Commission Board Meeting on Mon, February 12, 2007 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

-The Pledge of Allegiance
-Consider approval of minutes for January 17, January 22, January 24, January 24, January 31 and February 5, 2007

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider approval of a resolution relating to and amending the Zoning Regulations for teh unicorporated territory of Dougals County, Kansas (Keith Dabney); and
(c) Consider waiving our bidding process and accessing a GSA contract for GIA equipment (Jackie Waggoner, Michael Kelly)

(2) Presentation by Safe Kids Douglas County about child passenger safety (John Drees with LMH) No backup information
(3) Discussion with Marsha Goff with regard to JAAA issues. No backup information
(4) Appraisal notice discussion (Marion Johnson) No backup information
(5) Discussion on Implementation Plan for Subdivision Regulations (Sheila Stogsdill, Linda Finger)
(6) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment
(7) Adjourn

Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, February 12, 2007 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved to approve the minutes of January 17, 2007 as amended, January 22, 2007, January 24, 2007 as amended, January 31 and February 5, 2007.  The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Charles moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Approve Commission Order No. 07-107, (on file in the office of the County Clerk); and
► Approve Resolution No. 07-09 Relating to and Amending the Zoning Regulations for the unincorporated territory of Douglas County, Kansas.

The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Item pulled from agenda:

The Board considered the purchasing of three new GPS receiver units to replace three old and malfunctioning units purchased in 1998.  Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director, and Michael Kelly, Douglas County Surveyor, were present for the discussion.

McElhaney questioned how many years the new units are expected to last. Waggoner responded 6 to 10 years.

Jones asked if the new systems are compatible with what the County is presently using and if the price is comparable to other brands.  Kelly responded the systems are compatible and about $20,000 more. However, Trimble is a top-of-the-line product, more efficient then other products on the market, and used by the City. Public Works has the money in the budget to cover the equipment.

Johnson moved to waive the formal bidding process and approved the purchase of GPS equipment in the amount of $78,503 from Seiler Instrument. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

John Drees, LMH, and Sergeant Wes Houk, Sheriff's Department, made a presentation for Child Passenger Safety Week, February 11-17, 2007 to the Board on Safe Kids Douglas County regarding child passenger safety. Drees stated that 91% of Douglas County infants are restrained by car seats in vehicles. This is 8% above the state average of 83%. A new Booster Seat Law g s into effect on July 1, 2007 requiring all children between the ages of 4-8 years of age to ride in a booster seat. The Safe Kids organization educates Douglas County residents on proper child restraints, inspects car seats and through a grant with General Motors, supplies families with car seats who are financially unable to do so. 

Marsha Goff, Chair of Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging (JAAA), made a presentation to the Board on the improvements made to the organization. JAAA is a federally mandated program that helps enable elderly individuals to stay in their homes as long as possible by supplying access to personal assistance.

Linda Finger, County Consultant, discussed the subdivision regulations implementation plan for scheduling meetings with surrounding cities, residents and key organizations. Finger asked for some clarification and direction on her tentative meeting schedule, and stated she would like to supply graphic examples with her discussions and also post them on a special website for all Douglas County residents to have access.

Sheila Stogsdill, Acting Planning Director, discussed some of the types of questions the Planning Staff is fielding regarding the new regulations. She feels the Board may need to consider passing text amendments to solve some of the land issues that transpired due to the new regulations.
Jones requested that Staff prepare a one-page information handout to use at the implementation meetings. He also discussed Fingers role in assisting the Planning Staff in getting the information out to the community. The implementation plan should be an outreach education plan set in motion before the real estate market picks up in the spring. Other groups the Board would like to focus on include the Register of Deeds office, Ag Committee, the Chamber, and the Home Builders Association. 

The Board discussed setting up a work study session with the Planning Staff to review the land issues in question with the goal to authorize, when possible, Staff to make decisions.

APPRAISOR 02-12-07
Marion Johnson, County Appraiser, updated the Board on the property valuation process for 2007. Douglas County is the first county in the state to implement the new state required CAMA system. The average residential/commercial property value increase for 2007 will be less than 3%. Some 4,000 existing property owners will see a decrease in property value. Johnson stated the notices will be mailed on February 28, 2007 with a different format due to the new system. In the past, the notices showed the list of sales used to formulate the value of the property. The new system will not allow that information to print on the notices, however, the data is available through the Appraiser's office.  

The Board reviewed the request for approval of bids for noxious weed herbicides. McElhaney requested to see a copy of all bids. Johnson moved to authorize Commissioner McElhaney to review the bids and approve the low bid as recommended by staff from Lone Pine AG-Services, Inc. in the amount of $84,699.75 for noxious weed herbicides. Jones seconded and the motion carried.  Based on information received after the meeting, McElhaney approved the low bid.

Jones moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $2,281,762.10 to be paid on 02/12/07. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

McElhaney moved to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Jere McElhaney, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA