Commission Board Meeting on Mon, January 3, 2005 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information


-Consider approval of minutes of November 22, November 29, December 1, and <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />December 20, 2004


(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders

(b) Consider approval of Execution of Order Directing County Engineer to prepare plans, estimates and report for the Hesper Charter Road Improvement District (Keith Browning)


(2) Discussion of formation of an extension district serving Douglas and Shawnee Counties

(3) Consideration of Dust Palliative Program for 2005 (Keith Browning)

(4) Schedule public meeting for bridge replacement, Project No. 23C3890-01 and possible future Route 1055 improvements (Keith Browning)

(5) Consider approval of purchase of Network Intrusion Protection Device (Jim Lawson)

(6) Consider approval of five (5) Out-District College Tuition Statements in the amount of $18,648 (Debbie Sparkes)

(7) Work Session on possible management audit topics (Craig Weinaug)

Jones called the meeting to order at 8:33 A.M. on Monday, January 3, 2005 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Johnson moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 5282, 5283, and 5284. Orders are on file in the office of the County Clerk; and
  • Authorize execution of Order Directing the County Engineer to cause surveys of work and prepare plans and estimates for the proposed road improvements in the Hesper Charter Road Improvement District, and to file a report showing the amount, character, location, probable cost and kind of work to be done with the County Clerk.

Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

EXTENSION 01-03-05
At their meeting on 11/17/04, the Board tabled action regarding a proposed resolution approving a proposed extension district with Shawnee County, Kansas. The Board then met jointly with the Shawnee County Commission on 12/20/04 regarding the proposal. Trudy Rice, Douglas County Extension Director, appeared before the Board requesting approval of the resolution. Rice noted that she had received no vocal opposition to the plan.

Chris Durflinger, Master Gardener, urged the Board to take a close look at the proposal noting it would benefit the community in a positive way.

Dr. John Bradley, Extension Board Chair, thanked the Board for their attention and investigation into the proposal and noted that he believed Douglas County taxpayers would save money.

McElhaney asked questions about the process if the resolution passed.

Dr. Bradley replied that there would be a 60-day waiting period allowing for any protest petitions, then there would be a 90-day period for the Attorney General's approval.

McElhaney then questioned the process of terminating the merger if the Board so desired.

Jim Lindquist, Director of Northeast Kansas and Metropolitan Area Extension Offices, stated that the Boards would need to pass a resolution terminating the merger which would terminate on January 1 of the next year.

McElhaney stated that he was in favor of the merger. He also expressed appreciation to the Extension staff and board members for the slow, deliberate process taken to inform and educate.

Jones stated he didn't see the efficiencies since there wouldn't be any reduction in the work force. He stated that he believed that the merger runs the risk of weakening extension services in Douglas County. Jones noted he was not in favor of creating an additional taxing unit and that he would like to see a demonstration of efficiencies. Jones then stated he would be interested in pursuing an interlocal agreement.

Johnson stated that while he believed in the people that operate the Extension office, he was also opposed to creating another taxing unit. He also expressed concerns about the population spread.

McElhaney made a motion to approve the resolution creating the formation of an extension district with Douglas and Shawnee Counties. Motion died for lack of a second.

The Board discussed the dust palliative program policies for 2005. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, recommended that the Board continue the brokerage of a dust palliative program with an up front user fee of $0.75/linear foot ($0.50/l.f. for dust palliative material and an additional $0.25/l.f. user fee to cover road preparation costs), plus an administrative fee of $45 per applicant. This is the same program that was used in 2004.

Jones indicated he was in support of the program but urged staff to develop a policy to re-evaluate the user fees every three (3) years.

After discussion, Jones made a motion to grant permission to continue the brokerage of a dust palliative program with an up front user fee of $0.75/linear foot ($0.50/l.f. for dust palliative material and an additional $0.25/l.f. user fee to cover road preparation costs), plus an administrative fee of $45.00 per applicant; grant permission to advertise for bidders once the application process has been completed; and authorize Browning to sign off on the purchase of the materials unless it is determined that the costs are in excess of a 10% increase from 2004. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

 PUBLIC WORKS 01-03-05
The Board discussed Project No. 23 C-3890-01, Bridge No. 09.24N-16.00E, located on Route 1055 near the Cedar Hill Gun Club. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, stated that this project is listed as top priority on the Five-Year Plan for federally assisted projects. As originally envisioned, this project was to improve the approach roadway alignment of the first curve immediately south of the bridge in addition to replacing the bridge itself. Federal STP-Safety funds in addition to regular STP funds are available to improve the geometrics of the second curve south of the bridge. If improvement of this second curve is included as part of the bridge replacement project, additional STP-Safety funding of $500,000 at a 90/10 federal/local cost share is available to apply toward the construction cost of the entire project.

In prior discussions with the Board regarding whether or not to expand the project to include the second curve south of the bridge, the Board indicated that a public meeting should be held to notify the public and receive public comment. The Board indicated that the public meeting should not be limited to only the immediate project under consideration, but should also include possible future improvements to Route 1055 between Lawrence and Baldwin City.

Preliminary plan/profile sheets showing likely future improvements have been prepared for the portion of Route 1055 between Route 458 and Vinland. It is not felt that the portion of Route 1055 between 31st Street and Route 458 needs to be included since this portion is within the City of Lawrence Urban Growth Area and will likely be reconstructed as an urban arterial-type roadway in the future.

Browning requested authorization to schedule a public meeting as soon as possible to discuss and obtain input on the proposed bridge replacement project as well as other possible future improvements to Route 1055 between Route 458 and Vinland. The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) bid opening for the bridge project is scheduled for January 2006 and office check plans are due in February 2005. Browning noted that a decision whether or not to expand the bridge replacement project to include the second curve south of the bridge should be made very soon in order to meet the project schedule.

Jones asked whether there were any cost estimates for the project. Browning stated he did not have any estimates at this time.

It was the consensus of the Board that Browning prepare cost estimates to be presented to the Board before scheduling the public hearing. The Board unanimously directed staff to proceed on the basis that the project would include the second curve. No action was taken.

The Board considered approval of the purchase of a Network Intrusion Protection Device. Jim Lawson, Director of Information Technology, explained that his department has seen an exponential increase in the amount of threats and attacks targeting the County's computer network. Lawson recommended the purchase of a Proventia device that is produced by Internet Security Systems. This type of product is a new technology called an intrusion prevention device. Unlike conventional security methods that can only analyze and respond to attacks after they occur, this device utilizes preemptive security that actually stops Internet threats before they can impact the County's network. The Proventia device accomplishes this by the use of deep protocol analysis of all network traffic coming into and coming out of the County's computer network. It has the most advanced set of detection algorithms that will recognize attacks as they happen and stop the attack before it reaches the County's network. This device is supported by what is called the X-Force research and development team. This team is dedicated to researching vulnerabilities and provides automatic updates and enhancements for the most up-to-date protection against known and unknown threats. This will greatly enhance the protection of the County's network and reduce the amount of staff time spent on this problem. A formal bid was issued with the low bid submitted by Fishnet Security in the amount of $14,440.28, including a one (1) year technical support subscription. Jones made a motion to approve the low bid submitted by Fishnet Security in the amount of $14,440.28 for the purchase of the Proventia device plus technical support, advanced exchange and content subscription for one (1) year. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of the five (5) Out-District College Tuition statements in the amount of $18,648.00. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried 2-1 with McElhaney opposed.

The Board conducted a work session on possible management audit topics. No action was taken.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amounts of $478,228.26 to be paid 12/20/04, $2,764,410.47 to be paid 12/27/04, and $199,230.59 to be paid 01/03/05; accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $1,368.24; ACH Bank Transfer in the amount of $1,731,016.25 to be paid 02/01/05; Public Works Safety Awards payroll in the amount of $670.09; and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $52.95 for FICA and $14.81 for KPERS to be paid 12/17/04. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

McElhaney made a motion to appoint Tara Flory, 1921 Quail Run, Lawrence, KS, to the Douglas County Fair Board representing the City of Lawrence for a one-year term which shall expire January 31, 2006. It should be noted that Ms. Flory will be eligible to serve five (5) additional one-year terms. It should also be noted that Ms. Flory replaces Doug Rich who was not eligible for reappointment. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to adjourn; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


______________________________ ________________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                        Bob Johnson, Member


______________________________ ________________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk                     Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA