Commission Board Meeting on Wed, September 23, 2015 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


4:00 p.m.

-Proclamation for National 4-H Week (October 4-10, 2015) (Sue Ashcroft)



(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

   (b) Consider Cooperation Agreement between Douglas County and the City of Eudora to provide a centralized communication center for the purpose of receiving and transmitting  

    emergency communications. (Craig Weinaug);

   (c) Consider Extension of our Food Contract (Jackie Waggoner)



 (2) Consider a request for funding for equipment, vehicle, fuel/maintenance and insurance for rapid intervention team for the area rural fire departments (Drew Vincent)

 (3) Consider proposed changes to the Douglas County Personnel Policies as tabled from the September 17, 2015 meeting (Sarah Plinsky)

(4) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

(b) Appointments

 -Joint Economic Development Council (2) positions – 10/2015

 -Building Code of Appeals Board (1) position

(c)  Public Comment

(d)  Miscellaneous

(5) Adjourn

September 23, 2015

Flory called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 with all members present. 


Flory moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Cooperation Agreement between Douglas County and the City of Eudora to provide a centralized communications center for the purpose of receiving and transmitting emergency communications; and

►  Authorized staff to extend our feed contract with US Food under the Premier contract on a month-to-month basis.

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0


The Board considered a request to fund equipment, a vehicle, fuel/maintenance and insurance for a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) for the area rural fire departments. Drew Vincent, Management Intern, presented the item.

Dennis Snodgrass, Clinton Township Fire Department, stated in 2014 there were nine fire departments in the County with 170 volunteer firefighters. Normally, 10-34 members show up for a fire, with 4-10 of those responders being from the same department. The most experienced fire fighters go inside the structure leaving the less skilled for rescue. The RIT is a specialized fire fighting unit that serves as a rescue team for trapped or incapacitated firefighters. Their focus is to monitor and react to firefighter safety.  Ideally the RIT would consist of at least two members from every department (providing at least 18 members).

Vincent stated in order to put this team together; we need a vehicle, equipment, and training support annually. He proposed two vehicle options: 1) a 1999 Chevy Suburban owned by the Eudora Fire Department ($15,740.00 with upgrades) or 2) a 2015 Ford Expedition owned by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department ($36,740.00 with upgrades).

Flory stated he is not interested in the 1999 Suburban. Gaughan and Thellman agreed.

Gaughan asked if we went with the 2014 Expedition, when could the Board expect the need to replace it and what is the additional long-term cost. Snodgrass said three years. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator stated and a new vehicle would cost $35,000-$40,000. The true reoccurring cost is $23,000-25,000 per year.

Gaughan said he represents the City of Lawrence and asked if this is the first time the County has owned and operated equipment for the township. Weinaug replied “yes.”

Flory said we are not setting a precedent situation by offering to assist in this proposal. The cost is nominal when compared to the interest of ensuring firefighters are as safe as possible. He supports using the 2014 Expedition and is in favor of commencing immediately if there is funding availability in the 2015 budget.

Thellman stated she agreed public safety is an issue and we should commence with the purchase right away.

Flory added he feels the funding is adequate to train more than 18 RIT members.

Flory moved to approve the request to fund a county-wide Rapid Intervention Team purchasing the 2014 Ford Expedition from the Sheriff’s Department for an estimated cost $36,740.00 including the upgrades; the necessary equipment  for an estimated cost of $21,154.00; and with the recurring insurance, annual maintenance estimate and annual training support estimated at $15,748.00. This request, in total, amounts to $73,642.00. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, continued discussion on proposed changes to the Douglas County Personnel Policies as tabled from the September 16, 2015 meeting.

The changes as proposed below are a reflection of the discussion at the prior meeting to increase vacation accruement, increase the cap on vacation at 320 hours and eliminate payout.  


Proposed changes to Accrual and Use of Sick Leave: 

Modify the Wellness leave program away from a program that rewards not using sick leave and turn it into a program that supports positive activities and programs, such as participation in the HRA and Biometrics screenings. In 2015, employees were eligible for 8 hours of vacation time for participating in the screen program. The program can be expanded in 2016 once the additional results are reviewed.

Proposed Changes for Vacation Leave:

Increase vacation accrual rates as outlined in the table below:




Proposed by Commissioner Flory

Years of Service

Accrued Hours Per Pay Period



0-4 years




5-9 years




10-14 years




15+    (20 years - removed)




(20+ years - removed)

6.50 (removed)

6.75 (removed)

7.7 (removed)

(Cross outs were removed by motion and approval at the end of this section.)

Proposed Changes to 9.2 Vacation Leave, C. Maximum Accumulations and Excess Payment:

Move the calendar for the Excess Vacation payment to the regular Payroll/Benefit Calendar year as set by Payroll each year.

Proposed Changes to 9.2 Vacation Leave and 9.3 Sick Leave 1. Vacation and Sick Leave:

Modify the policy and procedure away from using the regular rate of pay for sick leave donations and moving to “hour for hour” donations.

Flory stated he understands the compensation payout was created to take the place of the longevity program. He feels it is good to recognize employees that stay around. He suggested coming up with a payout amount for longevity starting after five years of service.

Thellman stated she agrees the longevity plan is a good idea. She had no concerns with the proposed changes. They are reasonable.

Flory said he wants to leave on the vacation cap. Once an employee hit the cap, he doesn’t accrue anymore vacation until vacation is used. The new system will notify employees when the cap is coming up.

Thellman asked if there was room for special circumstances. Plinsky stated if you grant one special circumstance you have to grant them all. She is not in favor of setting that precedent.

Gaughan stated he agreed with the proposed changes. He would rather have an increase in vacation built in to the budget then payouts. He feels the changes reflect who we are as an employer. He likes the direction we are headed. Gaughan said he would like to talk more about the different options for terms of longevity.

Plinsky said she would like to get direction on the dollar amount and what time of year it would be offered, though longevity would not be implemented until 2016. We would have to determine a budget.

Julie Jacob, Payroll, stated it would be easier to add the longevity payment to a regular paycheck otherwise she has to take the money at a higher tax rate. Plinsky added issuing a separate check is also more work for staff.

Flory suggested a $75 payment every year after 5 years. Thellman said she is comfortable with that.

Kay Pesnell, Register of Deeds, asked of elected officials would be included in the longevity payout. Plinsky responded normally elected officials are included in our pay practices, except leave. They would be eligible unless the Commission excludes them. 

Jacob said she wanted to clarify that the vacation cap would be a hard cap and 2) for the people that are not quite full-time, make their cap in accordance to their FTE value so that we are not at 180 hours because after you get to 15 years it is hard to get the time off. Flory responded he would suggest if you are three-quarter time you would prorate FTE at three-quarters of 380 hours.

Jim Lawson, Director of IT, stated he supports the changes.

David Sparkes, Director of Maintenance, said it would be easier to explain the changes to his staff if we can explain everything they are losing and gaining.

Flory moved to ask staff to create policy changes that would eliminate the existing well leave program which provides for annual leave and compensation after not using sick time during consecutive pay periods, but continue the awards of time off for annual leave for an incentive based wellness program; increase the accrual rates (based upon the rates as recommended by Commissioner Flory) as set out above eliminating the 20+ increase. The accrual rate will remain 7.0 at 15 years and above; increase the maximum annual leave limit from 290 to 320 hours providing there is no annual leave accrual after an employee reaches the cap of 320; eliminate the current policy on excess annual leave and create a longevity program of $75 per year of service once reaching 5 years of service; and change the vacation donation rate to be hour for hour, not by rate of pay. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Flory moved the following appointments to the Joint Economic Development Council: Rebekah Gaston, for a three-year term ending 10/31/2018; and Derek Felch also for a three-year term to expire 10/31/18. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $417,958.87 be paid on 09/24/15; and payroll in the amount of $925,982.01 to be paid on 09-18-15. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Flory moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 James E. Flory, Chair                         Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA