Meeting Information
4:00 p.m.
(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Review and approve FY2016 Comprehensive Plan and budget;
(c) Review and approve FY2016 Behavioral Health Grant and budget;
(d) Review and Approve the 7th Judicial District Kansas Department of Corrections –
Juvenile Services Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Plan Grant Application for SFY 2016 (Pam Weigand);
(e) Review and Approve the Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Plan State Block Grant Conditions of Grant Agreement between Douglas County Kansas and Kansas Department of Corrections-Juvenile Services. (Pam Weigand);
(f) Consider approval of a 3-party agreement with BNSF railroad and KDOT Installation of railway crossing signals and gates on E 1900 Road Project No. 23X-2892-01
(Keith Browning); and
(g) Consider authorizing treatment of Eurasian Watermilfoil at Lone Star Lake (Keith Browning).
(2) Accept the staff recommendation for the Employee Health Plan for the 2015-2016 plan year (Sarah Plinsky)
(3) Consider PIRC recommendations on incentive requests from IAH (Stoddard and Weinaug)-Backup to follow
(4) Grant application for jail project (Mike Brouwer)
(5) Consider approval of a resolution directing the County Counselor to institute a judicial tax foreclosure action in the District Court of Douglas County, Kansas (Paula Gilchrist)
(6) Waive the formal bidding process and consider approving a lease agreement for the Treasurer’s satellite office (Leslie Herring)
(7) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
-Board of Zoning Appeal (1) eligible for reappointment 10/2014
-Douglas County Senior Services Board of Directors (2) positions
-Heritage Conservation Council-(2) positions - 05/2015
-Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission (1) position -05/2015
(c) Public Comment
(d) Miscellaneous
(8) Adjourn
April 22, 2015
Flory called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 with all members present.
Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
► FY 2016 community Corrections Grant Funds Budget Summary and Budget Narrative;
► Community Corrections Behavioral Health Budget Summary and Budget Narrative;
► 7th Judicial District Kansas Department of Corrections-Juvenile Services Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Plan Grant Application for FY 2016;
► Agreement Conditions of Grant for Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Plan State Block Grant; and
► Authorization for the County Commission Chair to sign a three-party agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad and KDOT for the installation of crossing signals and gates at the BNSF railroad crossing on E 1900 Road approximately one-half mile north of N 1400 Road.
Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
Pulled from the agenda:
The Board considered approving a noxious weed treatment at Lone Star Lake. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, stated staff proposed treating the Eurasian Watermilfoil Infestations (EWM) this year again with Aquathol-K using Estate Management Services as opposed to having staff do the treatment. Browning stated he would like to explore for next year using a Sonar One treatment which could eradicate the EWI problem spot treatments will not achieve. Browning asked the Board to consider allowing staff to apply for a CFAP grant to help cover the cost of a $70,000 sonar treatment. The maximum grant amount is $40,000.
Gaughan asked if sonar is designed to treat this specific weed. Doug Stephens, Operations Manager, replied “yes” and has been used in a lot of states to target EWM.
Flory moved to authorize the treatment of Eurasian Watermilfoil Infestations found in Lone Star Lake in the in the early summer of 2015, contracting with Estate Management Services using Aquathol-K at an estimated cost of $7,054 to be paid from the Parks budget line item 71115. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.
It was the consensus of the Board for staff to bring back additional information on the Sonar One treatment before making a decision on approving the grant application.
Gaughan moved to approve staff recommendations for the Employee Health Plan for the 2015-2016 plan year as follows:
Proposed Prescription Tiers
Expensive Generic (over $100)
Tier 2
Tier 3
Proposed Deductible and Out of Pocket Maximums
Out of Network
Deductible – single
Deductible – family
Out of pocket maximums – single
Out of Pocket maximums - family
Current Premium Equivalents
Total expense
Employee portion
Employee % share
Employee Only
$ 580.11
$ 42.86
Employee plus One
$ 1,134.58
$ 214.00
$ 1,621.76
$ 297.14
Proposed Premium Equivalents
Total expense
Employee portion
Employee % share
Employee Only
$ 594.85
$ 50.00
Employee plus One
$ 1,163.48
$ 218.50
$ 1,663.06
$ 303.00
Increase in Premium Equivalents from 2003-2015
Employee Only
An increase of $1.92 a year
Employee plus One
An increase of $4.35 a year
An increase of $6.00 a year
Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
The Board considered the Public Incentives Review Committee (PIRC) recommendations on an incentive request from Integrated Animal Health (IAH), who is seeking assistance in relocating their global headquarters to the Bioscience & Technology Business Center. Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager, and Britt Crum-Cano, Economic Development Coordinator, presented the item.
G.R. Wood, IAH President and COO; and Blake Holly, IAH CEO, made a presentation on IAH, which is currently based out of Queensland, Australia. IAH is a privately owned and funded company that uses patented technology to help increase the absorption of medicine in animals, either given orally or through the skin.
The City received an application for economic development assistance from IAH on April 13, 2015 requesting a three-year forgivable loan of $100,000 and a three-year lease subsidy of $115,000 for 700 square feet of space in the Lawrence BTBC facility at 2029 Becker Drive. Staff recommends approving request based upon the company projecting a significant amount of high-skilled, high-wage jobs; and that the company meets the major economic goals outline in the City Code and Horizon 2020.
It was the consensus of the Board that the incentive package was reasonable. After discussion, Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.
Flory moved to approve the incentive package as follows with the County paying one-half of the cost:
Incentive Package
Forgivable Loan
Full amount paid upon signing a 3-year BTBC lease. Monies may be used toward any expense necessary to establish the company's presence in the Lawrence BTBC, including machinery and equipment. Forgivable over 3- year lease period.
3-Year, 100% Lease Subsidy
Zero lease expense, up to 3-years for 700 square feet at the BTBC Lawrence Facility.
Total Value $215,000
Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.
Mike Brouwer, Sheriff’s Office, asked the Board to ratify the submission of a grant application submitted by the Sheriff’s Office, Bert Nash and the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare and was approved by the County Administrator to meet a submittal deadline. The grant is an expansion of the justice mental health collaboration program with the Bureau of Justice Assistance. If awarded, the grant will help provide for a mini mental status exam, risk needs assessment, and a trauma assessment to those booked into the Douglas County Correctional Facility, to persons with mental illnesses, women who have experienced abuse, and those with substance abuse to determine the appropriate aid from the community. The grant would help set up collaboration within the community to establish the resources necessary. The grant requires in-kind matching within the county which can be cash or “like services” described as staff members supporting the grant. The 24-month grant map would include $199,101.28 in funding and would require a $54,000 in-kind match. The deadline for the grant was due April 14.
Thellman stated while this emphasizes trying to help diversion principles for those already inside the system, it will also help build out those systems outside of the jail. She asked if someone might completely bypass booking and jail with these new programs. Brouwer responded some of the models being looked may divert someone after being arrested or provide services to those who have and have not had police contact.
Flory asked Ken McGovern, Douglas County Sheriff, if he was in full support of the grant application. McGovern replied he is in full support. It’s the next big step to build their program.
Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.
Flory moved to ratify the submission of the grant application. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
TREASURER 04-22-15
Gaughan moved to approve Resolution 15-19 directing the County Counselor to institute a judicial tax foreclosure action in the District Court of Douglas County, Kansas. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
TREASURER 04-22-15
Leslie Herring, Management Intern, asked the Board to consider approving a lease agreement between Douglas County and Broadway Plaza II Lawrence, LC for the Treasurer’s new satellite office located 2000 W 31st Street; and to waive the formal bidding process to retain an architect, general contractor, and tenant finishes and furnishings in the commercial space.
Herring stated the plans would be submitted to the City next week for permitting and she hopes to be ready for business in June.
Paula Gilchrist, Douglas County Treasurer, stated there was an informal bid process conducted. Our purchasing director received a cooperative bid from a contractor she works with regularly and the landlord received four bids on the construction of his portion of the building. He chose the lowest bid which was considerably lower than the bid we received. It will be expedient for the County to use the same contractor as the building owner.
Flory asked if she is satisfied with the lease agreement. Gilchrist responded she is but the construction costs are higher than in the past. The location is great and the lease payments are low.
Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.
Flory moved the following:
• Approved the lease for commercial space between Douglas County and Broadway Plaza II Lawrence, LLC (Thad D. Batson, organizer).
• Waived the formal bidding process to retain an architect, general contractor, and tenant finishes/furnishings in the commercial space and grant administrative authority to approve related contracts in an amount not-to-exceed $90,000.
Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
Flory moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $205,870.14 to be paid on 04/23/15. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
Flory moved to approve reappoint Eric Struckhoff for second term to the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.
Flory moved to adjourn the meeting; Gaughan seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
____________________________ ____________________________
James E. Flory, Chair Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair
___________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk Nancy Thellman, Member
Time and Date