Commission Board Meeting on Wed, July 3, 2002 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 6:40 P.M. on Wednesday, July 3, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of February 6, February 11, February 13, and February 18, 2002. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

CONSENT 07-03-02
Jones made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order No. 5036. Order is on file in the office of the County Clerk; and
  • Note receipt of fee reports for the month of May.

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of an amendment to the Lease Agreement between Douglas County, Kansas, and Consolidated Properties of Lawrence, Inc. for the lease of property located at 2108 W. 27th Street, Suite I, which houses the satellite offices for the Treasurer and Zoning Department. This amendment gives the County the option to renew the lease for an additional three (3) years. Jones made a motion to approve the Amendment to Lease Agreement, seconded by Johnson and carried 2-1 with McElhaney voting nay.

PLANNING 07-03-02
The Board considered SP-05-32-02 to allow the development of a concrete products warehouse/office on the east side of Highway 24/59, approximately 600' north of Highway 24/40. Submitted by Paul Werner Architects, L.L.C. for Capitol Concrete, property owner of record. Brian Pedrotti, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for the discussion. The applicant proposes to develop a concrete products ware house/office on the east side of Highway 24/59, approximately 600' north of Highway 24/40. The subject property is Lot 1 of Maple Grove North #3, a county plat located between two pieces of incorporated (City of Lawrence) land. The property is located within a I-2 (Light Industrial) District, which allows warehous ing, office, and storage as permitted uses. The proposed site plan meets the requirements of the I-2 zoning district.

Access to the site will be from an improved driveway off of Highway 24/59 and will be a 70'-wide shared driveway for the five lots within the Maple Grove Addition. The entrance location must be approved by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), and the applicant will need to obtain a KDOT permit for the construction of the driveway.

The applicant has indicated that the owner will provide a septic system with the proposed site plan. A septic system construction permit must be approved by the Douglas County Health Department prior to the release of the site plan for building permits, and the location of the septic field must be shown on the site plan. No portion of the septic field and driveway or parking surface may overlap.
Another option for the property owner is to connect to City of Lawrence sewer service. If the owner wishes to choose this option, annexation and rezoning of the property to a suitable City zoning district will be required.

The applicant has provided a good screening mix of trees and shrubs along the highway 24/59 frontage. Staff has requested an additional 6' high wood fence along the north property boundary to provide a screening buffer between the storage area and the residence to the north. This item is a condition of approval.

Planning Staff recommends approval of the Site Plan subject to the following conditions:

1. Approval of a septic system construction permit prior to the release of the site plan for building permits. Any approved septic fields shall be shown on the site plan and may not encroach on driveway or parking areas. If the owner connects to city sewer, annexation and rezoning will be required.

2. Approval of a KDOT highway permit for the proposed entrance to US 24/599.

3. Provide a 6' high solid wood screening fence along the north side of the storage area.

4. Show the type and extent of surfacing to be applied on the site plan.

Jones made a motion to approve the site plan subject to the above conditions, amending Condition 3 as follows:

3. Provide an 8' high chain-link fence with vinyl screening slats along the north side of the storage area.

Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $129,000.16; payroll in the amount of $576,431.98; and electronic funds transfers in the amount of $42,595.46 for FICA and $33,960.28 for KPERS. Motion was sec onded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed a request received from Headquarters, Inc. for assistance in moving expenses. Johnson noted for the record that he owns the building housing Headquarters, Inc. It was the consensus of the Board that this would not be a conflict of interest. Johnson then made a motion to approve the expenditure of $2,599 for non-recurring expenses for Headquarters, Inc. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney made a motion for adjournment; Johnson seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA