Commission Board Meeting on Wed, June 23, 2004 - 3:30 PM

Meeting Information

      -Consider recommendations for use of grant expenditures of FFY 2004 State Homeland Security Grant Program projects (Paula Phillips)

Johnson called the special meeting to order via conference call at 3:45 P.M., on Wednesday, June 23, 2004, with Jones present via cellular telephone and McElhaney present. The purpose of the special meeting was to consider recom mendations for use of grant expenditures of FFY2004 State Homeland Security Grant Program projects.

Paula Phillips, Director of Emergency Management, presented the FFY2004 Kansas Homeland Security Grant Program Allocations for Douglas County.

Jones joined the meeting at 3:55 P.M.

Johnson made a motion to approve the following grant allocations:

New generator for Judicial & Law Enforcement Center


Security systems for water and electric utilities in Baldwin City


Security systems for water utilities in Lawrence


Security systems for water and electric utilities in Eudora


New air packs for use by rural firefighters


X-ray machine to be posted at the entrance of the Judicial & Law Enforcement Center


New security system server for the Lawrence Police Department


Portable radios, mobile data terminals and other communications equipment for Douglas County Sheriff's Department


Coordination of volunteer efforts


Communications equipment for Baldwin City Police Department


Impact-resistant windows and doors at Baldwin City's police headquarters


Security monitoring for Lawrence Police Department


Communications equipment for the Eudora Police Department


Miscellaneous equipment


Jones noted reservations of the process by which this was accomplished, and seconded the motion which carried unanimously.

Johnson stated for the record that a discussion needs to be set up in the next week to discuss agenda procedures.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


______________________________     ________________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                            Bob Johnson, Member


______________________________     ________________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk                        Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA