Commission Board Meeting on Wed, February 19, 2014 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

-6:35 p.m. 

-Consider approval of the minutes for January 22 and January 29, 2014


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

 (b) Consider awarding contract for pavement rehabilitation Project No. 2013-19 Penny’s Sand Plant   Road Improvements (Terese Gorman);

(c) Approval of a resolution establishing a 40-mph speed limit on N 2100 Road from Route 1045

 (E 1400 Road) to E 1500 Road (Keith Browning); 

(d) Consider approval of Crushed Rock Bids for Road Maintenance (Keith Browning);

(e) Consider approval to solicit bids for herbicide for Noxious Weed Cost Share Sales and Rights-of-   Way Control (Keith Browning)


(2) CUP-13-00482: Consider a Conditional Use Permit for Good Earth Gatherings, a recreational facility   including education, community outreach, and ancillary retail sales on approximately 10 acres    located at 858 E 1500 Rd. Submitted by Tamara Fairbanks-Ishmael, property owner of record. (PC   Item 4; approved 9-0 on 1/27/14) Mary Miller is the Planner.

(3) Consider an amendment to the Douglas County Purchasing Policy related to contracts for service and modify the procedures for the annual budget development process for county funded agencies.

 (Sarah Plinsky)

(4) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

(b) Appointments

Non-Lawyer Members of the District Judicial Nominating Commission (2) expire 03/01/14

Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority (1) position expires 06/2014   

(c)  Public Comment

  (d) Miscellaneous    


(5)  Adjourn


Thellman called the regular meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday,

February 19, 2014 with all members present.


MINUTES 02-19-14

Flory moved to approve the minutes for January 22 and January 29, 2014 as amended. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

-  Commission Order Nos.14-005, 14-006 and 14-007(on file in the office of the Clerk);

-  Acceptance of the low total bid from King’s Construction and awarded a construction contract in the amount of $97,680.50 for Project No.

 2013-9 and approve the Public Works Director to approve change orders up to 5% of the contract amount;

-  Resolution No. 14-04 establishing a 40 miles per hour maximum speed limit on a portion of N 2100 Road in Grant Township;

-  Acceptance of the following bids from Hamm Quarries and Mid-States Materials for crushed rock aggregates used for road and bridge maintenance;

Type of Aggregate


Quantity (tons)


Unit Price

Shock Rock








Big Springs

$  9.00





$  9.00










$  6.80





$  7.35




Big Springs

$  6.85


Mid -States



$  8.35






Surfacing Material




$  7.80

(Road Rock Special)




$  8.90




Big Springs

$  9.50





$  9.50






Stone for Rip Rap








Big Springs







Stone for Aggregate



Big Springs


(Ditch Lining)





-  Approval to solicit bids for supply of herbicides as required for the 2014 spray season.

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

PLANNING 02-19-14

The Board considered the approval of CUP-13-00482, a Conditional Use Permit for Good Earth Gatherings, a recreational facility including education, community outreach, and ancillary retail sales on approximately 10 acres located at 858 E 1500 Road. The application was submitted by Tamara Fairbanks-Ishmael, property owner of record. The Planning Commission approved the item on a 9-0 vote. Mary Miller, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Staff, presented the item.

Miller stated the Planning Office received some comments from area neighbors. Concerns included the proposed use being listed as recreation, though it is classes. Miller stated she contacted the Palmyra Township Trustee regarding E 1800 Road who confirmed the road could handle the traffic.

Flory asked what the ancillary retail sales would be. Tamara Fairbanks, Ishmael replied the retail would be supplies and items related to classes.

Thellman asked what kind of signage would be used. Ishmael stated she would put a sign at the corner of the road the days classes are held. This use was approved in 2011, but due to responsibilities at home, she didn’t pursue the project.

Flory asked how often she would hold class. Ishmael replied 2-3 classes per week with time open on the weekend for sales.

Gaughan stated ancillary sale time listed is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Ishmael stated that is correct, three weekends a month.

Thellman opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory said he read the letters from the neighbors. The road is hard surfaced around the lake and he imagines it will get some traffic. He asked what the speed limit it. Ishmael stated 45 miles per hour. Flory suggested the Public Works Director get a traffic count on 1500 Road.

Thellman moved to approve CUP-13-00482, a Conditional Use Permit for a recreation facility, to provide community outreach, education, and ancillary retail sales on approximately 10.5 acres, located at 858 E 1500 Road, subject to the following conditions:

 1.  A driveway shall be installed from the access point provided on the    property prior to the commencement of the CUP use.

 2.  Provision of a revised site plan to include the following notes

  a.  Operating hours will conclude at 9 PM.

  b.  No more than one class shall be conducted/offered at a time.

  c. Use of the lake for public, business, commercial, and recreation activities    associated with the conditional use is prohibited.

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


The Board considered an amendment to the Douglas County Purchasing Policy related to contracts for services and to modify the procedures for the annual budget development process for county funded agencies as deferred from the February 5, 2014 meeting.

Flory stated he believes our existing budget process has done a good job on accountability of what we supply to agencies. He said he is supportive of this amendment but he d sn’t feel there is a lack of appropriate accountability at this time. Flory stated the language he brought forth sets out the spirit of the original language, but it delineates between those agencies with specific funding limitations and where we provide county funding on a more generic basis. The majority of those agencies that are listed, that’s the case where we don’t provide for a project or particular service. We provide funding for their general operations. He d s feel there should be an agreement prepared that outlines the amount of funding and any obligations we believe the agency has that we identify during the budget process. There should be a more extensive agreement that monitors funding for an identifiable purpose. Termination and modification should be set forth as a remedy if the agency fails to comply with the criteria.

Gaughan stated in general he is comfortable with the wording.

Plinsky clarified the language on how the agreement could be terminated.  Staff will continue to work with the budget director on putting together budget work sheets for the agencies.

It was a consensus the Board would like to see the budget form developed from this discussion.

Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Dan Dannenberg, County resident, stated concerns that the Chamber of Commerce is not showing accountability for use of public funding. He said he could not locate their budget information on their website, nor were they or the City of Lawrence willing to provide information to him.

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated the funds that are spent by Douglas County do not go to the Chamber of Commerce. Douglas County funding which g s to support City, County and Chamber projects, is listed in our budget documents. Weinaug offered to sit down with Mr. Dannenberg so he can view our budget documents showing Commission use of public funds are accounted for.

Gaughan added that Chamber funding comes from membership dues.

Thellman moved to adopt the amendment to the Douglas County Purchasing Policy 3.5 Purchases of Service language and modifications to the budget process for agencies receiving County financial support. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 4-0.

Note: Flory made an invitation for anyone who has questions on the County budget to sit in on the budget sessions and make comments.


Thellman moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $3,803,642.88 paid on 02/13/14 and $393,707.36 to be paid on 02/20/14; and Payroll in the amounts of $819,738.03 paid on 01/23/14, $899,425.08 paid on 02/06/14 and $825,886.17 to be paid on 02/19/14. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Flory seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 Nancy Thellman, Chair                     Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Mike Gaughan, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA