Meeting Information
- Canvass Ballots
The Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County met in special session on Friday, November 8, 2002 with all members present. The purpose of the special meeting was to canvass the results of the General Election which was held on Tuesday, November 5, 2002.
There were one thousand seventy-eight (1078) provisional ballots. Patty Jaimes, County Clerk, recommended that six hundred ninety-six (696) of which be counted. These were voters that either moved and failed to re-register or had a name change. Jaimes then recommended that the remaining three hundred eighty-two (382) not be counted due to new registrants, no signatures, or voting after the noon deadline by advanced voters. Jaimes noted her recommendations were based on guidelines issued by the Secretary of State and approved by the County Clerk's Association.
Jones made a motion that Ms. Jaimes recommendations be approved; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
It should be noted that after the additional ballots were counted, the election results were not changed and no errors were found.
McElhaney made a motion to adjourn; Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
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Jere McElhaney, Chair Bob Johnson, Member
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Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member
Time and Date