Commission Board Meeting on Mon, April 3, 2006 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance

      -Consider approval of minutes of February 8, 13, 20, 22 and 27, 2006



      (1) (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders

            (b)   Authorize Notice to <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Clinton Township for Clinton Store (Jamie Shew)

            (c)   Consider approval of award of Contract for Supply and Application of Dust

                    Palliative (Keith Browning)

(d)      Consider approval of Agreement with Heartland Medical Outreach and Dr. Dennis

        Sale to provide comprehensive medical services to inmates (Sheriff McGovern)

(e)      Consider approval of Acquisition of Easement for Drainage Structure No. 3.80N-1.50E (Keith Browning)



      (2)    Consider approval of request for use of County Route 1055 for 2006 Baldwin City Bicycle Stage Race to be held June 24-25, 2006Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:35 A.M. on Monday, April 3, 2006 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved approval of the minutes of February 8, February 13, February 20, February 22, as amended, and February 27, 2006, as amended. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 06-127, 06-128, 06-129, 06-130, 06-131, and 06-132. Orders are on file in the office of the County Clerk;
  • Authorize Notice to Clinton Township for Clinton Store;
  • Accept the low bid and award the contract for supply and application of magnesium chloride solution for the user fee dust palliative program to Scotwood Industries at a unit cost of $0.540 per gallon;
  • Approve Agreement with Heartland Medical Outreach and Dr. Dennis Sale to provide comprehensive medical services to inmates at the Douglas County Jail; and
  • Authorize the Chairman of the Board to affix his signature to the Contract for Highway Purposes for Structure No. 3.80N - 1.50E (Pro ject No. 03800150).

Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried.

The Board considered approval of a request to use County Route 1055 for the 2006 Baldwin City Bicycle Stage Race to be held June 24-25, 2006. The route includes Route 1055 running south out of Baldwin City, a few of the streets in Baldwin City, and a 12-mile loop north of Baldwin City, northeast of Vinland. After discussion, Johnson made a motion to approve the request; motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the purchase of a vehicle for Emergency Management. Paula Phillips, Director of Emergency Management, Mike Perkins, Operations Division Manager, and Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director, were present for the discussion. Phillips explained that the vehicle currently used by Emergency Management, a 1994 Ford Explorer, is in need of approximately $1,000 in repairs and Perkins has recommended replacement of the vehicle instead of repair. This is due, in part, to the cost and difficulty in finding parts for vehicles over 10 years old. Phillips recommended that the vehicle be equipped with a tow package in order to tow the trailer that contains Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) supplies and materials that is towed to classes, fairs and volunteer activities. Currently, the volunteers have been towing the trailer since the Explorer is not equipped with a tow package. Options for replacing the vehicle include a cooperative arrangement with the Public Works Department to use a vehicle equipped to tow the trailer when needed; not replacing the vehicle and utilizing the county "pool" vehicles when available and personal vehicles if "pool" vehicles are not available; purchase a used vehicle from the Kansas Highway Patrol; purchase a new, smaller vehicle; or purchase a new, similar vehicle.

Perkins stated that the new vehicles available through the MARC contract include a pickup, a Dodge Durango, and a Ford Expedition. All three would have the ability to tow the trailer.

Johnson stated that he didn't want volunteers to be hauling County-owned trailers with their personal vehicles and that a vehicle should be purchased for use by Emergency Management that would provide the ability to move the equipment. Johnson also stated he did not want to depend upon another department to provide a vehicle on a moment's notice.

Jones asked how often the trailer was used or moved. Phillips noted that the trailer is moved weekly. She stated that the trailer g s to all the CERT training sessions. The trailer carries the supplies for the training sessions and also has supplies for emergencies

McElhaney stated that if the vehicle were purchased for the purpose of hauling a trailer, it should not be driven out of town for meetings, it should stay in Douglas County.

Johnson stated he did not think it was wise to restrict the use to Douglas County since it would force the Emergency Management Department to draw on a "pool" vehicle. He suggested that in the rare instances where there may be a need for the trailer, the Public Works Department could respond with a pickup truck to move the trailer.

McElhaney asked whether volunteers would be driving the vehicle and hauling the trailer. Phillips said they may have to in the event of an emergency. She noted that there are five (5) volunteers specifically trained and their information is provided to the County for coverage under the County's insurance policy.

Johnson stated he was not inclined to purchased a used vehicle and suggested that staff determine which vehicle best suits the department's needs and return with a recommendation for approval. Johnson noted that he would not be in favor of restricted use.

PARKS -- BLACK JACK 04-03-06
The Board conducted a work session regarding the Black Jack Battlefield Illegal Dump Clean-Up Project. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer; Evan Ice, County Counselor; Bob Medina, Kansas Department of Health & Environment; and Carol von Tersch, representing the Black Jack Trust, were present for the discussion. Browning explained that contracts between the Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) and Douglas County had been received from KDHE for the clean-up of the illegally dumped solid waste at the Black Jack Battlefield site. KDHE considers the Black Jack Battlefield site to contain six (6) illegal dump sites. Under terms of the contracts, KDHE will reimburse Douglas County for up to 75% of the actual cost to clean-up the sites, or $10,000 for each of six (6) sites, whichever is less. Therefore, KDHE's maximum contribution to the clean-up effort is $60,000.

It is planned to divide the clean-up project into two phases. Phase 1 involves removing the solid waste from the drainage ways on the property, and collecting and stockpiling the waste in a staging area on the property. It is anticipated the solid waste would be gathered into five (5) stockpiles: timber and burnable wood, tires, construction/demolition debris, scrap metal, and household trash. Phase 2 involves removing the stockpiled waste from the property. Proposals from two contractors for Phase 1 activities are currently being solicited.

The Board previously indicated its willingness to participate in this clean-up project by pledging a maximum $20,000 in County funds. Browning noted that Paragraph II.(9) of the proposed contract indicates Douglas County is responsible for additional funds over the contract amount, required to complete the project.

Browning stated that the most difficult part of the project will be removing the waste. Once Phase 1 is completed, the City of Lawrence will be more comfortable committing assistance to the project. The only entrance into the property is off of 2000 Road which is not suitable for the equipment that will be hauling the waste. Members of the Black Jack Trust have spoken with the property owner to the west who has agreed to allow equipment to cross his property off his entrance off of Highway 56.

Medina stated that he felt the cost of the entire project would not exceed $100,000. He suggested that Douglas County enter into an agreement with the Black Jack Trust that states the Trust would be responsible for any costs over $80,000.

von Tersch stated  that the Trust is aware that the site needs to be cleaned up and is willing to assist in that effort.

Ice said he would draft contracts for the Board's approval between KDHE and Douglas County and a separate contract with the Trust for reimbursement.

Johnson requested that Ice's services be offered to the Trust to work out an agreement between the Trust and the property owner for access to the property. Johnson also requested that staff keep the City of Lawrence and Baldwin City informed of the progress and costs.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amounts of $362,451.56 to be paid 03/27/06 and $158,159.20 to be paid 04/03/06; accounts payable manual checks in the amounts of $366.00, $275,317.70, $394,155.00, and $700,000.00; payroll in the amounts of $673,044.40 and $690,188.68; and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $49,502.73 for FICA and $50,782.89 for KPERS to be paid 03/17/06, and $52,848.06 for FICA and $53,095.86 for KPERS to be paid 03/31/06. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Johnson made a motion to appoint Karen Smith, Lawrence, Kansas, to the Douglas County Community Corrections Youth Services Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term to expire April 1, 2008. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. It should be noted that Ms. Smith replaces Judy Culley who was not eligible for reappointment.

McElhaney made a motion to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Jere McElhaney, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA