Commission Board Meeting on Wed, June 25, 2003 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

  • Convene
  • Pledge of Allegiance

 (1) (a) Consider approval of  Commission Orders

 (2) Acceptance of low bid for microsurfacing on Route 1029, Project No. 2003-11 (Keith Browning)

 (3) Discussion of Vicious Dog Issues (Charles Jones)

 (4) Discussion of temporary traffic signals for the intersections of 31st Street w/Louisiana and Haskell (Craig Weinaug)

 (5) Other Business
  (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
  (b) Appointments
  (c) Miscellaneous
  (d) Public Comment 

 (6) Adjourn

Johnson called meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. on Wednesday, June 25, 2003. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

McElhaney moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Note receipt of fee reports for the month of May 2003.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed bids received for microsurfacing on Route 1029. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, was present for the discussion. Three bids were received with the low bid submitted from Vance Brothers in the amount of $73,154.20. Browning explained that Kansas Statutes require filing an Engineer's Estimate with the County Clerk's Office prior to the bid opening. An Engineer's Estimate was prepared prior to bid opening, but it was not filed as required due to an oversight. Browning has discussed this with Evan Ice, County Counselor, who indicated that, in his opinion, the Board has the authority to award the contract to the low bidder. Re-bidding would necessar ily narrow the window of opportunity for completing this work, which may result in higher bids. Given that the Engineer's Estimate was prepared in good faith prior to the bid opening, and that the low bid is below the Engineer's Estimate which was $74,953.00 it is recommended that the Board accept the low bid. McElhaney made a motion to accept the low bid from Vance Brothers in the amount of $73,154.20 for Project No. 2003-11, microsurfacing Route 1029 from US-56 Highway south approximately 2.4 miles and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders in an amount not to exceed $3500. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones conducted a presentation on vicious dog issues. Midge Grinstead, Director of the Lawrence Humane Society, was also present for the discussion. Jones and Grinstead have met with a working group regarding this issue and a resolution was prepared and presented for consideration. It was the consensus of the Board to review the proposed resolution for possible adoption on July 9, 2003.

The Board discussed traffic signals on 31st Street, specifically 31st & Louisiana and 31st & Haskell. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, explained that both intersections are partly in the City and partly in the County. This past spring, a study session was conducted regarding the "31st Street Corridor Study Iowa Street to County Route 1057." One of the short term improvements was to consider temporary traffic signals at these intersections. These signals cost approximately $50,000 per intersection. Additional costs would include mainte nance, which are estimated to be $10,000 per year per intersection ($5,000 each). This item was not addressed in the budget but could be put in the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) without putting any additional cost in terms of the budget. This would simply delay some of the other things that are in the CIP.

Johnson questioned why any kind of decision should be made until we know for a fact what is or is not going to happen with respect to the Trafficway. If it's deter mined that the Trafficway is not going to be built, then we would need to deal with a different set of circumstances. If it's determined that the Trafficway is going to be built and if 31st Street, for example would be replaced in 2 years, the decision would be approached a little differently. He noted that it would be very appropri ate for the county to agree to pay 50/50 but only to the extent of $25,000 at each intersection. Jones stated that something should be known about the Trafficway in the next few months. It was the consensus of the Board that the County would agree to split the costs 50/50 -- $25,000 per intersection, and directed Weinaug to encourage the City to delay their decision until more information is known about the Trafficway.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, presented Contract(s) for Highway Purposes for Project No. 23C-3688-01, County Route 1029, E 600 Road, for Tract Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 35. Jones made a motion to approve the Contract(s) for Highway Purposes for Tract Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 35. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Browning then presented an Agreement relative to performing certain work and/or the occupancy of the County's road right-of-way for the facilities of a utility between Douglas County Rural Water District #6 and Douglas County, Kansas for Project No. 23C-3688-01, County Route 1029, E 600 Road. Jones made a motion to approve the Agreement between Douglas County Rural Water District #6 and Douglas County for Project No. 23C-3688-01. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Browning then presented a Reimbursement Agreement between Mid-America Pipeline Company, LLC, and Douglas County, Kansas for Project No 23C-3688- 01, County Route 1029, E 600 Road. Johnson made a motion to approve the Reimbursement Agreement, seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to authorize McElhaney to execute Contract(s) for Highway Purposes for Project No. 23C-3688-01, County Route 1029, E 600 Road, if needed until June 30, 2003, since the Board will not hold a regular meeting until that time. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Jones moved for adjournment.  McElhaney seconded and the motion carried.

____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                     Jere McElhaney, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA