Commission Board Meeting on Wed, April 23, 2014 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


4:00 p.m. (only)



(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

  (b) Consider approval of the low bid from Central Salt for the supply of 2000 tons of highway de-icing salt at a total cost of $100,340.00 (Keith Browning);

  (c) Consider recommendation to purchase equipment for Public Works (Jackie Waggoner);

  (d) Review and approve 7th Judicial District Kansas Department of Corrections – Juvenile Services Prevention, and Core Services Funding Application for FY 2015.(Pam Weigand); and

  (e) Consider approval of a resolution extending a temporary moratorium on large wind energy conversion systems (Linda Finger)


(2) Consider partnering with the City of Lawrence and LiveWell Lawrence to provide funding for a SNAP  (food stamps) Match Pilot Program for the 2014 farmers market season. Requested funding from  Douglas County:  $10,600. (Total funding for program = $25,000). (Eileen Horn)

(3) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

(b) Appointments

Bert Nash Community Health Center Board of Directors (2) expire 04/2014 

Douglas County Senior Services Board of Directors – (1) vacancy 04/2014

Heritage Conservation Council (3) positions expire 05/31/2014

Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors – (2) vacancies

Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging Tri-County Advisory Council – (2) vacancies

Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission – (2) expire 05/31/14

Property Crimes Compensation Board – (1) vacancy

(c)  Public Comment

(d) Miscellaneous 

(4) Adjourn





April 23, 2014

Thellman called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, with all members present.


Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

-  Commission Order No.14-019 (on file in the office of the Clerk); and

-  Low bid from Central Salt for the supply of 2000 tons of highway de-icing salt at a total cost of $100,340.00;

-  Authorized staff to access the MACPP regional contract with Westfall GMC for the following purchase of two dump trucks for the Public Works department for a total cost of $363,372. Breakdown as follows:

Cab & Chassis  $97,708 X 2 = $195,416

Extended Warranty $  6,151 X 2 = $  12,302

Special Equipment $77,827 X 2 = $155,654

Total Cost      $363,372

-  Resolution14-13 of the Douglas County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas extending a temporary moratorium on large wind energy conversion systems through and including September 30, 2014.


Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Pulled from agenda


Flory moved to approve the 7th Judicial District Kansas Department of Corrections – Juvenile Services Prevention, and Core Services Funding Application for Fiscal Year  2015 for Youth Services. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.



Eileen Horn, Sustainability Coordinator, brought a proposal to the County Commission that would allow Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) recipients (more commonly known as “food stamp” program) to have a dollar-for-dollar match on food assistance dollars at the Downtown Lawrence Farmer’s Market and the Cottin’s Hardware Farmer’s Market. Last year, SNAP was responsible for approximately $22,825 in purchase from those two listed markets.

The Lawrence Farmer’s Market currently accepts the Vision card which is the Kansas program for distribution of SNAP. SNAP funds would be redeemed at the EBT terminal at the farmer’s markets. Once the vision card is swiped, the user would indicate the amount of SNAP funds they would like to redeem. The program will provide matching funds up to $25.00 per day.

Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Nikki White, LiveWell Lawrence Coalition, stated her support of the match for SNAP program at the farmer’s markets. She stated this is an opportunity to train people outside their comfort zone to do their shopping at the farmer’s market and to realize they can grow food on their own.

Verdell Taylor, Co-Chair of LiveWell Lawrence Healthy Food for All Committee, stated SNAP is a way to make healthy food available to all people and asked the Board to consider approval.

Jill Elmers, Food Policy Council and farmer’s market vendor, stated being able to match dollar-for-dollar is a way to get healthier foods to needier families. Vendors have been trained on what foods are eligible for SNAP and they know how to receive payment.

Shelley Paul, SNAP Outreach Coordinator for Harvesters, stated her support for the SNAP program and the match. She stated the food insecurity rate for Douglas County is now at 17.1% which is up from 15.3% three years ago. SNAP will give clients a way to stretch food dollars with healthy products from farmer’s markets.

Jeremy Farmer, Just Food and the Lawrence City Commission, stated it is difficult for a non-profit organization to come up with programs without upfront costs.  This will allow for an incentive program for those on food stamps to make their dollars stretch farther. When asked why they don’t participate in the farmer’s market 85% stated the food was too expensive. This program will take the barrier away on why they can’t purchase healthier foods.

Gaughan stated at one time there was a senior farmer’s market program. He asked if that would be handled the same way as the SNAP program.

Jen Humphrey, Food Policy Council, explained the Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program, which is grant funded, is already in place at our local markets where $3 coupons are used as payment. The difference is this is not a dollar-for-dollar match and seniors have to ask to use the coupons.

Gaughan added he reviewed the Kansas City measurements which show more people are spending money through the SNAP program. He would like staff to find way to measure locally if the program is working, by maybe using a pre and post survey. Gaughan said he wants a good grasp on what we are trying to achieve and if the program works locally.

Thellman moved to partner with the City of Lawrence, Douglas County and  LiveWell Lawrence to provide the following funding levels to support a SNAP Match Pilot Program for the 2014 market season (16 weeks in June-September). Funding as follows:

City of Lawrence:    $10,600

Douglas County:   $10,600

LiveWell Lawrence:   $  3,800

Total pilot funding for 2014:  $25,000

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $249,187.37 to be paid on 04/24/14. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Gaughan seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 Nancy Thellman, Chair                      Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


 ___________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Mike Gaughan, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA