Commission Board Meeting on Wed, April 17, 2019 - 4:00 PM and 5:30 PM

Meeting Information



  Public comment will be taken for each regular agenda item as each item is discussed.  Individuals will be limited to one comment per agenda item.

Individuals are asked to come to the microphone, sign in, and state their name.  We ask that you sign in so that we can get the spelling of your name correct in the minutes of the meeting. Speakers should address all comments/questions to the Commission.


4:00 p.m. - WORK SESSION

(1) Respite Housing in Douglas County


-Proclamation for “National Telecommunicator’s Week” (Rich Barr)

-Approval of the minutes for March 27 and April 3, 2019.


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

 (b) Review and approve 7th Judicial District Kansas Department of Corrections-Juvenile Services Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Plan Grant Application for FY 2020. (Pam Weigand);

(c) Review and approve the FY2020 Kansas Department of Corrections 7th JD Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan Grant Application (Pam Weigand);

(d) Review and approve the FY2020 Kansas Department of Corrections 7th JD Behavioral Health Grant Application (Pam Weigand):

(e) Review and approve a budget adjustment of Kansas Department of Corrections-Juvenile Services 7th JD FY 2019 grant funds to be used to purchase a vehicle for CJS- Youth Programs (Pam Weigand);

(f) Approve an agreement with Cordico Inc. for the First Responder Assistance Application    (Ken McGovern);

(g) Consider approving Douglas County’s participation in the Outreach, Prevention and Early Intervention Services Program with a funding match of $225,000 (Dan Partridge); and

(h) Accounts payable



(2) Update on South Lawrence Trafficwday-West Leg (Aaron Frits, KDOT) – Information only. No action taken.

(3) public hearing and consider approval of a vacation of a portion of public road right-of-way (Sandyland Subdivision) (Kevin Sontag)

(4) Consider approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-19-00013) for a 3,510 sq. ft. equipment storage building for Kanwaka Township, located on approximately 2.54 acres at 1707 E 550 Rd (also known as 548 N 1700 Rd). Submitted by Kevin Sontag, Douglas County Public Works, on behalf of Kanwaka Township, property owner of record. (Mary Miller is the Planner)

(5) Douglas County E-Community Update (Jill Jolicoeur) -Information only. No action to be taken.

(6) Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce Annual Update (Jeannette Blackmar) - Information only. No action taken.

(7) Appointments:  

• Community Corrections Board Advisory Board (1) position open (Social Services)

• Douglas County Food Policy Council (2) positions open (Local food system/Ag Producer)

• Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council (2) positions (Lawyer/Architect) 05/31/19

• JAAA Advisory Council (1) position

• JAAA Board of Directors (2) positions

• Lawrence-Douglas County Advocacy Council on Aging (10) open positions

(8) General Public Comment

General Public Comment will be at the end of each meeting with a limit of one comment per person and keep their comments brief. Individuals may not give unused time to other speakers. As a general practice, the Commission will not discuss/debate these items, nor will the Commission make decisions on items presented during this time, rather they will refer the items to staff for follow up, if necessary.

(9) Committee Reports

(10) Commissioner and/or Administrator Miscellaneous

(11) Adjourn

April 17, 2019

Derusseau called the Work Session to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 with all Commissioners present.


Attendees included: Sarah Plinsky, Interim County Administrator; Jill Jolicoeur, Assistant to the County Administrator; Bob Tryanski, Director of Behavioral Health Projects; Kar Woo, Founder of Artists Helping the Homeless; and Eric Vernon, Artists Helping the Homeless Board Member.

Bob Tryanski, Director of Behavioral Health Projects, discussed the different programs launched in Douglas County for behavioral health initiatives to date. One of the concerns discussed was the needs for safe, sober living housing for men to be part of the strategic care plan. Federal Block Grant dollars is bigger for women. One potential community partner to fill the gap for men is through a respite housing project for men coming out of substance abuse or reentry program.

Kar Woo, Founder Artists Helping the Homeless, lead a discussion on an option for Douglas County to offer respite housing. Kar Woo initiated a program in Kansas City called Bohdi House that provides a strong safety net for men who are homeless and coming out of substance abuse or reentry programs by providing food, housing, and access to medical care, treatment and transportation. Kar Woo’s program monitors clients 24/7 in a safe, clean and sobering residence providing for all basic needs addressing mental, physical, social and spiritual needs and then integrates the client back into a social environment. Woo stated the cost of doing nothing is a cost to taxpayers. One emergency room visit is approximately $5390 per visit. Taxpayers can save $1.9 million annually by eliminating one emergency room visit per day. In order for the program to be successful, there must be an open relationship with law enforcement to make this a community program.


Discussion included what would be necessary to start a Bodhi House program in Douglas County with 24/7 monitoring. The program would start with three part-time and three-full time staff providing food, medical, and transportation with eventual long-term housing placement utilizing RADAC. The hope would be to partner with Baker University or the University of Kansas nursing program. Kar Woo has staff ready and available to start, along with peer support. Kar Woo would purchase a building and would contract services with Douglas County. He would carry the liability insurance and risk. A three-year agreement was discussed with an evaluation to extend past that agreement.

The next steps include a memo to the County Commission with additional follow-up to get a level of comfort with the proposed project. It was the consensus of the Board they are interested in pursuing the program with up to eight clients in residence. The housing accommodations would be similar to Oxford House, Friends of Recovery and the Bridges facility. Funding for the project can utilize the sale tax fund. There would need to be an outline of liabilities and responsibilities as with other government services. Staff recommended bringing the item back to the Commissioner for a decision in June.


RECESS 04-17-19

At 5:17 p.m., the Board recessed until the 5:30 p.m. meeting.

RECONVENE 04-17-19

At 5:30 p.m., Derusseau called the Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commission to order.


Derusseau read a proclamation declaring the week of April 14-20, 2019 as “National Public Safety Telecommunicator’s Week” in Douglas County, and thanked Rich Barr, Emergency Communications, and the dedicated 911 staff who answer calls, provide medical instructions and dispatch emergency responders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


MINUTES 04-17-19

The minutes for March 27 and April 3, 2019 were deferred to the April 24 agenda.


Derusseau moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order Nos. 19-026 and 19-027 on file in the office of the  County Clerk;

►  7th Judicial District Kansas Department of Corrections-Juvenile Services Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Plan Grant Application for FY2020 with the planning allocation for FY2020 the same as last year in the amount of $499,142.22;

►  FY2020 Kansas Department of Corrections 7th Judicial Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan Grant Application with planning allocations for FY2020 at $462,561.88;

►  FY2020 Kansas Department of Corrections 7th Judicial Behavioral Health Grant Application with a request of $55,000 in FY2020 Behavioral Health Programming Grant funds to sustain the Adult Services Office Program Provider positions in Community Corrections;

►  Budget Adjustment of Kansas Department of Corrections Juvenile Justice Services 7th Judicial FY2019 grant funds to be used to purchase a vehicle for Criminal Justice Services Youth Programs for a mid-size car in the maximum amount of $18,300.00. Any additional monies for the purchase would come from the Criminal Justice Services equipment reserve account;

►  Medicaid match funds letter of support for local funding for Healthy Families services with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to develop contract for State Fiscal Year 2020; and

►  Accounts payable in the amount of $437,457.42 to be paid on 04/18/19.

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Pulled from the agenda:

Kelly moved to approve an agreement with Cordinco Inc. for the First Responder Assistance Application at a project cost of $50,000 annually for updates and maintenance with funding from the Sheriff’s Office budget. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


Aaron Frits, Kansas Department of Transportation, provided an update to the Commission on the status of the alternatives to enhance safety and improve the South Lawrence Trafficway (SLT) West Leg. Also in attendance was a representative from HNTB consulting firm.

KDOT is looking at ways to reduce congestion, enhance safety, promote a multimodal transportation system that accommodates other transportation modes and will support local and regional growth.

Alternatives (abbreviated) include:

• No action beyond basic improvements to the following projects: 6th Street/K-10 Interchange, E 1200 Road (Kasold Drive)/K-10 Intersection Closure, I-70 Acceleration/Deceleration Lane Improvements, and Interim Safety Improvements.

• Transportation System Management (TSM)/Transportation Demand Management (TDM) designed to maximize the efficiency of the existing transportation system with low-cost and low-impact strategies such as signal timing, ramp metering and travel behavior changes.

• Multimodal options such as enhancing transit service by providing roadway improvements that allows for more efficient local and regional transit connections; hardening and minor widening of existing shoulders on the east leg of the SLT while constructing shoulders on the west leg to accommodate bus-on-shoulder operations.

• Build by adding capacity to expressway with upgrade to the existing two-lane undivided West Section of the SLT to a median divided expressway facility; existing interchanges at West 6th Street/U.S. 40, Bob Billings Parkway, Clinton Parkway and U.S. 59/Iowa Street will remain interchanges with ramp modifications to accommodate additional expressway travel lanes; the at-grade intersection at West 27th Street/Wakarusa Drive will remain at grade with possible improvements to enhance safety; I-70 interchange ramp terminals would remain in place with various improvements; and in a separate project E 1050 Road (Wakarsua Drive) will be extended to provide connection between N 1200 Road (County Road 458) and the future SLT improvement.

• Build by adding capacity to freeway by upgrading existing two-lane undivided West Section of the SLT to a median divided fully access-controlled freeway facility with 4 or 6 lanes as predicated on future use; existing interchanges at West 6th Street/U.S. 40, Bob Billings Parkway, Clinton Parkway and U.S. 59/Iowa Street will remain interchanges with ramp modifications to accommodate additional freeway travel lanes; the at-grade intersection at West 27th Street/Wakarusa Drive will be converted to a trade separated interchange with future location on SLT corridor to be evaluated; system interchange with I-70 will be considered, however new service interchanges at I-70/East 600 Road/Lecompton Road and K-10/I-70/North 1800 Road will also be considered to provide local access; and in a separate project, N1200 Road (Co. Road 458) will connect to the future SLT improvements at the selected access point.

• Build by adding capacity tolled highway, similar to ‘add capacity’ build alternative but collecting tolls to fund construction to upgrade existing two-lane undivided West Leg of the SLT to a divided 4 or 6 lane full access-controlled freeway facility.

No action was taken.

PLANNING 04-17-19

The Board considered approval of CUP-19-00013, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)  for a 3,510 sq. ft. equipment storage building for Kanwaka Township, located on approximately 2.54 acres at 1707 E 550 Road (also known as 548 N 1700 Road). The application was submitted by Kevin Sontag, Douglas County Public Works, on behalf of Kanwaka Township, property owner of record. Mary Miller, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Staff, presented the item.

Changes made with the Arlo Jay Minor Subdivision, MS-18-00065, increased the area of the township property at 1707 E 550 Road by approximately 1 acre to accommodate the development of additional facilities. The development of an additional storage building is typically processed with a site plan. However, since the area of the township property has changed, it is necessary to amend the CUP for this development. 

Staff recommends approval of the CUP for a 3,510 square foot equipment storage building based on the following findings of fact:

I. Zoning and land uses of surrounding properties. The majority of the area is zoned A (Agricultural) with platted residential development to the north and west being zoned A-1 (Suburban Home Residential). The Floodway Fringe Overlay District is located along stream corridors through the area. Principal land uses in the area are Agriculture, Single Family Dwellings, Residential Detached Dwellings, and woodland. The amended conditional use permit will allow the construction of an equipment storage building and an exterior storage area on the recently expanded township property.

II. Character of the area. This is an agricultural area with rural residential development of varying intensities, with the more dense development being in the platted subdivision adjacent to the township property.

III. Suitability of subject property for the uses to which it has been restricted. The subject property is not suited to many of the uses permitted in the A District as it has been developed with a township fire station and a road maintenance facility. The subject property is well suited for the township use, which is permitted in the A District when approved as a conditional use.

IV. Length of time subject property has remained vacant as zoned. This property is not vacant. A conditional use permit for the township facility was approved by the County Commission in 1990 and the Douglas County Appraiser’s Office files indicate that a structure was constructed in 1990.

V. Extent to which removal of restrictions will detrimentally affect nearby property. The proposed building will be oriented away from the nearby residential property. The exterior storage area will be located in the northwest corner of the site. Currently, the vegetation on the adjacent properties provide an adequate screen for the exterior storage area, but privacy fencing shall be added in the event that the off-site vegetation is removed or damaged to the point that the Zoning and Codes Director determines it does not provide an effective screen.

VI. Relative gain to the public health, safety and welfare by the destruction of the value of the petitioner’s property as compared to the hardship imposed upon the individual landowners. Approval of the application will allow the township to expand its equipment storage on the property and could allow it to function more efficiently. There would be no benefit to the public health, safety, and welfare by the denial as the new structure and exterior storage are not expected to have any detrimental effects to nearby property.

VII. Conformance with the comprehensive plan. The conditional use permit is in conformance with the comprehensive plan, specifically the recommendation to maintain or upgrade existing facilities where necessary to serve existing development.

VIII. Professional staff recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the amended conditional use permit for the construction of a 3,510 square foot equipment storage building on the expanded township site, 2.54 acres, at 548 N. 1700 Road.

Derusseau opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Derusseau moved to approve CUP-19-00013, a Conditional Use Permit for a 3,510 sq. ft. equipment storage building for Kanwaka Township, located on approximately 2.54 acres at 1707 E 550 Road (also known as 548 N 1700 Road). Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Jeannette Blackmar, Baldwin City Chamber Staff, presented the County Commissioners with the Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce annual update.

Highlights included:

• 21 new business in 2 years

• 39 member service events

• Community leaders nearly doubled in 2018

• 20 community events

• 3 large scale programs launched in 2018, 1 in development.

• 166 members

• 2018 governor’s award of excellence winner (McFarlane Aviation)

No action was taken.


Jill Jolicoeur, Assistant to the County Administrator, provided an update to the Board on the Douglas County E-Community partnership program.  

Highlights included:

• Participation in the Douglas County Youth Entrepreneurial Challenge by providing scholarships to area youth participants;

• Offered scholarship funding for a Destination Graduate BootCamp in Longmont, Colorado for area business owners;

• Offered funding for a Maker Space BootCamp in Independence, Kansas for Chamber representatives;

• 2012-2019 has provided 13 loan disbursements to small, local businesses. Three of the loans have been paid on full. Three new loans were disbursed in 2018. The total loan amount of $358,680 had an average loan $27,591 at a $4.43% interest rate;

• New revolving loans were issued to: JAW Bats and Arrowhead Hardware of Baldwin City, and Empty Nester’s Winery of Lecompton.

• The Network Kansas Eastern Regional Loan fund maximum for 2019/2020 is $250,000 with a per loan maximum of $70,000.

Derusseau opened the item for public comment.

Elsie Middleton, Lecompton Kansas, stated the Historical Society has generated a lot of tourists to Lecompton with the help of E-Community and the Heritage Conservation Council Grant program which helped spurred five new businesses.

No Action was taken.






1) Sarah Plinsky, Interim County Administrator, announced that Douglas County is introducing a new logo that will be unveiled today. Staff will start using the new logo immediately and updated on materials when new orders are needed;

2) The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council’s May 14 meeting will be replaced by a Stepping Up Initiative at the Cider Gallery;

3) The Bert Nash 2019 Pioneer Celebration will be held on Monday, April 22 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Maceli’s, 1031 New Hampshire Street. Two or more Commissioners may be in attendance.

4) Plinsky stated staff is anticipating the upcoming 2020 Census. Communities are highly encouraged provide information for the census. Last time, a joint committee was formed with City and County representatives. The County plans to identify a County co-chair to help get the word out plus educational materials. The census drives federal and state spending. Plinsky and Commissioner Derusseau will be looking at recommendations for a co-chair. Staff plans on providing a joint resolution to establish the committee and kickoff program. 

5) Staff is starting to work on the budget process. The Appraiser has received 770 appeals to date. Staff will be hearing appeals through May 10.

6) The County Administration office is working to identify a solution to improve the agenda creation process. Staff is moving forward with a new program under the Interim County Administrators authority. Staff will begin meeting on the new software May 7. The new program will offer better access to the agenda and related files.

7) Two or more Commissioners plan to attend the Positive Bright Start Craft & Compassion 2019 Fundraiser April 25, 5-8 the Eldridge Hotel, 701 Massachusetts Stree

Derusseau adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m.


____________________________  ____________________________

 Michelle Derusseau, Chair                Patrick Kelly, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                  Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044