Commission Board Meeting on Wed, April 10, 2019 - 4:00 PM and 5:30 PM

Meeting Information




ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION:  Public comment will be taken for each regular agenda item as each item is discussed.  Individuals will be limited to one comment per agenda item.

Individuals are asked to come to the microphone, sign in, and state their name.  We ask that you sign in so that we can get the spelling of your name correct in the minutes of the meeting. Speakers should address all comments/questions to the Commission.


4:00 p.m. - WORK SESSION

(1)  Township roads and budget issues


-Proclamation for “National Service Recognition Day” (Paula Smith)

-Consider approval of the minutes for March 20, 2019.


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

 (b) Consider approval of contract for dust palliative supply and application (Keith Browning and Laura Glass);

 (c) Consider approval of authorization to renew pavement markings contract (Keith Browning);

(d) Accounts payable



(2) Consider approval of Agreement with the United Way of the Plains to make 211 community resource information available for Douglas County residents via My Resource Connection (Jill Jolicoeur)

(3) Update on First Responder Assistance Program (Sheriff McGovern and Paul Taylor)

(4) Update on employee health insurance program (Sarah Plinsky)

(5) Appointments:  

• Community Corrections Board Advisory Board (1) position open (Social Services)

• Douglas County Food Policy Council (2) positions open (Local food system/Ag Producer)

• Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council (2) positions (Lawyer/Architect) 05/31/19

• JAAA Advisory Council (1) position

• JAAA Board of Directors (2) positions

• Lawrence-Douglas County Advocacy Council on Aging (10) open positions

(6) General Public Comment

General Public Comment will be at the end of each meeting with a limit of one comment per person and keep their comments brief. Individuals may not give unused time to other speakers. As a general practice, the Commission will not discuss/debate these items, nor will the Commission make decisions on items presented during this time, rather they will refer the items to staff for follow up, if necessary.

(7) Committee Reports

(8) Commissioner and/or Administrator Miscellaneous

(9) Adjourn




April 10, 2019

Derusseau called the Work Session to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 with all Commissioners present.


The Douglas County Commission held a work session regarding township roads and budget issues.

Attendees included: Sarah Plinsky, Interim County Administrator; Cammy Owens, Budget Director; Keith Browning; Director of Public Works; Matt Fishburn, Clinton Township Trustee; Branden Boyd, Eudora Township Treasurer; John Naramore, Grant Township Trustee; Frank Rhodes, Marion Township Clerk; Don Towns, Palmyra Township Trustee; and Clint Hornberger, Willow Springs Township Clerk.

Discussion included:

• Township road mileage, budget and mill levy information.

• Budget authority and the definition of Ad Valorem Tax as being the actual amount the mill levy is raised or lowered by tax dollars.

• Townships with third class cities can levy funds (not to exceed 5 mills) for roads improvements through the use of a Road Fund per K.S.A. 68-518c. To exceed 5 mills, the township may adopt a resolution and fulfill publishing requirements, unless a valid petition against the levy is received.

• Townships do not have the authority to issue bond debt for road maintenance. Bonds can be used to build a building or for equipment.

• Townships can submit a ballot question to levy for road improvements.

What help Douglas County Public Works department can provide:

• Traffic counts

• Prioritize road repairs

• Road repair recommendations

• Road materials recommendations

• Develop contract documents for contracted road repairs/rehabilitation

• Determine/stake existing right-of-way

• Acquire additional right-of-way width

RECESS 04-10-19

The Board recessed at 4:50 p.m. until the 5:30 p.m. Regular Session meeting.

RECONVENE 04-10-19

Derusseau opened the Regular Session meeting at 5:30 p.m. with all Commissioners present.


Derusseau read a proclamation declaring April 2, 2019 as “National Service Recognition Day” in Douglas County. Present were Jeffrey Cornish, CEO United Way of Douglas County; and Brady Armstrong, AmeriCorps, along with many service volunteers.


MINUTES 04-10-19

Derusseau moved to approve the minutes for March 20, 2019. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0. 


Derusseau moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Accepted the low bid and awarded a contract for supply and application of 30% minimum magnesium chloride solution for the user fee dust palliative program to Scotwood Industries, Inc. at a unit cost of $0.99 per gallon;

► Authorized the Public Works Director to renew the contract with Midwest Striping, Inc. for 2019 pavement markings in the amount of $214,403.15; and

► Accounts payable in the amount of $158,365.26 to be paid on 04/11/19; and payroll in the amount of $1,068,315.28 to be paid on 04/12/19.

Motion was seconded by Kelly and carried 3-0.


The Board considered approval of an agreement with the United Way of the Plains to make 2-1-1 community resource information available for Douglas County residents via MyResource Connection. Jill Jolicoeur, Assistant to the County Administrator, presented the item.

United Way 2-1-1 is a comprehensive data source for health and human service resources, including referral services in Kansas and through participating United Way agencies across the country. This agreement helps ensure that MyResource Connection has as much community resource information as possible to provide case managers, care providers and other users. Also the public-facing version of MyResource Connection allows any member of the public to search and identify community services available in Douglas County. The cost associated with this agreement includes the purchase and annual renewal of a ServicePoint software user license in the amount of $250, and $1,200 in annual costs associated with database maintenance for the United Way of the Plains. Funding is available in the 2019 MyResource Connection budget. 

Discussion included that the program will be promoted at key locations such as doctors’ offices, library, shelter, hospital and jail. Currently there are 130 people trained to use MyResource Connection. Staff is currently working on implementing Lawrence-Douglas County Fire and Medical data into the system and adding information on the Housing Authority.

Derusseau opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Thellman moved to approve the agreement with the United Way of the Plains to make 2-1-1 community resource information available for Douglas County residents via MyResource Connection. Motion was seconded by Kelly and carried 3-0.


Ken McGovern, Douglas County Sheriff; and Paul Taylor, Administrative Training Officer, updated the County Commissioners on the First Responder Assistance Program with Cordico. McGovern and Taylor proposed a new wellness program called GardianNet designed to provide educational, confidential and accessible programs to first responders available 24/7. First Responders are exposed to many types of trauma which puts them at high risk for depression, PTSD, sleep disorders etc. The “Toolkit App” provides a series of wellness apps to put responders in touch with a variety of specialists. The key elements include the ability to customize the apps, all information is confidential, the programs are easy to use, peer support and all programs are available to spouses. Douglas County would be the first county in the nation to bring this program countywide to all first responders.

Discussion included that the program will cover approximately 1200 people, including spouses, funding is available in the 2019-2020 Sheriff’s office budget, this program would not go out for a competitive bid as it is a sole source arrangement, and it was the consensus of the Board they considered this program a much need support.

Derusseau opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

It was the consensus of the Board for staff to put the item on next week’s agenda for consideration with the contract for review.


Sarah Plinsky, Interim County Administrator, provided the Commissioners with an update on the status of the employee health insurance program.

As open enrollment approaches for the 2019-2020 insurance plan year, the County is looking at a 15% increase in medical costs over this time last year, 27 large claims over $50,000 after stop loss reimbursement; and an anticipated 11.5% increase in plan expenses for the upcoming plan year based on trends and claim experience provided by WillisTowersWatson benefit consultant.

Staff provided several various benefit options that will be presented to employees in detail at an upcoming insurance benefits meeting scheduled for Friday, April 12. Suggested changes included increases in deductibles, co-payments, a standard formulary list for prescribed medications, and an increase in the retiree premium percentage. Plinsky provided a plan/employee cost comparison to five local organizations including the City of Baldwin, University of Kansas, USD 497, City of Lawrence and Westar Energy.

Derusseau opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

No action was taken.

APPOINTMENTS 04-10-19 – None.



Kelly stated he met with the Affordable Housing Board.


1). Plinsky stated Bert Nash made an announcement this week regarding the new “Right Time Care” flexible schedule. This is a result of the work the Commission has put forth supporting the mental health initiative in the community.

2) Three Commissioners will be attending the Growing Good Neighbors event to be held at the Blue Jacket Winery on April 11 at 6:00 p.m.

3) Kelly attended the City Manager public forum. He received questions about when the County plans to start the hiring process for a new County Administrator. Kelly said he reminded people the County’s plan is to wait until after the 2020 budget process to start the process. He said we need to be mindful there is a lot happening across our community with a new Police Chief, new Fire Chief, and new City Manager. Kelly said he is confident in Plinsky as our Interim County Administrator to help us through the budget process.

Plinsky responded she is honored to service as the Interim County Administrator. She will begin the budget hearing process starting Monday, April 15.

4) The City of Lawrence will begin negotiations with Fire Fighter contracts in May. Plinsky stated Jill Jolicoeur, Assistant to the County Administrator, will be setting in as the County representative for the negotiations.

5) The first round of initial qualifications for the Contract Manager position deadline is Monday, April 15.

Derusseau adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m.



____________________________  ____________________________

 Michelle Derusseau, Chair                Patrick Kelly, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044