Commission Board Meeting on Wed, March 7, 2012 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

 4:00 p.m.
-Consider approval of the minutes for February 15, 2012.

(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;
 (b) Consider authorization for Public Works Director to approve the low price quote from Cretex Concrete Products for supply of precast concrete drainage structure in the amount of $70,760.00 for replacement of Structure No. 11.00N-12.40E (Keith Browning);
 (c) Consider approval to insert culvert replacement project in the CIP with a $50,000 allocation and work to be accomplished in 2012; and authorization for the Public Works Director to approve the low price quote from Oldcastle Precast, Inc. for supply of a precast concrete box structure in the amount of $23,440.00. (Keith Browning)
 (d) Consider approval of resolution amending rules and regulations for Lone Star Lake Park to be effective April 1, 2012 (Keith Browning);
 (e) Consider approval of Noxious Weed Eradication Progress Report 2011 (Keith Browning);
 (f) Consider approval of Annual Noxious Weed Management Plan (Keith Browning);
 (g) Consider approval to purchase crushed rock from Special Highway Fund 214 (Keith Browning);
 (h) Consider providing letter in support of KDOT's 2012 TIGER grant application for construction of an interchange on K-10 at Bob Billings Parkway (Keith Browning); and
 (i) Consider approval of 2011 Township Annual Reports (Debbie Sparkes)

(2) Other Business
  (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
  (b) Appointments: 
  -Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission - 05/12
  -Property Crimes Compensation Board - 04/12
  -Heritage Conservation Council (2) Positions - 05/12
  (c) Public Comment
  (d) Miscellaneous 

(3) Adjourn


Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 with all members present. 

MINUTES 03-07-12
Gaughan moved to approve the minutes of February 15, 2012. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda for items:

► Commission Order No. 013 (on file in the office of the Clerk); 
► Authorized the Public Works Director to approve the low price quote from Cretex Concrete Products for supply of a 23'-span precast concrete drainage structure in the amount of $70,760.00 for the replacement of Structure No. 11.00N-12.40E;
 ► Approval to insert culvert replacement project  for Structure No. 17.50N-07.53E in the CIP with a $50,000 allocation and work to be accomplished in 2012; and authorized the Public Works Director to approve the low price quote from Oldcastle Precast, Inc. for supply of a precast concrete box structure in the amount of $23,410.00;
► Resolution 12-05 amending rules and regulations for Lone Star Park to be effective April 1, 2012;
► Approval of the 2011 Noxious Weed Eradication Progress Report ;
► Approval of the Annual Noxious Weed Management Plan;
► Authorization to purchase from Ames Construction 15,000 tons to 25,000 tons of granular base material left over from KDOT's US-59 freeway construction project at a unit cost of $4.75/ton;
► Letter in support of KDOT's 2012 TIGER grant application for construction of an interchange on K-10 at Bob Billings Parkway; and
► 2011 Township Annual Reports.

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
Gaughan moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $190,867.99 to be paid on 03/08/12 and a wire transfer in the amount of $2,239,290.00 paid on 03/01/12. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

 Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting; Flory seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 

____________________________  ____________________________
 Mike Gaughan, Chair                           Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair


 ____________________________  _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Jim Flory, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA