Commission Board Meeting on Mon, February 26, 2007 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

 -The Pledge of Allegiance
 -Consider approval of minutes for February 12, 2007
(1)   (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;
 (b) Consider approval of Eudora-Baldwin City contract to house inmates             (Ken McGovern); and
 (c)  Consider acceptance of bids for various signs, posts and miscellaneous materials (Keith Browning)

(2) Discuss possible interlocal agreement with City of Eudora for EMS services (Craig Weinaug and Cheryl Beatty, Eudora City Administrator) 

(3) Consider approval of 7th Judicial District Juvenile Justice Authority Prevention, Intervention and Core Services Funding Application for FY 2008 (Pam Weigand)

(4) Discussion of Neighborhood Revitalization Plan for City of Eudora (Craig Weinaug)

(5) Other Business
   (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
  (b) Appointments
   (c) Miscellaneous
   (d) Public Comment     

(6)  Executive Session for Personnel

(7)       Adjourn


Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. on Monday, February 26, 2007  with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved to approve the minutes of February 12, 2007. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Approved signature by McElhaney on Commission Order No. 07-108, (on file in the office of the County Clerk);
► Approve Commission Orders Nos. 07-109, 07-110 and 07-111 (on file in the office of the County Clerk);
►  Approve Renewal Agreement for housing inmates in the Douglas County jail;
► Approve bids for various signs, posts, and miscellaneous materials as recommended by Director of Public Works; and
► Note receipts for January 2007, and additional receipts for October 2006, November 2006 and December 2006.

The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. 

Paul Bahnmaier, President of the Lane Museum, gave a presentation on the history of the Lecompton Constitution and the role Lecompton played in the Civil War.

The Board discussed the Fiscal Year 2008 funding application for the 7th Judicial District Juvenile Justice Authority Prevention/Intervention and Core Services. Pam Weigand, Director of Youth Services, was present for the discussion. Funding allocations requested are based on state approving the same funding for 2008 as was received for 2007 ($661,378.00).
Johnson moved the approval of the 7th Judicial District Juvenile Justice Authority Prevention/Intervention and Core Services funding application for FY 2008 as follows: Prevention, $117,858.00; Intervention/Graduated Sanctions $64,898.00; and Core Service $478,622.00; totaling $661,378.00. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the possibility of entering into an agreement with the City of Eudora and Eudora Township to provide on-call EMS services. Cheryl Beatty, City of Eudora Administrator; and Randy Ates, Chief of Eudora Fire Department, were present for the discussion. Under the proposed plan, which would be finalized with an Interlocal Agreement, the City of Eudora would assume management of the first responders for the Eudora City/Township area.

Jones questioned who would be responsible for the replacement of vehicles. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated that information would be defined in the contract. At this point, the City of Eudora is looking for interest by the County Commission and a direction to proceed with negotiations.

Dan Gregg and Laurie Fritzel, City Council members for the City of Eudora, stated their support for the Eudora Fire Department to assume management of the first responders for the City of Eudora/Eudora Township.

It was the consensus of the Board of County Commissioners direct staff to negotiate a contract with the City of Eudora to assume management of the EMS function for the Eudora City/Township area and to pay special attention to the dollar amount and liability involved.

The Board discussed the implementation of a Neighborhood Revitalization Plan for the City of Eudora. Cheryl Beatty, City of Eudora Administrator, was present for the discussion. The plan would create an incremental tax rebate program for residents and commercial property owners along a two-block section of Main Street and the side streets to the east and west in downtown Eudora. The plan is designed to improve the overall appearance of the community and promote revitalization and development in downtown Eudora, which will result in enhancing property values. The minimum investment for eligibility in order to receive a tax rebate for commercial or residential new construction or improvements to existing property would be $5,000.

Jones questioned whether there is a plan to offset the truck traffic that may occur through Eudora when a new I-70 off-ramp is built north of Eudora and whether any new waterline and street improvements will have to be torn out to accommodate preparation for the additional traffic downtown. Beatty stated the City is aware of the need for long-term planning to identify potential by-pass routes.

McElhaney moved to authorize the Chair of the County Commission to execute the Neighborhood Revitalization Program, City of Eudora Downtown Improvement Project Interlocal Agreement. The motion was seconded by Jones and it carried unanimously. Jones directed the County Administrator and Staff to begin negotiations for an agreement regarding transportation planning for the City of Eudora and Eudora Township with the intention of providing some County assistance.

Jones moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $226,446.71 to be  paid on 02/19/07and $209,962.24 to be paid on 02/26/07; and a wire transfer in the amount of $33,531.31 to be paid on 02/28/07. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Dorothy Jackson, Douglas County resident, commented that she attended the new subdivision regulations training meeting conducted by Linda Finger, County Consultant, with representatives for the Mid-America Bank, in Baldwin City and that the meeting was successful.

At 10:15 a.m., Johnson moved that the Board recess into executive session for     
30 minutes to discuss personnel. McElhaney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Board returned to regular session at 10:37 a.m. No action was taken.

McElhaney moved to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Jere McElhaney, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA