Commission Board Meeting on Mon, November 28, 2005 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

<1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2005

8:30 A.M.


      -Pledge of Allegiance

      -Welcoming Reception for Lawrence-Douglas County Fire and Medical Chief Mark Bradford

      -Consider approval of minutes of November 14 and November 16, 2005



      (1) (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders

            (b)   Consider approval of acceptance of Red Tail Ridge Subdivision into the Wakarusa

                    Township Road Mileage (Keith Browning)

(c)   Resolution extending the temporary prohibition of issuance of permits for                construction or placement of dwellings and mobile homes on certain tracts relying on the 5-acre exemption.



      (2)    Review and approve Douglas County Community Corrections Application for FY 2005 Unexpended Funds (Ron Stegall)


      (3)    Consider approval of HAVA purchase (Jamie Shew)


      (4)    Consider approval of purchase of v

Jones called the meeting to order at 8:37 A.M. on Monday, November 28, 2005 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The Board recognized the appointment of Mark Bradford as the newly hired Chief of the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical Department. At 8:38 A.M., Jones made a motion that the Board recess until 8:55 A.M. for a brief welcoming reception Bradford. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board returned to regular session at 8:48 A.M.

Johnson moved approval of the minutes of November 14 and November 16, 2005. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order No. 5341. Order is on file in the office of the County Clerk;
  • Approve Resolution No. 05-33 classifying the roadway in Red Tail Ridge Subdivision as a township road and assigning maintenance of this roadway to Wakarusa Township; and
  • Pull the item "Consider approval of resolution extending the temporary prohibition of issuance of permits for construction or placement of dwellings and mobile homes on certain tracts relying on the 5-acre exemption" for discussion.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board noted receipt of correspondence from H. Wayne Riley of Lecompton Fire Rescue District #1 advising the Board that Fire Chief LeRoy Boucher retired from the Lecompton Fire/Rescue District #1 effective November 9, 2005, which leaves a vacancy on the Fire Board. Riley was present for the discussion. Riley stated that he has been elected Fire Chief by the Fire Board and active members of the Fire Department. Riley noted that Jeanne Boucher, who acted as the Secretary/Treasurer, also retired. Tabitha Mallonnee has been appointed to replace Mrs. Boucher. The Board will forward a nomination to the County Commission for consideration in the near future. No action was taken.

The Board discussed the Douglas County Community Corrections Application for FY 2005 Unexpended Funds. Ron Stegall, Director of Community Corrections, was present for the discussion. Stegall explained that this applications provides the format for the Kansas Community Corrections Act agencies to request FY 2005 Unexpended Grant Funds for use commencing January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2006, the last six months of FY 2006. Department records show that $642,744.07 is available for this purpose. Agencies may use these funds for the purposes cited in the Kansas Department of Corrections Funding Priority List. After discussion, Jones made a motion to approve the Community Corrections Act Agencies Application for FY 2005 Funds in the amount of $27,237.21. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Jamie Shew, County Clerk, advised the Board that the Secretary of State's Office has provided the final numbers on actual costs of equipment that would bring the County into compliance with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002. Three (3) options were provided -- paper based, which is a precinct level optiscan (second chance) and AutoMark (accessibility); partial paper based, which is a precinct level optiscan (second chance) and DRE (accessibility); and paperless, which is all DRE touch screen (both second chance and accessibility). Shew noted that he had conducted several public meetings to demonstrate the equipment and give the public the opportunity to provide their input. The public overwhelmingly indicated they wanted some type of paper based system. The Secretary of State's Office has received a bid in the amount of $855,514.50 from Election Systems & Software (ES&S) for the paper based system. Shew pointed out that ES&S is Douglas County's current vendor for our central scanners and we have a good working relationship with them. Douglas County will receive Federal HAVA funds in the amount of $460,850 and Douglas County has approximately $380,000 in the HAVA reserve fund. This would leave an amount of approximately $14,664 that would need to be funded. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to table final action until Wednesday, November 30, 2005.

The Board considered approval to purchase vehicles for the Public Works Department. Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director, explained that Douglas County and the City of Lawrence participated in a regional cooperative bidding process for the acquisition of 2006 vehicles. The bid included forty-one (41) vehicle types and we received responses from thirteen (13) vendors. Purchases can be made from the contracts until the manufacturer's production cutoff date.

Public Works has funds allocated in equipment reserve to purchase two (2) compact 4x4 pickups and one (1) cab & chassis equipped with a flatbed, spreader, and snow plow. Shawnee Mission Ford was the awarded contractor for the compact pickup and cab & chassis.

After discussion, McElhaney made a motion to approve the purchase of two (2) compact pickups and one (1) cab & chassis from Shawnee Mission Ford in the amount of $88,193. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the 7th Judicial District Juvenile Justice Authority Prevention, Intervention and Core Services Funding Application for FY 2007. Pam Weigand, Youth Services Director, was present for the discussion. Weigand explained that the Juvenile Justice Authority projected funding allocation for Prevention, Intervention and Core Programs is based on FY 2006 funding levels. The funding is contingent on state funding remaining the same as FY 2006 allocation levels.

Funding Type

FY 2006

FY 2007




Intervention/Graduated Sanctions



Core Services






The Grant Review Committee and Douglas County Youth Services staff completed the initial grant review process for the Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board as they have in years past. The Grant Review Committee members interviewed all of the applicant agencies and notified the agencies of the Committee's preliminary funding recommendations.

 Applicant Agency


FY 2006 Award

FY 2007 Requested

FY 2007 Recommended

Bert Nash Mental Health Center

Working to Recognize Alternative Possibilities (WRAP)




Boys And Girls Club of Lawrence & Unified School District 497 (Lawrence)

After School Programming




K.U. Center for Research, Inc.

KU Truancy Prevention & Diversion Program




Mother to Mother of Douglas County

Dad's Time




Unified School District 348 (Baldwin)

Tutoring for School Success




Unified School District 348 (Baldwin)

Bulldog Den (Jr. High)




Unified School District 348 (Baldwin)

Vinland Elementary After School Program




Van Go Mobile Arts

Jobs in the Arts Make Sense (JAMS)




Sub Total Prevention Programs




Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Partnership with Youth




Douglas County Citizen Review Board (CRB)





Family Enhancement of Community Living Opportunities

Family Enhancement




Sub Total Intervention Program




Douglas County Youth Services

Case Management


Determined by JJA Same as FY 2006


The Shelter, Inc.




Douglas County Youth Services




Core Services Sub Total






Jones moved approval of the 7th Judicial District Juvenile Justice Authority Prevention/ Intervention and Core Services funding application for FY 2007 as outlined above; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of a resolution extending the temporary prohibition of the issuance of permits for the construction or placement of dwellings and mobile homes on certain tracts relying on the 5-acre exemption. Keith Dabney, Director of Zoning and Codes, was present for the discussion. Johnson stated that he did not have a problem extending the moratorium until May 31, 2006, in order to allow time to complete the proposed regulations and road classifications. After discussion, Jones made a motion to approve Home Rule Resolution No. HR-05-11-7 Providing for the Temporary Prohibition of the Issuance of Permits for the Construction or Placement of Dwellings and Mobile Homes on Certain Tracts Relying on the 5-Acre Exemption and Providing Certain Exceptions. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of accounts payable in the amounts of $258,791.91 to be paid 11/21/05 and $389,013.87 to be paid 11/28/05; accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $566.06; merit payroll in the amount of $68,789.49; electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $5,274.51 for FICA and $3,054.82 for KPERS to be paid 11/18/05; payroll in the amount of $630,536.18; and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $45,960.98 for FICA and $44,139.25 for KPERS to be paid 11/23/05. Motion was seconded by Jones and
carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to adjourn; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                      Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA