issue.


  5. Discussion of “dissolving” State/Fed subcommittee – 7:50 PM (Jill Elmers)

    The reasons for State/Fed is because it fits the conceptual framework, but it’s never had enough material like the others do. The members of this subcommittee felt a lack of direction and charge, and until a future need is realized for this committee, it will be dissolved. There was a suggestion to move towards a project focus instead of a committee focus. Carol suggested changing the agenda structure so that the roundtable updates fit within the subcommittee progress reports.

    Motion and second to dissolve State/Fed Committee (Daniel, Ashley). Approved unanimously.


  6. Roundtable of updates on various FPC-related initiatives – 8:00 PM

    1. Downtown grocery update (Jen Humphrey).

      The project to put a grocery store at the 11th and Mass is still moving forward. Still no clear role for the FPC.

    2. Planning for long-term farmers market locations & LFM Board research project update (Jen Humphrey).

      LFM signed and returned a letter supporting long-term research of farmers’ markets. Area markets have a need for research to help them identify a way forward for future vision planning. When these letters of support from other farmers market come back, a fundraising effort will ensue, and Jen will need help and man power to coordinate those efforts. Jill suggested inviting former vision team members to the City subcommittee to keep working on these efforts; or a full Council discussion/work group. A targeted budget of $50-60,000 is estimated to complete this research.

    3. Buy Local Campaign update (Kim Criner).

      Contact has been made with all grocery stores in the County, all of whom are awaiting a full meeting invite. The three Dillon’s stores have been difficult to contact, so Kim is moving forward with the participating stores, and allowing Dillon’s to enter the conversation any time.

    4. Legislative updates (Ashley Jones-Wisner).

      KC Healthy Kids has a bill drafted (no bill number yet) to eliminate sales tax on whole fruits and vegetables that will be presented tomorrow. There’s a research worker on the “border effect” to quantify the effects of consumers spending their money across the border due to lower taxes on food. Two bi-partisan senators from Wichita will carry the bill. It has been challenging to get organizations to sign on to support this initiative. There’s a potential loss of $20 million in revenue as a result of this.

    5. Slow Money update (Jill Elmers).

      Jill attended the entrepreneurial show case where five teams pitched projects about why they needed funding. There were over 80 people in attendance, and two people were funded on the spot.


  7. Subcommittee progress reports – 8:20 PM


    • City

      All Common Ground applications have been assigned. They are also working on the downtown grocery store and long-term farmers’ market planning.

    • County

      The County Committee is working closely with Susan Johnson on incubator kitchens – making them more accessible and user-friendly. Mary Miller is interested in re-writing the agritourism information, Marlin is meeting with her this week. County staff advised this committee to let the accessory dwelling unit issue rest for a while, and that individuals are encouraged to call in and ask about the progress, voice concerns, etc.

    • Community

      The communications plan for the FPC has been on hiatus, but is still a priority. This Committee is peripherally involved with the Chef’s Challenge planning. Save-the-Date cards for this event have been distributed. This is a transition year, but next year the Master Food Volunteers will be the head of this. The third activity is the Buy Local campaign, which Kim provided an update on earlier.

    • State/Fed

      Possible ideas: tracking the Local Food and Farm Task force meetings; reading the Feeding Kansas report and providing support where possible.


  8. Public comments – 8:40 PM

    Amanda Cook came as a resource in case anyone had questions regarding the long-term planning. LFM is having difficulty getting on the City Commission agenda.

  9. FPC member updates – 8:50 PM

    Chris spoke with the CDC and they’ve talked to Grants Management  who have given a verbal thumbs up of approval, and a letter of approval will follow soon. The timeline was not disclosed.

    Teresa Flory provided an update on the Seed Fair that happened last weekend and shared that the public library is passing out seeds year-long now. If anyone would like to participate in sharing knowledge or assistance with this project, you can get involved. Baldwin City is also doing this.

    Marlin Bates shared that three people are being interviewed next week for the Natural Resources Ag Agent. Marlin also shared about the Board Leadership series that Extension is hosting, starting next week with the first of a four-part series.

    Jen shared that starting tomorrow KU will offer CSA to students on campus, provided by four area farmers, that will distributed by the Stadium on Mondays and near Watkins Health Center on Fridays.  

  10. Adjourn full council meeting – 9:00 PMBottom of Form

    Motion and second to adjourn (Bates, Highberger). Approved unanimously.


Subcommittee Assignments


City – Meet second Friday of the month at Merc 8:30-9:30am

  1. Bob Lominska
  2. Crystal Hammerschmidt
  3. Daniel Poull
  4. Pattie Johnston
  5. Chris Tilden
  6. Jen Humphrey
  7. Ashley Jones-Wisener


County – Meet second Tuesday of the month at DC Extension 3-4pm

  1. Teresa Flory
  2. Jason Hering
  3. Jan Hornberger 
  4. Marlin Bates
  5. Sandra Lawson
  6. Brenna Wulfkuhle


Community – Meet second Friday of the month at Merc 7:30-8:30am

  1. Carol Gilmore
  2. Jill Elmers
  3. Chris Tilden
  4. Kim Criner
  5. Elizabeth Stewart


State/Fed – Second Thursday of the month at Merc 4-5pm

  1. Emily Hampton
  2. Brady Pollington
  3. Boog Highberger



Pep Selvan

TK Peterson

Tyra Kalman-Crouch




Douglas County KSU Extension Office – Deal Six Auditorium
2110 Harper Street, Lawrence, KS 66046, USA