Commission Board Meeting on Mon, August 26, 2002 - 9:00 AM

Meeting Information


Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 9:02 A.M. on Monday, August 26, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of March 11, 2002. McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 5045, 5046, 5047, and 5048. Orders are on file in the office of the County Clerk;
  • Approve Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas and Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Inc. to provide mental health services to inmates; and
  • Approve early distribution of ad valorem taxes.

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Tom Sloan, 45th District Representative, appeared before the Board requesting minimal site maintenance to facilitate the location of a river access facility near Lecompton. Representative Sloan has been working with the people of Lecompton and the Department of Wildlife and Parks to acquire a river access facility near Lecompton and has successfully arranged financing through the state's boating fee fund. Because of the active use of the BNSF railroad tracks on the Douglas County side of the river and the short sight line around the curve, the Department believes that it is unreasonable to risk citizens' lives trying to cross the tracks carrying can s and other items. However, they are interested in constructing an access point on the north side of the Kansas River bridge at Lecompton. Department of Wildlife & Parks Secretary, Mike Hayden, has indicated a willingness to construct the access point if a local unit of government will help maintain the facility. Specifically, they request a commitment to provide trash pickup, mowing, and other minor tasks such as these that may be needed. Jones made a motion that Douglas County commit to provide minimal site maintenance services to facilitate the location of the river access facility near Lecompton; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed building lease policies at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Bill Bell, Director of Buildings and Grounds, and several members of the Exten sion Office and Douglas County Fair Board were present for the discussion. Bell requested direction from the Commission on four issues -- fees waived; policy discussion for bumping or rescheduling non-paying groups for paying groups that are major events; animal waste; and open ride.

Fees waived. The current policy authorizes the County Administrator to waive fees for youth organizations that are recognized as national, state, or local organizations that benefit the youth of Douglas County. We are experiencing more requests for waived fees from various groups that might, for example, want to hold a garage sale to help pay for the children's fees for a dance club or some other private or for profit organization. Where do we draw the line1/2 Johnson suggested that a review committee be appointed to review this policy and make recommendations. It was the consensus that a committee consisting of a representative from the Fair Board, the Extension Office and Bill Bell, and Dean Nieder as an ex-officio member. The County Administrator was directed to initiate the meetings and charge the committee with the tasks of setting a policy for waiving the fees, and to take a look at the fee structure and make recommen dations.

Policy discussion for bumping or rescheduling non-paying groups for paying groups that are major events: It was the intent of the prior Commission to see that the new Community Building be used as much as possible, especially for those groups paying fees. We occasionally have requests by groups that will be a major event and paying between $900 and $1800 to use the facility for three or four days. However, at times we find ourselves in a situation where a prior non- paying group has a reservation for a few hours on one of the days that the paying group requires for their event. Do we turn away the income due to a prior reservation, or do we do our best to accommodate the non-paying group by rescheduling1/2 It was the consensus of the Board that the non-paying group be rescheduled giving at least 30 days notice of the change.

Animal waste: Groups using the Community Building for livestock shows leave the animal waste inside the building, on the parking lot, and in the field north of the building. The waste not only draws flies and other insects, but it can be annoying to other groups who use the building afterwards. Bell recommended that adequate tools and equipment be available requiring the responsible party to clean up the waste and dispose of it in the dumpster provided. If left uncleaned, a substantial fee would be deducted from the deposit. This provision would also apply to the livestock barns. It was the consensus of the Board to adopt this policy.

Open ride: The previous Commission made a provision for a time slot for what was to be called open ride. Open ride was to provide the public with access to the arena on each available Tuesday to ride their horses for a fee of $15 for all riders 18 or over. Riders under the age of 18 are free. The riding time was any time between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. This type of pleasure riding can only work if everyone is simply riding. Bell recommended that open ride be defined as leisure riding, that d s not include practice for barrel racing, team roping, or any other competitive event. For those wishing to practice for these types of competi tive events, the building is available at $60 per hour or $300 per day and a reservation will be required. Proof of insurance is also required in the amount of $500,000 bodily injury and $100,000 property damage.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $219,373.41 to be paid 8/26/02; accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $2,037.34; payroll in the amount of $578,140.34, and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $32,340.32 for KPERS, and $41,630.49 for FICA to be paid 8/23/02. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney made a motion for adjournment. Jones seconded and motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA