Commission Board Meeting on Wed, April 19, 2017 - 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Meeting Information

Amended Agenda


4:00 p.m.

-Proclamation for “30th Anniversary of Pelathe District Boy Scouts, Scouting for Food”

-Recognition of Jillian Rodrigue, Douglas County Emergency Management Assistant Director, graduation from the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy.


(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders; 

(b) Consider approval of the FY2018 Comprehensive Plan/Budget; FY2018 Behavioral    

  Health Grant/Budget (Deborah Wright);

 (c) Consider Recommendation to Purchase Equipment for Public Works (Jackie Waggoner);

 (d) Consent Agenda approval of contract for Dust Palliative supply and application           

    (Keith Browning);



(2) Presentation by Chris Schneweis, Senior Management Analyst, Johnson County, Kansas –  

 “My Resource Connection” – No backup

(3) Presentation by Betsy Gillespie, Director of Community Corrections, Johnson County,    

  Kansas – “Overview of Johnson County Community Correction – No backup

(4) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

 (b) Appointments  

 -MPO Bicycle Advisory Committee (1) position

 -Board of Zoning Appeals (1) position 10/16

 -Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority Board (1) position 06/17 

 -Metropolitan Planning Commission – Positions (2) 05/17

 (c)  Public Comment

 (d)  Miscellaneous   



6:00 p.m.

 (5) Consider approval of a County Resolution for Text Amendment, TA-15-00571, to the Zoning    

  Regulations for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas to add Wind Energy    

  Conversion Systems. The Text Amendment was approved by County Commission on 6/22/16.    (Sandra Day)

 (6) Approve 2017-2018 Health Insurance Plan (Sarah Plinsky)

 (7) Adjourn


April 19, 2017

Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 with all members present.


Gaughan moved to approve a proclamation for the 30th Anniversary of  Pelathe District Boy Scouts, Scouting for Food.” Motion was seconded by  Derusseau and carried 3-0.


The County Commission recognized Jillian Rodrigue, Douglas County Emergency Management Assistant Director, on her graduation from the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy. Tom Damewood, LMH local Emergency Planning Committee Chair, presented Rodrigue with

a certificate.


Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order No. 17-017 (on file in the office the County Clerk);

►  FY2018 Comprehensive Plan/Budget; FY2018 Behavioral Health Grant/Budget for Community Corrections; and

► Authorized staff to access the MACPP regional contract with Westfall GMC for the following purchase of a dump truck for Public Works: and

        2015 Mack GU812 Truck                       $ 91,629.05

          Mack Engine Protection Plan                 $   4,300.00

          Mack Exhaust Aftertreatment System    $      950.00

          Special Equipment                                 $114,533.00

          Total                                                     $211,412.05


►  Acceptance of the low bid for dust palliative supply and application for Public Works and awarded the contract for supply application of 32% magnesium chloride solution for the user fee dust palliative program to Scotwood Industries, Inc. at a unit cost of $0.970 per gallon.

Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.      


Chris Schneweis, Senior Management Analyst with Johnson County, made a presentation to the Board on the My Resource Connect application. This community resource system clinic model, developed in house, was designed to link all services, agencies and resources available for substance abuse, mental health and housing to reduce redundant services. This web-base application is secure and allows case manager to extract client data from all the siloed data bases that they work with in Johnson County. All information is put into one central location linking case managers when they are working with the same individual or the same household. Organizations that are not funded by a county government use a business associated agreement to legally share information.

Gaughan asked if the goal is to create a unique record on each person so you can match records across the siloed data basis. There is consumer data and also resources provided. Schneweis responded there are two versions of the application, one secured that requires a sign in; and a public version to search for resource connections. The information can be search to a zip code when directing services. This is not a tracking tool. It allows those individuals working with these clients and consumers to have quick access to information because the best interventions are the ones that are done in a timely manner.

Thellman asked if Douglas County wanted to participate, how do we get on the program. Schneweis said Johnson County would pull their client data out of the application and turn it over to another agency to get their version going; or bring Douglas County on to Johnson County’s program with a partition that would only share information amongst Douglas County. If there is a significant client overlap with Johnson County that connection can be made later.  

Gaughan said you are talking about a standalone application, but asked if a Douglas County resident received services in Johnson County will that be flagged in the data base. Schneweis said you can do one of two things: 1) you can do a standalone My Resource Connection for Douglas County; or 2) you can come on as a full fledge partner in this current application. When your staff would sign in with their user name and password, they would only be viewing that client information that is provided at Douglas County. We would not share data until we find your Sheriff’s office and Johnson County’s probation have a high mutual client overlap. Legally most of that information is public record and can be shared.

Thellman asked if additional staff would be required to implement this program. Schneweis responded that is hard to say. Johnson County has one employee that works with this data full time. Many of their staff have dedicated themselves to this cause in addition to their other duties because they value it.


Betsy Gillespie, Director of Community Corrections, Johnson County, made a presentation to the County Commission on an overview of Johnson County Community corrections. 

Gillespie discussed their Community Corrections campus that houses:

• the Adult Residential Center;

• Juvenile Detention Center;

• Adult Intensive Supervision Probation Program;

• Juvenile Intensive Supervision Probation Program;

• Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center; Adolescent Center for Treatment;

• Therapeutic Community;

• Adult House Arrest Program;

• Juvenile House Arrest Program;

• Work Release Program;

• Assessment for Bond Supervision Program; and

• The Probation Intake Program

The Corrections Department Budget for 2017 is $30,447,592. The number of budgeted employees for 2017 is 313.64 full time employees. The corrections funding comes from: 39% from County; 25% sales tax support; 21% grant funding; 10% client reimbursements; and 5% miscellaneous revenues and carryover client reimbursement. Gillespie said the expenses are high but they benefit from having all of the services in one location. It also allows them to move staff around to accommodate gaps. Gillespie said she has not asked for additional staff in 10 years. This setup has allowed Gillespie to reduce staff by 70 full-time positions. Now the only time a new staff member is added is when the state wanted the position and funded it.

Gillespie emphasized they are not the jail. The sheriff in Johnson County operates the jail. Their mission and vision mirrors the County’s. Their department mission is to change people by leading by example and encouraging responsibility for positive lasting change for a better future. They lock people up when they have to, but they are about changing the offenders. The campus is close to the adult jail. The adult residential center has four buildings, three housing units, one programs building and 398 beds. In 2016, they had 114 residential probationers, 53 on work release, and 42 in the therapeutic community. The work release program includes some state inmates. The therapeutic community with intensive drug treatment has 42 on an average daily basis. They have a huge performance measurement system. She gave examples of: new convictions for residential probationers within 12 months of release is 13.7%; work release inmates recidivism is 10.6%; and therapeutic community with drug treatment where most of offenders are on their last attempt before prison is 8.6%. Gillespie said we are having great success.

She discussed electronic monitoring systems and brought samples for the Commissioners to review. Their district court does not use private electric monitoring agencies. Johnson County has staff assigned to specific clients who monitors offenders 24 hours a day.  House arrest staff monitor Sunday-Saturday 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Then, the residential control center staff takes over and monitors until 6 a.m. The Juvenile Detention Center staff takes over monitoring for the House Arrest staff from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. The benefit of having all of the services in one building allows for the flexibility to move staff around when needed to fill a gap. We have a hefty fee fund because of the residential center which charges $13 per day and money from the work release program that helps fund some staff.

Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, asked which programs are pretrial only and which are for sentence only population. Gillespie responded corrections serve any pretrial clients except for bond assessments. We have staff that do bond assessments to see if the offenders are releasable from the jail.  It is the District Attorney’s office and bond supervision staff who supervises solely pretrial. House arrest supervises both. We do have a lot of people on bond that have conditions of bond or are on house arrest. We also have those that are probation benders that need to step up to monitoring for awhile. 

Thellman asked if location is important or can this type of service be offered in any building and location. Gillespie responded you have to have the cooperation of the community. Transportation can be expensive. However, the cost of the work release residential program is less than it costs for the county jail or state prison and usually for a shorter time period. She added local businesses want to employee them because they are guaranteed to show up for work and on time.

RECESS 04-19-17

The Board took recess at 5:12 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

RECONVENE 04-19-17

The Board returned to regular session at 6:00 p.m.

PLANNING 04-19-17

Gaughan moved to adopt Resolution 17-12 adopting text amendments to the Zoning Regulations for the unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas to add Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, brought Health Insurance Plan revisions and Stop Loss Coverage for 2017-2018 to the Board for consideration.

Plinsky stated there have been a significant number of claims in the past two years. The February 2017, the average claim per employee was up 4.5% higher than the February 2016 Year to Date period. In 2016, Douglas County raised deductibles and medical Out of Pocket (OOP) Maximum by $50, as well as the  drug co-pays. During the same period, the plan had 16 large claimants over $50,000, with a total paid claim amount of $1.4 million after anticipated stop loss reimbursements of $1.3 million. The past two years large claims has impacted the Stop Loss Insurance renewal.

Due to timing requirements, Plinsky authorized the application with AIG on April 4, 2017 based upon two quotes received. The Board is asked to affirm that authorization made by Plinsky.

Based on trends and prior period claims experience, Willis and staff anticipated a 7.35% rate increase in the health benefits plan. The network change made earlier in the year to Cigna helped allows for a plan savings of $302,654 lowering the plan increase to 3.9% for the 2017-2018 plan year. Staff has included in the 2017-2018 plan telemedicine services where employees have access to doctors and other health care providers by phone 24 hours to assist with prescriptions for common services like infections, colds and flu with no co-pay.

Plinsky provided the Board with a number of options to deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums and prescription drug co-pay baselines. Option three was recommended by Douglas County employees at a recent insurance meeting, with the goal to make small increases to align our plan with comparable organizations.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

After discussion, Gaughan moved to affirm the actions of the Assistant County Administrator on April 14, 2017 to enter into an agreement with AIG for Stop Loss Coverage for the 2017-2018 Health Insurance Plan Year; and to modify the 2017-2018 Health Plan in accordance with the recommendations of staff for Option Three ($50 increase in deductibles and medical (OOP) and increasing the prescription drug co-pays by $10 in each category). Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


Gaughan moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $702,948.98

to be paid on 04/20/17; and $80,161.00 paid on 04/06/17 and payroll in the amounts of $334.00 and $948,458.60 pad on 03/03/17, $956,287.92 paid on 03/17/17, $1,021,021.65 paid on 03/31/17 and $970,486.43 paid on 04/14/17. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 Mike Gaughan, Chair                        Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Michelle Derusseau, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA