Commission Board Meeting on Wed, September 21, 2005 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance



      (1)    (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders

               (b)   Consider proposed temporary turnaround on E 920 Road North of Clinton

                       Parkway (Keith Browning)

(c)      Planning Item: Z-07-47-05: Request to rezone a tract of land approximately 10.09 acres from A (Agricultural) District to A-1 (Suburban Residential) District. The property is generally described as being located at 771 Highway 40. Submitted by Elnora Burggraf, property owner of record. (Paul Patterson)

(d)      Consider waiving Purchasing Policy requirements for acquisition of professional services for Bridge Deck Replacement Project on Kansas River Bridge at Lecompton; Bridge No. 21.30-06.15/Project No. 2005-11 (Keith Browning)



(2)    Other Business

               (a)   Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)

               (b)   Appointments

               (c)   Miscellaneous

               (d)   Public Comment


Jones called the meeting to order at 6:34 P.M. on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Z-07-47-05: Request to rezone a tract of land approximately 10.09 acres from A (Agricultural) District to A-1 (Suburban Residential) District. The property is generally described as being located at 771 Highway 40. Submitted by Elnora Burggraf, property owner of record, contingent upon the condition upon the recording of a final plat prior to publication of the rezoning resolution; and
  • Approve waiving the Purchasing Policy requirements for acquisition of professional services, and request a proposal from Finney & Turnip seed, L.L.P. for engineering services for replacing the deck on the Kansas River Bridge at Lecompton.

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed a proposed temporary turnaround on E 920 Road in the Lake Estates area in the northeast quadrant of K-10 Highway (SLT) and Clinton Parkway. This item was discussed and tabled by the Board at their August 31, 2005 meeting. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, was present for the discussion. The southern portion of E 920 was vacated in 1994 although a travelable roadway remains in the vacated portion. The existing road has not been maintained south of the southernmost entrance (the Henriquez entrance) due to lack of need to sue this portion of road for property access. This location is approximately 640 feet north of the southern terminus of the existing public right-of-way.

An agreement to construct a temporary turnaround has been reached with the previous owner of the development ("Lake Estates at Alvamar") just south of the Henriquez property and within the Lawrence city limits. This development has since sold and the new owner d s not agree to construct the turnaround. Construction of a temporary turnaround would presumably fall to the County or to the abutting property owners (Hoffman and Henriquez).

Browning stated that he spoke with Terese Gorman, Director of the Public Works Department for the City of Lawrence, to ensure they didn't have a problem with the proposed turnaround. Gorman indicated they do have a development plan for that area. However, since this is outside the city limits, approval is not necessary.

This plan is that the road will be extended to the west property line with a turnaround at that point, that would be touching this chip sealed surface that is only partially in road right-of-way at this point. This also shows eradicating this old surface, old deteriorated chip sealed surface and shows constructing a temporary turnaround. This was turned into the City in early August, it has not been approved, but it has been reviewed and is on second review and would probably be approved soon.

Jones asked for public comment.

Todd Thompson, spoke on behalf of Doug Garber, who owns property north of the Hoffmans. Thompson stated the purpose of his presence is to discuss the disagreement between the neighbors as to whether E 920 Road will ever connect with Lake Pointe Drive. He expressed concern that the County's action would put a "bulb" at the very southern tip of the County right-of-way which could be interpreted that it should be a permanent cul-de-sac or that there should never be a connection between E 920 Road and Lake Pointe Road. Thompson asked that the Board specifically state that this is a temporary situation and that the expectation is that E 920 Road will connect with Lake Pointe Road.

Jones stated he didn't mind stating the bulb was temporary, but was more hesitant to project or predict what the City will do in terms of its process. He asked if it wasn't sufficient for the motion to indicate that the bulb is temporary.

Thompson said that he wasn't asking the Board to predict what the City would do, but would like the action to state that it should not be construed to imply that it is the Board's belief or intent that the roads should not be connected.

Johnson stated that when this was previously discussed, the Board responded without any reservation that it was not the Board's intent to preclude the roads from connecting in the future. However, if and when that happens, it will happen under the watch of the City, not Douglas County.

Francois Henriquez, 1436 E 920 Road, stated that he supported the direction the Board was taking.

Jones made a motion that staff be instructed to acquire the necessary easements to install a temporary turnaround on E 920 Road south of and in proximity to the entrance located at 1436 E 920 Road, and that measures be taken to discourage and disrupt traffic from continuing south of the temporary turnaround. This action is taken with no intent as to how the City should handle this road system once it's annexed into the City. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jerry Potter requested that a "Dead End" or "No Outlet" sign be placed at the entry way.

McElhaney made a motion to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


_____________________________ _____________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                      Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA