Commission Board Meeting on Wed, November 30, 2016 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


4:00 p.m.


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(b) Consider approval of Cereal Malt Beverage License for Flamingo Enterprises (Clerk’s Office);

(c) Consider approval of Cereal Malt Beverage license for Clinton Submarina (Clerk’s Office);

(d) Consider approval of Cereal Malt Beverage license for Clinton Marina (Clerk’s Office);

(e) Consider approval of Lease Agreement Renewal and Addendum with Hillcrest Wrecker  and Garage Inc. (Sarah Plinsky);

(f) Consider approval of IP Pathways Service and Maintenance contracts for Douglas  County Emergency Management (Randy Roberts);0

(g) Request for Initiation of Text Amendments to Section 20-319-4 of the Zoning  Regulations for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas to add a landfill use category   as a Conditional Use and to establish standards for the use (Mary Miller);

(h) Consider approval of a resolution adopting Text Amendment TA-16-00323, revising    Section 12-319-4 of the Zoning Regulations of the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas   County, Kansas to add Small Scale Industrial Uses to the list of Conditional Uses and to   establish standards for the use. (Approved by the Board of County Commissioners on   November 9, 2016) (Mary Miller);

(i) Request for Initiation of Text Amendments to Section 20-319-4 of the Zoning Regulations   for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas to revise 12-319-4.31 Radio,   television, telecommunication, and microwave towers to update the definitions and    standards in compliance with recent State legislation. (Mary Miller); and

(j) Approve Site Plan, SP-16-00391, for Bracker Good Earth Clays, located at 1831 E 1450   Rd. (Mary Miller)


(2) Presentation of Douglas County Fairgrounds Master Plan for landscaping (Eileen Horn)

(3) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

 (b) Appointments

 -Board of Construction Codes Appeals (1) position 12/15

 -Planning Commission (1) position to fill unexpired term

 (c)  Public Comment

 (d)  Miscellaneous  

(4) Adjourn

November 30, 2016

Flory called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 with all members present.


Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order No. 16-034 and 16-035 (on file in the office the   Count Clerk); 

►  Resolution 16-23 for a Cereal Malt Beverage License for Flamingo Enterprises/The Bird of Lawrence;

►  Resolution 16-24 for Cereal Malt Beverage License for Clinton Submarina;

►  Resolution 16-25 for Cereal Malt Beverage License for Clinton Marina;

►  Resolution 16-24 for Cereal Malt Beverage License for Clinton Submarina;

►  Lease Agreement Renewal and Addendum with Hillcrest Wrecker and Garage, Inc.;

►  IP Pathways Service and Maintenance contacts for Douglas County Emergency Management: 1) Cisco Renewal with 5-year option; 2) NetApp Renewal through EOSL;

►  Text Amendments to Section 20-319-4 of the Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas to add a landfill use category as a Conditional Use and to establish standards for the use;

►  Resolution  16-26 of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas adopting text amendments to the Zoning Regulations for the unincorporated territory of Douglas County, Kansas, (for Small Scale Industrial Uses);

►  Initiation of Text Amendments to Section 20-319-4 of the Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas to revise 12-319-4.31 Radio, television, telecommunication, and microwave towers to update the definitions and standards in compliance with recent State legislation; and

►  Site Plan, SP-16-00391, for Bracker Good Earth Clays, located at 1831 E 1450 Road with the following conditions: 1) Provision of additional lighting information to the Planning Office for the proposed exterior wall-mounted light to insure that off-site glare will be minimized or utilization of a lower lumen light fixture. 2) Submittal of a revised site plan with the following change: a. The number of required parking spaced in the parking summary revised to ‘19.’

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Eileen Horn, Sustainability Coordinator, made a presentation to the Board on the Douglas county Fairgrounds Master Plan for landscaping.

Paul Newkirk, Bartlett and West, laid out the landscape options for gathering places and mixed use green space. He suggested using the grassy parking area for soccer games and Frisbee golf with portable goals when not used for parking. Horn said there are possible funding opportunities such as grants to use for playground equipment. They are looking at using native vegetation so sprinkler systems will not be needed.

Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, said they have a $46K budget so they won’t be able to do everything at once. Phases II and III may have to come to the Commission for money. She is hoping the County can seek partnerships as outside funding sources or develop individual funding plans.

Thellman asked if the project came in under budget. Plinsky replied the construction is not complete yet though she feels comfortable that there may be some money left over to help fund the landscaping. We also need to figure out how much landscaping our staff can maintain. The fairgrounds received an exemption from the City of Lawrence because of the master plan project and the improvements to 19th Street. The trees to not have to be put in yet but we may need to come up with additional funds for those trees.

Gaughan asked how long staff feels it will take to complete all three phases. Newkirk said the three phases will take about 10 years to complete.

No action was taken.


Flory moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $408,517.52 paid on 11/23/16; and $213,011.31 to be paid on 12/01/16; and payroll in the amounts of $4,887.26, $7,813.76 and $1,105,855.69 paid on 11/10/16; $962,095.73 paid on 10/24/16; and $928,895.85 paid on 10/28/16. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Flory moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 James E. Flory, Chair                       Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________ _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA