Meeting Information
4:00 p.m.
-Consider approval of the Minutes of August 29 and September 5, 2012.
(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider Acquisition to Print and Mail Tax Statements (Paula Gilchrist); and
(c) Consider approval of First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Community Wireless Communications, Co. (Craig Weinaug)
(2) Consider approval of a revision to the road classification for N 1250 Rd, to the north of the Baker Wetland's (proposed) Visitor's Center, by amending Exhibit 9-506 of the Access Management Regulations, [HR Resolution 11-4-2]. (Linda Finger/Keith Browning)
(3) Consider revised project agreement for corridor management funding, US-56 reconstruction from Bullpup drive west through E1600 Road intersection. (Keith Browning)-Backup to follow
(4) Discuss scope of improvements to the Route 442 curves 1/2-mile east of Shawnee County line as part of the larger project to improve Route 442 from the Shawnee County line to Stull (Keith Browning)
-No backup
(5) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments -Board of Zoning Appeals 11/2012 (New Appointee)
-Bicycle Advisory Committee 12/2012 (eligible for reappointment)
-Douglas County Corrections & Youth Services -Reappointment for Mental Health Position (David Johnson)
-Food Policy Council 12/2012
(c) Public Comment
(d) Miscellaneous
(6) Adjourn
Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
October 3, 2012 with all Commissioners present.
MINUTES 10-03-12
Gaughan moved to approve the minutes of August 29 and September 5, 2012. Motion was seconded by Thellman carried 3-0.
Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda item:
► Waived the formal bidding process, authorized a contract with Mail Services in an estimated amount of $50,850, and authorized the County Administrator to approve change orders up to 10% of that amount; and
► First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Community Wireless Communications, Co. for a tower located at 111 E 11th Street.
Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.
The Board considered the approval of a revision to the road classification for N 1250 Road, to the north of the Baker Wetland's (proposed) Visitor's Center, by amending Exhibit 9-506 of the Access Management Regulations, [HR Resolution 11-4-2]. Linda Finger, Interim Zoning & Codes Director; and Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, presented the item.
Revising Access Management Standards in Chapter 9 of the Code to reduce the classification for a portion of N 1250 Road, east of Louisiana, to a minimum maintenance road with a cul-de-sac, originally shown to be a connector, minor arterial road. Due to changes in the SLT moving south of N 1250 Road, the road past the proposed cul-de-sac will no longer exist.
Gaughan opened the item for public comment.
Flory moved to approve Home Rule Resolution HR 12-10-4 of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas, Amending the Road Classification Map associated with The Douglas County Access Management Standards, Initially Adopted by Resolution No. HR 06-10-7 and Subsequently Amended, as Codified at Article 5 of Chapter IX of the Douglas County Code. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.
The item to consider the revised project agreement for corridor management funding, US-56 reconstruction from Bullpup drive west through E1600 Road intersection was deferred.
The Board discussed a scope of improvements to the Route 442 curves one-half mile east of Shawnee County line as part of the larger project to improve Route 442 from the Shawnee County line to Stull. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, lead the discussion.
The north and south curves along Route 442 have been studied. It was determined in the past nine years (2003-2011) there have been 16 accidents on the north curve and 12 on the south, which is above the statewide critical crash rate. Representatives from BG Engineering recommended the curve be improved to accommodate a 55 mph speed limit. Browning provided two options for design. Both options will require waterline and right-of-way costs, but one eliminated the need to relocate a gas line. The approximate cost for the improvements and road paving is $4.5 million.
There was discussion on 1) the need to pave the road regardless of improvements to the curves; 2) the improvements as discussed would cause a significant increase in cost; 3) the County did not qualify for any accident or high risk road funding or other federal funding on this project; and 4) the remainder of the road into Shawnee County has a 45 mph speed limit.
Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, commented the 2014 Budget is expected to be difficult and he foresees the Commission facing tougher decisions on projects more difficult than this one that will need to be addressed. He expects the budget to fall short of a few million dollars and questioned whether this is the kind of project we can afford to do in the budget we have and is it worth weighing against the loss of property value.
Browning stated the project is in the road design and can be completed once a decision is made on the curves. There is $4 million allocated in the 2012 CIP budget for this project. The most current estimate with the 55 mph curves, including engineering design, waterlines relocation, right-of-way purchase and easements, the cost is $4,350,000. Building the curves to a 50 mph standard would cost approximately $4,150,000.
Weinaug emphasized the 2014 Budget will be substantially different from budgets in the past and another category of difficulty.
Flory asked if there are other large projects like this one in the future. Browning stated there are two, one in Vinland and one on 1055 north of Baldwin at a cost of about $6 million each.
Flory stated his view is the money is in the CIP and we should proceed with the improvements. The Board will have to face the other difficult issues as they arise. He feels it d sn't make sense to keep the curve as is with the crash record at that location.
Thellman stated she feels we have other maintenance issues coming up. We are in the habit of sticking to the CIP and getting things done. But, we are facing a different type of scenario next year. The CIP may need to be more of a guideline. Without knowing the situation, Thellman stated we should wait a year and see how things play out with legislature because we don't know what's coming our way. We may need to do this project, but maybe not on this timeline.
Browning stated he would like direction to move forward with the design on whether the Commission intends the curve to be based on 50 or 55 mph.
It was the consensus of the Board to go forward with the 55 mph curve (as labeled the Blue Line version in the presentation given by Browning). Thellman was not part of the consensus.
Gaughan moved to approve accoun
Time and Date