Meeting Information
Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. on Wednesday, August 21, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were no consent items.
The Board conducted a public hearing on the proposed 2003 budget. Tim Holverson, Vice President of Public Policy, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, made general comments and thanked the Commission for their job on the budget. McElhaney then closed the public hearing. Johnson then made a motion to approve Resolution No. 02-16 expressing the property taxation policy of the Board of Douglas County Commissioners with respect to financing the 2003 annual budget for Douglas County. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
PLANNING 08-21-02
The Board considered CUP-06-05-02, a revision to Conditional Use Permit CUP- 12-02-84 to add communication equipment on an existing tower located at 1761 N 1100 Road. Submitted by Selective Site Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Verizon Wireless, Scripps Howard Broadcast, tower owner, Harold and Athalie Lutz, property owners of record. Sandra Day, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented the item. Day explained that the proposed revision to the approved site plan portion of the CUP is for the construction of an equipment storage building and the co-location of additional communication equipment on the existing tower. The subject request is located in an area that is predominantly agricultural in character. Residential uses in this area are primarily associated with farming operations in the area. The County Commission approved a CUP in February 1984 (CUP-12-02-84). The property is an agricultural field and includes an existing 1033' tall tower used primarily for television broadcast equipment. A total of seven carriers are currently located on the tower structure.
The existing tower predates the current regulations. The current regulations do not specifically address co-location review criteria. Ground mounted, building structures must comply with minimum building setback requirements. A building permit will also be required for the structure. The current structure is located over 500' from the east and west property lines. While this setback is not equivalent to the height of the tower as required by the current regulations, there are no surrounding land uses that are detrimentally affected by the structure.
Access to the tower enclosure is provided via an existing gravel drive easement from N 1100 Road. The access drive will be extended south around the tower base and provide a foundation for the building as well as a turn-around area.
The site plan shows the new equipment building being located just west of the tower and south of the existing buildings. The building along the other structures and the existing tower are located in the center of the property. In Planning Staff's opinion, the proposed building is a minor alteration to the existing CUP and therefore recommends approval of the revised Site Plan portion of CUP-06- 05-02 for the construction of an equipment storage building.
Johnson stated for the record that he owned a very small amount of stock in Verizon. However, based on previous discussions with the County Counselor, this would not require an abstention by Johnson. Jones made a motion to approve the revised Site Plan portion of CUP-06-05-02 for the construction of an equipment storage building. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unani mously.
Johnson moved approval of payroll in the amount of $559,886.20; electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $41,280.33 for FICA and $31,574.91 for KPERS to be paid 7/26/02; and ACH Bank Transfer in the amount of $165,908.75. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
McElhaney made a motion to reappoint Robert Lewis, 1201 W. 22nd Terrace, Lawrence, KS, to the Tri-County Advocacy Council on Aging for a two-year term to expire September 30, 2004. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
McElhaney made a motion for adjournment; seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.
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Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member
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Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member
Time and Date