Meeting Information
Amended Agenda
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Recognize John T. Stewart IV, retiring Board of Zoning Appeals Member, for 12 years of services.
-Proclaim the week of October 23-27, 2006 as "Douglas County Disabilities Employment Awareness Week" (Peggy Wallert)
(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders
(b) Consider and approve early distribution of Ad Valorem Taxes (Paula Gilchrist)
(c) Consider and approve waiver of Purchasing Policy and accept low bid of $24,505 from American Pre-Sort Inc. (Jackie Waggoner)
(d) Consider recommendation of Bid Award for Fiber Optic Cabling (Jackie Waggoner)
(2) Consider and approve Community Corrections Act Agencies Application for FY2006 Unexpended Funds (Ron Stegall)
(3) Consider Emergency Management Performance Grant request (Paula Phillips)
(4) Consider Recommendation for Vehicle Purchase (Jackie Waggoner)
(5) Review and take action on Jefferson County's October 19, 2006 letter (Evan Ice)
(6) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment
(7) Adjourn
Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October 23, 2006
with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Peggy Wallert, Director of Community Relations/Development, Cottonwood, Inc., read a proclamation proclaiming the week of October 23-27, 2006, as "Douglas County Disabilities Employment Awareness Week." Johnson made a motion to approve the Proclamation; Jones seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
McElhaney moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
► Approval of early distribution of Ad Valorem Taxes;
► Approval of waiver of Purchasing Policy and accept low bid of $24,505 from American Pre-Sort Inc; and
► Approval of recommendation of Bid Award for Fiber Optic Cabling.
The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.
On behalf of Douglas County, Keith Dabney, Director of Zoning and Codes, presented John T. Stewart IV, retiring member of the Douglas County Board of Zoning Appeals, with a plaque to recognize his 12 years of service. During his terms, Stewart also served as Chairman of the Board.
Ron Stegall, Director of Community Corrections, presented the Board with a request to consider and approve a Community Corrections Act Agencies Application for FY2006 Unexpected Funds. Jones moved to approve the request for Community Corrections Act Agencies Applications for FY2006 Unexpected Funds. McElhaney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Paula Phillips, Director of Emergency Management, requested the Board authorize Emergency Management to apply for annual funding from the Department of Homeland Security through the Emergency Management Performance Grant Programs to provide annual funds to assist the County in the enhancement of local emergency management programs.
Jones moved to approve the Emergency Management Performance Grant Application for FFY2006. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director, requested approval for the purchase of eight Douglas County fleet vehicles, seven to be purchased from Shawnee Mission Ford (three of which will have added equipment through American Equipment) and one vehicle would be purchased from Roberts Auto Plaza. Douglas County will dispose of seven vehicles and one will be transferred to the District Attorney's office.
McElhaney moved to approve the following purchases: Shawnee Mission Ford $200,219 and Roberts Auto Plaza $21,002 with a total of $221,221. Jones seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Jones moved to approve manual checks in the amounts of $353.84 to be paid on 10/19/06 and $35.50 to be paid on 10/20/06; and accounts payable in the amount of $235,859.34 to be paid 10/23/06. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
The Board noted a position will need to be filled on the Board of Zoning Appeals as John T. Stewart IV's term will end on October 31, 2006.
Evan Ice, County Counselor, discussed the letter from Jefferson County dated October 19, 2006, which replies to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners' letter dated October 18, 2006. Counsel suggested amendments to the letter.
Jones moved to approve the letter from Jefferson County dated October 19, 2006, with handwritten amendments and initialed changes by Douglas County Commissioners dated October 23, 2006. McElhaney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. A copy of the letter as approved by the Board is as follows:
October 19, 2006
Board of Douglas County Commissioners
1100 Massachusetts
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Re Kansas River Bridge Reconstruction Project
This letter is written in response to the letter the Douglas County Commissioners faxed to the Jefferson County Commissioners on October 19, 2006. The Jefferson County Commission appreciates the Douglas County Commission's cooperation in this matter and willingness to work toward a mutually acceptable arrangement that facilitates the commencement of the reconstruction project early next spring. The Jefferson County Commission is in general agreement with undertaking the project according to the terms of the October 18, 2006 letter and writes this letter to confirm the understanding of both commissions.
1. Cooperation.
Douglas County is pleased to undertake the reconstruction project. Please note, however, that Douglas County's agreement to pay all costs of the reconstruction project (including engineering costs that Douglas County previously requested Jefferson County to consider paying) is conditioned upon bids coming in close to or less than the engineer's current cost estimate. Douglas County receives the right to reject all bids and reevaluate the project and this arrangement with Jefferson County and/or re-bid the project if, in Douglas County's opinion, the bids are too high. In connection with reconstruction of the bridge, Douglas County understands that Jefferson County acknowledges that: (i) Douglas County shall undertake the bridge reconstruction project in the manner Douglas County determines most appropriate, (ii) it permits Douglas County and its contractor and subcontractors to perform construction work to portions of the bridge, approaches, and public roads on the Jefferson County side of the county line, (iii), it will cooperate with Douglas County and its contractor and subcontractors in the coordination and closing the Jefferson County public road leading to the bridge, including providing logistical assistance from employees of Jefferson County Road and Bridge Department, (iv) it will allow the contractor and subcontractors working on the bridge reconstruction project to exceed posted weight limits on Jefferson County roads when brining concrete and other construction materials or equipment to and from the bridge.
2. Funding for Incentive Payments Requested.
Douglas County shared Jefferson County's concerns that reconstruction of the bridge will pose a hardship for many people who regularly use the bridge. However, the manner of construction isn't simply a choice of leaving a lane of traffic open during reconstruction or totally closing the bridge. One reason for Douglas County's choice, which has been mostly overlooked by the public, is that even if one lane of bridge traffic is left open the engineers estimate that total closure of the bridge will be necessary for approximately 60 days, with those closed days coming on little or no advance notice to the public. Therefore, there is no "good" choice. Douglas County determined that, in the long run, the better of the two choices is to totally close the bridge during reconstruction.
Because of the hardships and disruption that the bridge reconstruction project will cause, Douglas County will come up with an incentive package to induce the contractor to complete the reconstruction project in less time than the engineer's estimate and to otherwise mitigate the adverse impacts of the reconstruction project. If Douglas County pays all of the costs of the project, however, Douglas County will have exhausted its budget for the project and will be unable to offer any financial incentives. As such, Douglas County requests that Jefferson County consider providing funds, which it has already appropriated and budgeted for the reconstruction project, to offer incentive payments to reopen the bridge early and/or to mitigate the adverse impacts of the reconstruction project. Please understand that Douglas County is not requiring Jefferson County to provide these funds, but Douglas County is simply noting that if Jefferson County d s not offer any incentive payments or provide mitigation funds, there will be none.
Jefferson County cannot and will not contribute any funds for an incentive package.
3. Repainting of Superstructure.
When Douglas County previously indicated it would pay all reconstruction expenses, it never intended to pay all expenses for repainting the bridge superstructure. Douglas County d s expect Jefferson County to pay its proportionate share of repainting of the superstructure of the bridge. Therefore, this cooperation arrangement means that after the bridge is reopened ~ Douglas County and Jefferson County agree to jointly undertake a project to remove existing paint and repaint the superstructure as it exists on October 19, 2006 as modified by the above referenced reconstruction project. Both Counties will pay the costs of the painting project in proportion to their assessed valuation on the last assessment rolls.
If the above is acceptable to a majority of the Douglas County Commission, please sign below and return a copy of this letter to Linda Buttron, Jefferson County Clerk. Upon receipt, Jefferson County will write a brief letter to the Kansas Secretary of Transportation, informing her that we no longer need her to intervene in this matter, and we request that Douglas County will do the same.
Lynn Luck, Chair
Francis Grollmes, Member
David Christy, Member
cc: Deb Miller, Secretary of Transportation
Accepted: 10-23-06
Board of County Commissioners
Of Douglas County, Kansas
Bob Johnson, Chair
Jere McElhaney, Member
Charles Jones, Member
Jones moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
_________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman Jere McElhaney, Member
_________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member
Time and Date