Commission Board Meeting on Wed, March 28, 2018 - 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Meeting Information



4:00 p.m.

-Proclamation for Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month (Douglas County Child Abuse Prevention

Task/Jenn Preston)

-Proclamation for “Scouting for Food” (Pelathe District Boy Scouts Heart of American Council);

-Proclamation for “Public Health Week” (Dan Partridge)

-Consider approval of the minutes for  November 8, November 15, November 16 (canvass), December 6, December 13 and December 20, 2017; January 3, January 24, January 31, February 7, February 14, and February 21.


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(b) Consider approval of Agreement No. 48-18 with KDOT, Construction Engineering services for KDOT Project No. 23 C-4857-01Roadside safety improvements and pavement rehabilitation Of Route 458 from E 1800 Rd to E 2000 Rd; DGCO Project No. 2015-17 (Keith Browning);

(c) Acknowledge receipt of reporting of State Forfeitures per K.S.S. 60-4117(d)(2) (Ken  McGovern);

(d)  Consider approval of real property disaster relief pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1613 (Steve Miles);

(e) Consider approval of a Township Treasure’s Bonds Resolution to determine a bond amount for townships (Brooke Sauer)

(e) Consider approval of authority to award contract for Route 458 improvements from E1800 Road to E 2000 Road, KDOT Project No. 23 C-4857-01, DGCO Project No. 2015-17 (Keith Browning); and

(f)  Approve request for real property relief pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1613 for property located at 2901 Atchison Circle, Lawrence, Kansas (Steve Miles)


(2) Receive the Public Incentives Review Committee (PIRC) recommendation and consider Hillary’s (DEW—Drink Eat Well) request for an expansion assistance grant, to be funded equally from the City, County, and The Chamber/Economic Development Corporation (EDC) of Lawrence, Kansas. (Lydia Butler/Britt Crum-Cano)

(3) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

 (b) Appointments  

-Board of Zoning Appeals (1) positions 10/17

-Building Code of Appeals Board (2) positions 12/16

-Community Corrections Advisory Board (1) position 

-JAAA Advisory Council (2) position

-JAAA Board of Directors (1) position

-Fire District No. 1 (1) position

 (c)  Public Comment

(d) Miscellaneous



6:00 p.m.

(4) Consider approval of a TBU (temporary business use) application from Tower Associates, property owner Marvin Strong, MNL Farms, for temporary installment of a SoDAR Unit to collect meteorological data located at SW/4 of Sec 3, Twp 15, R 19, generally located 220 E 1100 Rd. (Tonya Voigt/Sean Reid)

(5) Consider request to amend the policy to have a beer garden at the Douglas County fair     (Margaret Kalb)-No backup

(6) Adjourn

March 28, 2018

Thellman called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 with all members present.


Diana Frederick, CASA Child Abuse Prevention Take Force, presented Mary Tye with the Championship for Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Award to honor her for making a difference in our community.  

Thellman moved to approve a proclamation for “Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month,” April 2018. 


Dan Partridge, Director of the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department, presented a proclamation for “Public Health Week,” April 2-8, 2018.

MINUTES 03-28-18

Thellman moved approval of the minutes for November 8, November 15, November 16 (canvass), December 6, December 13 and December 20, 2017; January 3, January 24, January 31, February 7, February 14, and February 21. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order Nos. 18-014, 18-015 and 18-016 on file in the office the County Clerk);

►  Agreement No. 48-18 with KDOT providing for Public Works department personnel to perform construction inspection services for Project No. 23 C-4857-01, roadside safety improvement and pavement rehabilitation on Route 458 from E 1800 Road to E 2000 Road.

►  Acknowledge notification that the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Lawrence-Douglas County Drug Enforcement Unit received the following state forfeiture funds in the year 2017:



Case #:

Total Amount:

DGSO Share all Costs:

DEU’s Share after All Costs:











Total Awarded:












►  Resolution Res 18-11 Township Treasurer’s Bond establishing the amount of surety bonds required per K.S.A. 80-203 for Douglas County Township Treasurers.

►  DOT Form 1309, Authority to Award Contract, Commitment of County Funds for Project No. 23 C-4857-01, roadside safety improvements and pavement rehabilitation on Route 458 from E 1800 Road to E 2000 Road; and

►  Real Property Relief pursuant to K.S.A. 79-16-13 for homestead destroyed by natural disaster for subject property PIN 023-111-11-0-30-09-002.00-0, situs address of 2901 Atchison Circle, Lawrence, Kansas; with an abatement or credit of $295.96 after proration.

Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


Britt Crum-Cano, Economic Development Coordinator, asked the Board to consider an expansion assistance grant request for Hilary’s Drink Eat Well, (DEW) L.L.C. local food Production Company that manufacturers certified organic, plant-based foods. The $30,000 grant would be split equally between the City, County and EDC. 

Lydia Butler, CFO of DEW, shared information about her company. DEWs mission is to serve families with food allergies. The foods are plant based and free from the top food allergens. They are located at 2205 Haskell Avenue. Butler wishes to expand their manufacturing capacity in the current plan, consolidate storage and logistics operations into a facility at 2151 Haskell Avenue, bringing it all in house, and to purchase new equipment to improve manufacturing capabilities. Butler expects to add 12-14 new jobs by the end of three years. DEW is also a second chance employer and a certified B Corporation.

Thellman asked if her employment was connected to the Douglas County Reentry program. Butler said some of her employees come through Family Promise, the Reentry Program and The Shelter.

Derusseau thanked Butler for being a second chance employer and for the training you offer your employees even outside of work to be successful, not just for work, but for their personal lives.

Gaughan commented that the food tastes good also.

Thellman said in the early days Hilary’s sourced from local farmers. She asked if the company had outgrown that. Butler said that is correct. But when they have the opportunity to buy closer to home they do.

Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Thellman moved to participate in the incentive package and award $10,000 for the purposes as outlined above. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to approve payroll in the amount of $344,692.92 to be paid on 03/29/18, $481.50 paid on 03/26/18 and $273,345.68 paid on 03/21/18. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to reappoint Ellen Paulson to the Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority for a first full four-year term to expire June 2022.  Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to appoint Troy Clark to the unexpired position #5 on the Lecompton Fire District No. 1 for a first full term to expire 12/31/18.  Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.

RECESS 03-28-18

At 4:45 p.m., Thellman moved to recess until the 6:00 p.m. meeting. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.

RECONVENE 03-28-18

At 6:00 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.

ZONING/TBU 03-28-18

The Board considered the approval of ZTBU-2018-0001, a Temporary Business Use application from Tower Associates, property owner Marvin Strong, MNL Farms, for the temporary installment of a SoDAR Unit to collect meteorological data located at SW quarter of Section 3, Township 15, Range 19, generally located at 220 E 1100 Road. Sean Reid, Director of Zoning & Codes, presented the item.

Thellman stated the Board had extensive conversations about this type of application when we were creating the Temporary Business Use permit process. So a presentation on this item wasn’t necessary.

Thellman asked for confirmation that notification was sent out to surrounding neighbors and no comments, calls or correspondence were received. Reid stated that is correct.

Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Thellman moved to approve ZTBU-2018-0001, a Temporary Business Use application from Tower Associates, for the temporary installment of a SoDAR Unit to collect meteorological data located at SW quarter of Section 3, Township 15, Range 19, generally located at 220 E 1100 Road. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

WALK ON ITEM 03-28-18

Representatives Mike Kelso and Becky Bentley from Douglas County Fairboard asked the Board to consider approving a one-day permit or exemption to the fair rules to add a beer garden at the fairgrounds during the bull riding event scheduled on the Saturday of the fair for 2018. It would be behind and west of the concrete stage. The Fairboard would provide fencing to secure the area. Security and ID checking would be provided. It would be a way to generate more revenue to add future events. They would seek proposals from local businesses to provide the beer service.

Derusseau asked if the business owner providing the beer would carry the license and insurance. Kelso said “yes” they would have to provide all of that. Derusseau said they would also have to be licensed as a caterer. She said her concerns would be the liability issues.

Thellman said if this moves forward, we would have to alter our regulations for the fair. She asked what would be the liability on the County. Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, said the hard part about doing this with the fair is the County is the fair’s insurance provider. We would need to check with our liability coverage to see if we would need extra coverage for that day. It shouldn’t be difficult to secure. And, the vendor would have to comply with all state and local rules.

Thellman asked when the event would end. Bentley said the event should be done at 9:30 p.m., and the headliner would be performing until 11:00 p.m. They would plan to close the beer garden 30 minutes prior to the end of the performance and the carnival closing.

After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for staff to research the liability insurance issues and if that is not an obstacle, Kelso and Bentley can continue to research whether law enforcement (LPD and Sheriff’s Office) is on board. If that works out, they can come back to the Board with a proposal.


Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Gaughan

and carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 Nancy Thellman, Chair                     Michelle Derusseau, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________ _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Mike Gaughan, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA