Commission Board Meeting on Wed, January 9, 2008 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

Amended Agenda


6:35 P.M. (Meet in the Commission Chamber)
-Pledge of Allegiance


 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;



  (2) Appeal of a Certificate of Survey for CS-U-08-01-07 for NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 13 S, Range 19 E (in 1100 Road) (J  Rexwinkle, Planner)


(3) Fairgrounds CIP Presentation (Trudy Rice)


(4) Other Business
     (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
     (b) Appointments
     (c) Miscellaneous
     (d) Public Comment


Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

 ► Commission Order Nos. 08-005 (on file with the office of the Clerk); and
 ►  Fee Reports November 2007 and corrected Reports for September and October 2007 

The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 01-09-08
The Board heard an appeal of a Certificate of Survey for Cluster Development CS-U-08-01-07 located along the south side of N 1100 Road with proposed access located approximately one-quarter of a mile west of the intersection of N 1100 Road with E 1200 Road. The appeal was brought forward by J  Rexwinkle, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department. Certificates of Survey in the UGA are required to have a build-out plan. The purpose of a build-out plan is to establish realistic future lot lines and building envelopes which ensure the appropriate locations for rural residential development so that upon annexation and subsequent urban development, the established rural residence is not in the path of future streets, lot lines or utilities. The 20.13 acre property is being divided to create one Residential Development Parcel with the remaining 14.67 acres dedicated as Future Development Area being ineligible for development

Rexwinkle stated the Planning Director denied the property division request based upon the determination that it failed to meet the following requirements in regard to the submitted build-out plan: 1) The plan d s not show urban-sized blocks; 2) The plan d s not show future lot sizes consistent with the average residential lot size in the City of Lawrence; 3)The plan d s not show future lot sizes at a residential density that resembles the built and development density of the City of Lawrence; and 4) The future lot sizes shown are not consistent with the definition of "urban" in the subdivision regulations.

Dean Grob, Grob Engineering Services representing the property owners, described what he designed as a build-out plan. It was based on a low-density configuration, which he feels is addressed in the Horizon 2020 document, stating low-density residential development has its place in urban development.

John Craft, property owner, stated the planner came back with a sample build-out plan with an RS-7 zoning super imposed envelopes over the original drawing, which he feels is restrictive. He stated larger lots will allow more flexibility for future use.

Jeanette Michael, property owner, stated she bought five acres to build a house by her friends. In the process of trying to get a building permit, she came upon the regulations regarding the UGA. She just wants to build a house and a barn and stated there are many large lots in the Lawrence city limits

Jones asked Rexwinkle how this drawing could be brought into compliance. Rexwinkle stated he had presented the owners with an example drawing showing building envelopes.

After further discussion, the Commissioners agreed that they would like to discuss this issue in depth with Scott McCullough, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Director and directed staff to schedule the item on the Monday, January 14, 2008 agenda for this purpose.

FAIRGROUNDS & CIP 01-09-08  
Trudy Rice, Director of the Extension Office and Tara Flory, Douglas County Fairground Committee, made a presentation to the Board for a proposed CIP for an expansion of services offered at the fairground. Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, was also present for the discussion. After the Fairground CIP Committee identified the current and future needs of the facility, the following additions and expansions were considered:

1) Concession Stand added to Building #21 including a commercial kitchen and an outdoor walk up concession.
2) Lighting and Signage.
3) Open Pavilion with an attached walkway to the Community Building.
4) Campground with restrooms and showers.
5) Outdoor Amphitheater in the SW corner of the fairgrounds.
6) Meeting Hall built on the north side of the Extension office along Harper Street.
7) Outdoor Event Arena Improvements
8) Indoor Event Center located in the NE corner of the fairgrounds.

The proposed improvements would be completed in three phases:
Phase I: Lighting, Signage and Kitchen/Concession in Building #21
Phase II Open Pavilion, Campground and Meeting Hall
Phase III: Outdoor Amphitheater, Outdoor Arena and Indoor Event Center

Jones asked for if there was a rough cost for the entire expansion project. Rice stated that will be the committee's next step. Jones asked what the signage would look like. Madl stated a computerized type of signage was discussed that would allow advertising. Jones asked if there was money in the budget for Phase I. Madl stated there is presently $78,000 in the building fund from the old concession stand, but the entire Phase I would probably cost at least $200,000.

Jones stated this is a big project and to do it all, the County would have to create a bond that would be paid off over time. Johnson asked Madl her opinion of what the 
County should do. Madl stated she would like the County to work on the kitchen, signage and lighting and stated she thinks there is enough flexibility in the current plan to do that in the next year. She personally believes the rest of the plan needs more study, and more specific numbers to work toward 2009.

Johnson stated the Fairground is a community asset and the County has a duty and an obligation to make it better. Madl added another item that may come before the Board to consider is alcohol consumption approval at the fairgrounds for weddings and other events.

The Board directed staff to prepare a CIP proposal to bring before the Board for Phase I of the project.
Johnson moved to approve payroll in the amount of $719,369.77 paid on 12/14/07; KPERS in the amount of $59,110.30 paid on 12/21/07; FICA in the amount of $51,995.79 paid on 12/21/07; payroll for election workers in the amount of $1,175 paid on 12/13/07; and accounts payable manual check in the amount of $46,677.00 paid on 01/09/08. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
Jones made a recommendation that staff bring to the Board an example of a draft or an ethics policy to consider for adoption that would pertain to elected officials, staff, and various board members. This policy can be used as a training technique for new employees and periodically updated for existing employees. McElhaney agreed it is a good idea, but d sn't want to scare people away from volunteering for community service. He suggested putting the policy in place before end of his term. Johnson also agreed but stated he d s not want the Board to lose sight of what they are trying to accomplish.

Jones moved to adjourn the meeting; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried. 


____________________________     ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                          Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA