Commission Board Meeting on Thu, July 17, 2014 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

Budget Hearings

All times are approximate. Specific discussions may occur before or after the times scheduled.

A.M. Convene

8:30-8:45 General overview (Craig Weinaug)

8:45-9:00 Health Care Access - Discussion of request to fund (1) AmeriCorps Volunteer (Shelly Wakeman)

9:00-9:20 Extension Council - Discussion of request to fill fifth agent position (Susan Johnson)

9:20-9:35 Douglas County Dental Clinic - Request to replace lost Bureau of Oral Health revenue(Julie Branstrom)

9:35-9:50 Bert Nash - Discuss request to expand WRAP program (David Johnson)

9:50-10:00Sustainability - Discuss proposal to continue SNAP Match Program/Proposal to add intern for school year (Eileen Horn)

10:00-10:20 Fire and Medical - Discuss proposed paramedic incentive plan (Mark Bradford)

10:20-10:40 EMS - Discuss expansion of EMS services to Eudora area of the county (Gary Ortiz, Eudora City Manager; Mike Press, Former Eudora City Manager; and Ruth Hughes, Eudora City Council)

10:40-10:55 Conservation District - Discuss proposal for a local cost-share program to assist landowners with soil conservation practices recommended by the Conservation District (Jim Weaver)

10:55-11:10 Senior Services - Discuss proposal to reinvent retirement marketing program (Kristin Scheurer)

11:10-11:25 Headquarters - Discuss proposal to fully fund 24/7 services (Andy Brown)

11:25-11:45 JAAA - Discuss proposal to fund a CHAMPSS meal site in Lawrence (Jocelyn Lyons)

11:45-noon Lawrence Community Shelter - Discuss request from for federal matching funds (Steve Robinson)



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA