Commission Board Meeting on Tue, May 22, 2007 - 4:30 PM

Meeting Information

4:30 P.M. -Joint Meeting with City Commission and Douglas County Commission (City Hall)
(1) Land Use Plans for the Southeast area. 

(2) Availability of treated water to rural water districts.  

(3) Communications between commissions on personnel actions affecting jointly run departments. 

(4) Discussion of a possible joint City of Lawrence-Douglas County effort to plan future east-west arterial route(s) from highway 59 (south of Lawrence) to K-10.

(5) Discussion of possible needed improvements to county and township roads that will provide access to the City's new wastewater reclamation facility, and the fiscal responsibility for those improvements. 

(6) Adjourn 

Johnson called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 with two members present. Jere McElhaney was absent.

Johnson moved to approve the appointment of Don Duncan to the Douglas County Investment Committee effective 06/01/07 for a three-year term ending 06/01/10. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried 2-0.

The Board discussed the following items to be addressed at the 4:30 p.m. joint meeting with the City Commission and Douglas County Commission:

1. Land Use Plans for the southeast area.
2. Availability of treated water to rural water districts.
3. Communications between Commissioners on personnel actions affecting jointly run departments.
4. Discussion of a possible joint City of Lawrence-Douglas County effort to plan future east-west arterial route(s) from highway 59 (south of Lawrence) to K-10.
5. Discussion of possible needed improvements to county and township roads that will provide access to the City's new wastewater reclamation facility, and the fiscal responsibility for those improvements.

At 3:10 p.m., Johnson moved that the Board move into Executive Session until 4:15 p.m. to discuss a matter, which would be deemed, privileged under the attorney-client relationship. The justification is to maintain attorney client privilege on a matter involving the City and Douglas County and a possible third entity. Attendees included Keith Browning, Director of Public Works; Evan Ice, County Counselor; and Craig Weinaug, County Administrator. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried 2-0.

At 4:15 p.m., Johnson moved for the Board to return to regular session; Johnson seconded the motion and carried 2-0. No action was taken.

Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting; Jones seconded and the motion carried 2-0.

_____________________________ ________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________ _________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member 


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA