Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) Meeting on Tue, January 8, 2019 - 11:00 AM

Meeting Information


January 8th, 2019

11:00am – 12:30pm

Meeting at Douglas County Fairgrounds, Dreher Building (4H)

1. Review and approve CJCC meeting minutes from October 18th,  2018

2. Mental Health Co-Responder/CIT update – Sgt. Halsted, LPD

3. Stepping Up Initiative CSG Technical Assistance – Mike Brouwer

4. Women’s Pilot Diversion Program – Charles Branson

5. My Resource Connection – Jill Jolicoeur

6. Staff updates – Bieniecki

a. LE Contact Study

b. Bylaw changes

c. Strategic plan

d. Kansas Leadership Center Grant

e. Council/volunteer appreciation event

7. New business/discussion

8. Public comment

2019 meetings

January 8th

March 12th


June 11th

September 17th

November 19th


Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Tuesday, January 8, 2019

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Those in attendance included: Pam Weigand, Ken McGovern, Eunice Ruttinger, Jennifer Ananda, Edith Guffey, Emil Hail, Chuck Epp, Lori Alvarado, Patrick Schmitz, Chief Burns, Shaye Downing, Scott Miller, Michelle Derusseau, Charles Branson: Ex-Officio members included: Sarah Plinsky, Mike Brouwer, and Melinda Wynn; Robert Bieniecki, CJCC Coordinator was also in attendance:


Ananda moved approval of the minutes from 10/18/18. Motion was seconded by Alvarado and carried.

MENTAL HEALTH CO-RESPONDER/CIT UPDATE- Presentation made by Sergeant Halsted, LPD

Highlights of information included:

  •  Calls can be mental health related; cooperative or uncooperative
  •  2:00 p.m. is the peak time of day for getting mental health calls. It used to be 4-5 p.m. Calls generally last 15-59 minutes per call
  •  There were 1,974 mental health calls received in 2018
  •  The City is divided into quads for response
  •  The Mental Health Crisis Team had over 1000 attempted contacts; 750 actual contacts (400 in person and 350 on telephone) with 600 follow-up calls

Of the 750 contacts:

  •  Less than 10 were jail transports
  •  Less than 10 were referred to agencies
  •  Less than 7 were mental health facility transports
  •  Twenty were left at the scene
  •  There are a few repeat offenders that take up a lot of response time


  • Recent meeting with CSG Justice Center – The plan is for the group to come back in March or April to finalize data
  • We are seeing a significant decrease in the number of serious mentally ill booked into jail
  • Of the 78 that returned to jail, 38 came back for failure to appear
  • Regarding the average length of stay for SMI, we are doing a good job getting people connected to treatment
  • People can be terminated from pretrial supervision for a new charge, a failure to appear or a failed drug test
  • The Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) Model is key to reducing recidivism
  • Next steps: Continue data analyses (DCCCA, 2018 Jail Data, Court Services and Community Corrections), review preliminary recommendations, feedback to CSG Justice Center; continue to review existing programs, policies and practices to establish a process flow map supported by data; CSG Justice Center will finalize recommendations and develop an action plan with specific implementation suggestions; and final products slated for May of 2019


  • The program was launched last spring. The goal is to connect with female high utilizers of the jail with substance abuse disorders
  • With the Diversion process, we screen candidates and are specifically looking at high utilizer of the system with substance abuse disorders
  • Twenty-two women have been referred into program; 13 declined to participate; 2 were disqualified because of a violent history; some had no interest in the program; and some lacked a high level of disorder
  • Currently the five in the program are doing well; one is hoping to graduate the program in May
  • The next step: The participant will go to 28 days of DCCCA and 2-3 months of step down
  • When the program was first established we thought there would be 8-12 participants. Nine were accepted in program so we are right on track
  • We are working with those recycling back into the system for low level felonies with substance abuse as contributing factors. We hope to release these individuals back to into society without the same abuse problems and reoccurring issues
  • Next, we need to tighten up some of the things we do for accountability of assistance factors. We need to determine how we help the participant get through this moment. Branson said he hopes the County will see this as a long-term program
  • Currently there are two staff dedicated to the program: Charles Branson and Annie Curtis
  • It would be great to find a group of employers that would hire these graduates. It would help them be successful
  • This program develops a structure to have better communication and support system to keep people moving in the right direction as opposed to policing probation. The program is considered Helping Probation vs. Policing Probation
  • Branson said with this program we take the opportunity to look at people more proactively

MY RESOURCE CONNECTION – Jill Jolicoeur, Assistant to the County Administrator

Updated information included:

  • The application for MyResouce Connection was developed by Johnson County, which is a care coordination platform to communicate on clients and share data. The goal is to provide human services in a constellation network with better coordinated care
  • The information is shared by many agencies: DCCCA, Bert Nash, etc…
  • Case workers can see when there is a mutual client
  • For individual bookings and release into the jail, agencies will get an immediate alert to advocate on behalf of a client
  • First caseworker training is tomorrow, January 9 with 80 case workers. The training will be conducted by Johnson County
  • The hope is after training the group will start using the program next week
  • Anyone can use MyResource Connection to identify services within the community
  • Jolicoeur said she plans on doing more public information on this once we have more robust information in the program
  • Caseworkers can only search for their clients
  • Caseworkers can see what is going on with a whole family if their information is entered. The intent is to provide additional support
  • Everyone in the system has signed an authorization or they can opt out of the program
  • There are strict penalties if there is misuse of the information. There will be audits
  • My Resource was created because MacLink was not working

STAFF UPDATES: Robert Bieniecki, CJCC Coordinator

a) LE Law Enforcement Contact Study:

  • Team will be here January 24-25 to meet with Chief Burns, Sheriff McGovern, City Manager, and County Administrator. There will be a public information session Thursday January 24, from 5-7 p.m. in the Flory Building, Douglas County Fairgrounds
  • Continued subcommittee: Guffey, Epp, Burns, Hail and Ananda

b) Bylaw Changes:

  • Bieniecki is working with the County Commission. He will get changes out for review this week. Commission wants this wrapped up in February. The plan is to add more people to council. Bieniecki will be looking for feedback.

c) Strategic plan is posted on the CJCC website

d) Kansas Leadership center grant. Some CJCC members have been registered

  • Council/Volunteer KLC kickoff event is Feb 21, 5-7 Flory Hall



Adjourn: Schmitz motioned to adjourn; Miller seconded and the motion passed.

Next meeting: March 12, 2019; Dreher Building North Room, Douglas County Fairgrounds; 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.


Dreher Building, Douglas County Fairgrounds
2110 Harper, Lawrence, Kansas 66046