Commission Board Meeting on Wed, October 19, 2005 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance



      (1)    (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders



      (2)    Planning items:

               (a)   MM-08-02-05: Consider rescinding <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Minimum Maintenance Road designation for a portion of E 1400 Road between N 650 Road and N 700 Road in Willow Springs and Palmyra Townships. Requested by Douglas County Public Works for the Willow Springs and Palmyra Township Boards. (PC denied 7-2-1 on 9/28/05 - Bill Ahrens)


                       -Conduct public hearing concerning rescinding of minimum maintenance designation for a portion of E 1400 Road between N 650 Road and N 700 Road in Willow Springs and Palmyra Townships. (Keith Browning/Michael Kelly)


                       -Consider approval of resolution rescinding of minimum maintenance designation for a portion of E 1400 Road between N 650 Road and N 700 Road in Willow Springs and Jones called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There were no Consent items.

PLANNING 10-19-05
The Board considered Item No. 17 of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated September 28, 2005. This item is MM-08-02-05: request to rescind the minimum maintenance road designation for E 1400 Road between N 650 Road and N 700 Road. Requested by Douglas County Public Works per resolution of Douglas County Commissioners on August 10, 2005. Bill Ahrens, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented this item. Ahrens explained that this is request is to rescind the minimum maintenance designation for a section of E 1400 Road on the boundary between Willow Springs and Palmyra Townships. The proposal was initiated by the property owner, Mike Flory, and supported by both associated townships. Ahrens noted that staff currently has no criteria by which to review these kinds of applications and it has become standard practice for staff to support the position of the Township and the County Engineer. The Planning Commission's action was to deny the request to rescind the minimum maintenance road designation for a section of E 1400 Road based on Planning Commissioner Burress' comments that the Commission should not rescind minimum maintenance road designations solely for the purpose of permitting development.

J  Caldwell, Bartlett & West Engineers, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated that the property owner was wanting to rescind the minimum maintenance designation in order to build homes. He pointed out that they would make use of the existing access point onto Route 460 -- no new access points would be needed. Based on a site visit, it appears that site distance at that intersection is more than adequate.

Jones asked how many residences are currently served at that access point.

Caldwell stated that 2 residences are served, but there is a 3rd property which is not currently occupied.

Jones asked when the property was purchased by the current owner.

Mike Flory, property owner, stated that he purchased the property in 1996.

Jones then asked for public comment.

Heather Eichhorn, area resident, stated she was not in favor of the reversal. She did not believe it is a safe plan and it d s not fit in the Comprehensive Plan. She questioned how many other unplanned subdivisions might be created.

Keana Griffin, area neighbor, said she was also opposed to the reversal since the change is to enable development. She pointed out that the Planning Commission came to the conclusion not to rescind the minimum maintenance status.

Grant Eichhorn, area resident, also spoke in opposition to the reversal. He noted that there was no overall enthusiasm for putting it in as a road at the Township hearings other than more homes means more tax dollars. There was no discussion as to whether it is safe or whether it benefits the community. Eichhorn also noted that the letter he received from the Planning Department indicated this was a request for a Conditional Use Permit which would give the neighbors the opportunity to file a protest petition. However, this is a request to reverse a minimum maintenance designation which d s not give neighbors the opportunity to file a protest petition. He expressed concern about the possibility of a future extension of the minimum maintenance road reversal.

Caldwell made the suggestion that the road right-of-way be vacated to eliminate that concern.

Eichhorn also expressed concerns about County Route 460 becoming a much busier road when Highway 59 is improved.

Jones made a motion to close the public hearing; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney asked what the traffic projections were on Route 460 if this proposal were to move forward.

Ahrens stated that he did not have projections for this request, but noted that in an urban area a single family residence typically generates ten (10) trips per household per day.

McElhaney stated that he would support this proposal. This is clearly not a scattered housing development in a rural area. This plan was not rushed in before the June 1, 2005 deadline for the 5-acre exemption -- the property was purchased long before that time. There was no opposition at the Township level, and it was recommended for approval by Planning Staff.

Jones stated he was opposed to the idea. This is a poorly conceived plan and the distance exceeds what would be allowed in a platted subdivision. Jones recalled the fire chief's concerns about having this many houses being located on a road with only one entrance/exit. He stated the applicant would still be able to develop the property in a more thoughtful fashion if the subdivision regulations currently under consideration are approved.

Johnson stated he agreed with both McElhaney and Jones. He said he would have a hard time denying a request that is within the regulations. Johnson noted that he was puzzled by the Planning Commission's statement that "the Commission should not rescind minimum maintenance road designations solely for the purpose of permitting development" when in June they indicated that "minimum maintenance road designation is not the appropriate mechanism to regulate rural development" when faced with a similar request. Johnson stated he would support the request.

Jones questioned whether this request exceeds the regulations for cul-de-sacs.

Johnson stated that only applies in rural subdivisions.

Jones noted that he would like to place this request on the Consent Agenda on Monday, October 24, 2005 to make sure it is in compliance.

Jones then directed staff to get an opinion from the County Counselor as to whether Sections 21-103, 21-104, and 21-105 of the jointly adopted Subdivision Regulations for the City of Lawrence and Douglas County applies to this request for reversal of the minimum maintenance road designation. No action was taken;

PLANNING 10-19-05
The Board considered Item No. 1A of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated September 26, 2005. This item is Z-04-30-05: Reconsideration of a request to rezone a tract of land approximately 34.25 acres from A (Agricultural) District to B-2 (General Business) District. The property is generally described as being located at the southeast corner of Highway 56 and Highway 59. Submitted by Joseph Daniels, Jr., for Joseph Daniels, Sr., property owner of record. This item was returned to the Planning Commission by the Board of County Commissioners on August 22, 2005. Paul Patterson, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented this item. This item comes to the Board with a recommendation for denial based on concerns about the amount of area requested for rezoning, the timing, and the need for a better nodal plan. Staff recommends approval based on the following Findings of Fact:

Zoning and uses of property nearby. The properties at the existing intersection of Highway 56 and 59 are within a B-2 (General Business) Zoning District. This property and the property to the east and south are zoned A (Agricultural) District and are in agricultural uses.

Character of the area. Land uses surrounding the subject property consist of agricultural uses, residences, and a variety of commercial uses.

Suitability of subject property for the uses to which it has been restricted.The subject property is located outside of the recently expanded Lawrence Urban Growth Area. It is also beyond the Baldwin City Growth Area and approximately 3.3 miles from Baldwin City Limits. The subject property is within an A (Agricultural) District zoned property and is adjacent to a B-2 (General Commercial) zoned commercial node at the intersection to the north and west (Baldwin Junction). The Kansas Department of Transportation has proposed improvements to the intersection which will cover a portion of the area requested to be rezoned.

Length of time subject property has remained vacant as zoned. The subject property is primarily used for agricultural crop production, and has been zoned A (Agricultural) District since 1966.

Extent to which removal of restrictions will detrimentally affect nearby property. Based on the proposed realignment and construction of the U.S. 56/59 interchange and the loss of commercially zoned land, it would appear appropriate to rezone a portion of the subject property from A (Agricultural) District to B-2 (General Commercial) District zoning.

Relative gain to the public health, safety and welfare by the destruction of the value of the petitioner's property as compared to the hardship imposed upon the individual landowners. It appears logical to extend commercial uses beyond the existing commercial corridor at the intersection of U.S. 59/56. The proposed construction of a highway interchange at this intersection will provide a relative gain to the public health, safety and welfare, but will take up a large portion of the existing commercially zoned property through the purchase of public right-of-way. A rezoning should result in a benefit to the motoring public and residents in the area through the convenient location of commercial services. Rezoning and future commercial uses in this area should be carefully designed and controlled to minimize undesired impact upon the surrounding A (Agricultural) District zoned land.

Conformance with The Comprehensive Plan. Once realigned and a highway interchange is constructed, the subject property will adjoin the intersection. Therefore, the rezoning request is consistent with the goals and policies of Horizon 2020 for both existing and proposed commercial nodes in the unincorporated areas of Douglas County.

AND subject to the following conditions:

    1. Property owner agrees to annex the subject property into the Baldwin City Limits when it becomes contiguous with Baldwin City limits; and
    2. Approval and filing of a final plat at the Register of Deeds Office.

Jones asked what the appropriate amount of acreage was determined to be when the Planning Commission discussed this request.

Patterson stated that there was discussion about limiting growth in this overall area based on the nodal plan which allotted 15,000 square feet for commercial uses at this intersection, but the amount of acreage was not specifically discussed.

Jones stated he didn't understand why a smaller amount of acreage wasn't considered.

Joseph Daniels, Jr., spoke on behalf of the applicant. Daniels noted that he asked for approval because it is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan that has been published, it passed the technical review of staff, staff recommended approval and it has the support of affected landowners. Daniels stated that it works well to rezone the entire property and not try to piecemeal it. If it is done well, it can benefit the entire community.

Jones stated he would not support this request since rezoning affects the value of the land and he has concerns about the value if and when KDOT purchases some of the land. Jones further stated he thought this was a sloppy way to do this and it is poorly thought through. We should have a complete nodal plan in place before approving this rezoning request.

Johnson stated that if we were speculating that KDOT was going to rebuild Highway 59 and speculating where it would be and what it would do to property values, he would be unwilling to rezone. However, KDOT is well aware of the rezoning request and is aware of the location involved. The only thing that is speculative is whether or not they'll acquire 15+ acres.

McElhaney made a motion to approve Z-04-30-05. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried with Jones opposed.

PLANNING 10-19-05
The Board considered Item No. 14 of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated September 28, 2005. This item is CUP-06-05-05: Conditional Use Permit request for cell tower extension and antenna co-location. The property is located at 304 E 1600 Road. Submitted by Sprint PCS, applicant for SpectraSite, property owner of record. Sandra Day, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for the discussion. This item comes to the Board with a unanimous recommendation for approval based upon the following Findings of Fact:

Zoning and uses of property nearby. The subject property is on the north side of Highway 56 and within proximity to the existing city limits for Baldwin City. Current uses include both agricultural and residential uses. The tower is currently a 160' lattice-type structure with several wires anchored at the base.

Character of the area. The subject property is located on the fringe of Baldwin City. Access to the site is from E 1600 Road rather than the highway frontage. The surrounding area to the north is currently used for agricultural production but includes several residential and accessory structures. The south side of the road is the boundary limit for Baldwin City.

Suitability of subject property for the uses to which it has been restricted. There is no proposed change to the existing zoning designation. Article 19 of the County Zoning Regulations lists multiple land uses that are allowed subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Included in this list of uses is 'communication tower.' The proposed request is for the expansion of the tower height and co-location of the antenna equipment to support existing communication services in Douglas County. The property is agriculturally zoned and includes an existing tower structure. Conditional Use Permits (CUP's) are designed to allow special and unique land uses to occur. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit will not alter the base zoning. Zoning may be changed upon annexation by Baldwin City in the future.

Length of time subject property has remained vacant as zoned. The subject property is developed with an existing 175' guy wire tower structure per approval of a Conditional Use Permit in 1979. It has been zoned A (Agricultural) District since the adoption of the zoning regulations in the unincorporated portions of Douglas County in 1966.

Extent to which removal of restrictions will detrimentally affect nearby property. The expansion of the tower is not anticipated to detrimentally affect nearby property. The proposed use d s not alter the base zoning district. Access is provided via an established driveway cut from a county road.

Relative gain to the public health, safety and welfare by the destruction of the value of the petitioner's property as compared to the hardship imposed upon the individual landowners. The subject property includes the entire parcel. A change of use is not anticipated even upon annexation by Baldwin City in the future but may be limited for other expansion or co-location requests pursuant to that community's zoning regulations. No detrimental impacts are anticipated by the increase of the tower height.

Conformance with The Comprehensive Plan. Horizon 2020 d s not directly address the issue of special or conditional uses. The plan provides basic guidance regarding major infrastructure improvements and urges that such uses be carefully planned and provided. The provision of such services should be focused in existing service areas to address growth. Additionally, placement and visual appearance are a key consideration in creating compatibility.

AND subject to the following conditions:

    1. Provision of a revised site plan to show all distances from North, South, East, and West property lines (Douglas County Zoning Regula tions Section 19-4.31(d)3) and (d)1);
    2. Provision of a revised site plan to show building and fence height on sheet C 3;
    3. Provision of a note on the face of the site plan that states: "Minimum maintenance shall be provided for the property to include mowing and vegetative control during the growing season"; and
    4. Prior to release of the site plan for issuance of a building permit the property shall be mowed and proper pruning of obstructive vegetation shall be provided.

Jones made a motion to approve CUP-06-05-05 based upon the above Findings of Fact and subject to the above conditions; motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 10-19-05
The Board considered Item No. 16 of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated September 28, 2005. This item is CUP-07-06-05: Conditional Use Permit request for Lawrence Energy Center Industrial Landfill. The property is located at 1250 N 1800 Road. Submitted by Tom Brown of Westar Energy for Westar Energy, property owner of record. Lisa Pool, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented this item. This item comes to the Board with a recommendation for approval based on the following Findings of Fact:

Zoning and land uses of surrounding properties. The properties directly north and east of the subject property are zoned VC (Valley Channel) District. The properties to the south are zoned I-4 (Heavy Industrial) District, while the properties further to the south are zoned A-1 (Suburban Home) District and RS-2 (Single-family Residential). To the west are properties zoned M-2 (General Industrial) District and I-3 (Heavy Industrial) District.

Character of the area. The area is characterized by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway, the Kansas River, industrial uses, and single family homes. The parcels to the west and south are industrially zoned and include industrial uses and undeveloped land. Further south of the undeveloped industrial land, single-family homes exist. The Railway is located to the north, south and east of the parcel, while the Kansas River is also located to the north and east. The subject property is located outside the Lawrence city limits, but is within the Urban Growth Area.

Suitability of subject property for the uses to which it has been restricted. The property is suitable for a coal by-product landfill, as the property is industrially zoned. Additionally, the site is bounded by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway and industrially zoned land.

It is important to note that two such landfills exist to the west of the proposed site. The new landfill area is needed to serve as a replacement for the western most landfill, which is expected to reach capacity by November 2007. The landfill area directly west of the proposed site has been closed since 1994 and has been reclaimed with native vegetation.

Length of time subject property has remained vacant as zoned. The property has been zoned I-4 (Heavy Industrial) District since the adoption of the 1966 County Zoning Regulations. The former Callery Chemical Company Plant is located on the southern portion of the subject site. The chemical plant has been closed since the 1970s. A house, barn, and accessory building are also located on the site. The home is occupied by the former caretaker of the Callery Chemical Plant. The house and accessory buildings are located in Phase I of the project, while most of the chemical plant is located in Phase II.

Extent to which removal of restrictions will detrimentally affect nearby property. As the area is abutted by industrial zoning to the west and the Santa Fe Railroad to the east, south and north, the addition of a coal by-product landfill should not adversely affect these nearby properties. Single-family homes exist beyond the undeveloped industrial land to the south of the subject parcel. Approximately 25 acres of undeveloped and heavily wooded land separate the proposed landfill and residential uses. To ensure these properties are not adversely affected by the additional landfill, the applicant proposes to install an air pollution monitor in the southern portion of the parcel, will implement the Nuisance and Dust Control Program that is being implemented with the existing landfill, and will install groundwater monitoring wells per KDHE-approval. Additionally, water runoff will be collected in a stormwater/leachate pond at the southeastern end of the subject site. The leachate material will then be pumped to the energy center for treatment. Both the landfills and leachate collection ponds will be lined with KDHE-approved liners. In order to further buffer the landfill and haul roads from neighboring uses, staff recommends adding a vegetative screen along the southern edges of the haul road. The vegetative buffer will further reduce any noise/dust pollution from the landfill site.

Relative gain to the public health, safety and welfare by the destruction of the value of the petitioner's property as compared to the hardship imposed upon the individual landowners. Approval of the Conditional Use Permit as proposed would benefit the public, as the Lawrence Energy Center would be permitted to dispose of its coal wastes on-site. On-site disposal of the by-product materials is preferable to off-site disposal because, by keeping hauling activities on-site, potential adverse affects to the surrounding properties will be minimized and higher costs for hauling materials off-site will not be passed on to local customers. As the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has granted approval of the landfill site and will ultimately approve the facility itself, the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. Additionally, all of the aforementioned preventative measures relates to dust mitigation and on-site stormwater collection will be utilized with the project.

Conformance with The Comprehensive Plan. The project conforms with several Horizon 2020 policies related to industrial uses located outside the city limits. Specifically, the project is an expansion of an existing industrial area and is located in an area where adequate services and facilities can be provided. The application is also in conformance with the policy pertaining to natural landscaped buffers. Several acres of undeveloped and heavily wooded land will separate the proposed landfill areas from the residential uses to the south. Additionally, as a condition of approval, vegetative screening will be provided along the southern edges of the haul road. Fifty-foot railway setbacks will be located along the property's north, south and eastern boundaries, while a 150- foot setback will be included along the site's western edge.

AND subject to the following conditions:

    1. Documentation of a Bureau of Waster Management Permit from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to operate the coal by-product landfill;
    2. Documentation of an approved Floodplain Development Permit from the Douglas County Zoning & Codes Division;
    3. Documentation of an approved Floodplain Fill Permit from the Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources;
    4. Documentation of an approved Historic Structures Study from the Kansas State Historical Society; and
    5. Revision of the site plan to include the following:
      a. Inclusion of a note, indicating Southwestern Bell will be contacted once all service in the subject area has been disconnected in order to allow for adequate time to remove/abandon facilities.
      b. Revision of Note #2 to state the following: "Normal operations will occur weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
      c. Deletion of the following note: "Extended hours may be used during heavy load periods;"
      d. Provision of a vegetative screen along the southern edges of the haul road. Specifically, evergreen trees should be utilized in these locations;
      e. Inclusion of a landscape schedule, per Section 19A-4(10) of the County Zoning Regulations;
      f. Inclusion of a note, stating the Nuisance and Dust Control Program will be in effect with the new landfill site;
      g. Inclusion of a note, stating that news media will be notified if the type of coal burned at the Lawrence Energy Center changes from what is currently utilized at the plant; and
      h. Inclusion of a note, stating magnesium chloride will be used as a dust suppression agent for the haul road and landfill site as needed.

Johnson noted for the record that he has an ownership interest in adjoining property and would not benefit from approval of this request. It was the consensus that this was not a conflict of interest.

Chad Luce, Westar Energy, spoke on behalf of the applicant. Luce gave a brief description of the project noting that construction would begin at the end of 2006 once approval is received from KDHE. He said that the haul road will be paved with asphalt.

Jones noted there is historical significance to some of the buildings and requested that Watkins Museum be contacted in order to document.

Tom Brown, representing Westar, stated that KDHE requires that letters be sent to state and federal agencies and they did receive comments from the Kansas State Historical Society indicating the house, barn and WWII structures have no historical significance.

Jones then asked for public comment.

Everett Shockley, adjacent property owner, noted that he lives directly across the road of the existing landfill which was approved with similar conditions. He said that the conditions had not been enforced until recently. He stated that in 1997 he reported their failure to comply, but no efforts were made to meet the conditions until 2004. Shockley then noted that he has spoken with Westar representatives and they have addressed his concerns and have been very attentive.

Jones suggested that the applicant be required to notify the County when installation is complete so the County can make sure they are in compliance with the CUP.

Jones made a motion to approve CUP-07-06-05 based on the above-referenced Findings of Fact and subject to the following revised conditions:

    1. Documentation of a Bureau of Waster Management Permit from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to operate the coal by-product landfill;
    2. Documentation of an approved Floodplain Development Permit from the Douglas County Zoning & Codes Division;
    3. Documentation of an approved Floodplain Fill Permit from the Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources; as required;
    4. Documentation of an approved Historic Structures Study from the Kansas State Historical Society; and
    5. Revision of the site plan to include the following:
      a. Inclusion of a note, indicating Southwestern Bell will be contacted once all service in the subject area has been disconnected in order to allow for adequate time to remove/abandon facilities;
      b. Revision of Note #2 to state the following: "Normal operations will occur weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
      c. Deletion of the following note: "Extended hours may be used during heavy load periods;"
      d. Provision of a vegetative screen along the southern edges of the haul road. Specifically, evergreen trees should be utilized in these locations;
      e. Inclusion of a landscape schedule, per Section 19A-4(10) of the County Zoning Regulations;
      f. Inclusion of a note, stating the Nuisance and Dust Control Program will be in effect with the new landfill site;
      g. Inclusion of a note, stating that news media will be notified if the type of coal burned at the Lawrence Energy Center changes from what is currently utilized at the plant;
      h. Inclusion of a note, stating magnesium chloride or a similar agent effective in suppressing dust will be used as a dust suppression agent for the haul road and landfill site as needed;
      i. Inclusion of a note, stating the haul road will be paved with asphalt; and
      j. Inclusion of a note, stating all conditions of CUP approval will be in place prior to the new landfill being utilized.

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 10-19-05
The Board considered Item No. 10 of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated September 26, 2005. This item is CPA-2005-1: An amendment to Horizon 2020 to update the Transportation Element (Chapter 8) to make it consistent with the update of the comprehensive transportation plan Transportation 2025. This amendment was initiated by the Planning Commission at its April 27, 2005 regular meeting at the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plans Committee (CPC). The CPC reviewed this chapter as part of the update process to Horizon 2020, the comprehensive land use plan for the City of Lawrence and unincorporated Douglas County. A draft updated chapter was considered by the Planning Commission in May 2005 and was referred back to the CPC for further revisions to incorporate comments received from the Planning Commission and public. Brad Ahrens, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented this item. This item comes to the Board with a recommendation for approval.

Jones asked if the City of Lawrence had acted on these revisions.

Ahrens stated they discussed it at their meeting on October 18, 2005 and voted it down 3-2 because of the major thoroughfare (Peterson Road).

Johnson stated he was inclined to receive the report and put it on the shelf until the City has approved it.

Bob Lichtwardt, speaking on behalf of the League of Women Voters, noted that the map changes are not in conformance (the words may be in conformance, but the maps are not). He also noted that there should be some arterials to the east and west to take a load off of Highway 40. He also stated that changes should not be made without public input and requested that the Board not accept this report.

Jones noted there were no maps included in the packet and requested they be provided.

No action was taken.

PLANNING 10-19-05
The Board considered Item No. 20 of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated September 28, 2005. This item is CPA-2005-02: Hold public hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to Horizon 2020, Chapter 9 -- Parks, Recreation and Open Space. This chapter was considered at the May 25th Planning Commission meeting and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for further review. Paul Patterson, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented this item. This item comes to the Board with a recommendation for approval.

Patterson stated that the Lawrence City Commission discussed this at their October 18, 2005 meeting and deferred it back to the Planning Commission with respect to radius.

McElhaney noted that we needed to be very careful with our parks -- we can't seem to maintain what we have.

The Board directed staff to put together a proposal to consolidate city/county parks.

The Board then made editorial comments to the document. Jones made a motion to receive the plan and return it to the Planning Commission requesting them to consider the suggested amendments. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $585.30; payroll in the amount of $513.01; and electronic funds transfers in the amount of $39.24 for FICA to be paid 10/18/05. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to adjourn; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                      Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA